Quick FYI

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Authors Note:

Just a quick heads up, I would like to make it clear that I'm not trying to take credit for any of J.K. Rowling's characters from the Harry Potter books or movies, nor am I trying to take credit for the plot or anything relating to HP in general (unless it's something I came up with, in which case you'd all recognise).

I'd also like to let you all know that I am well aware that the plot/timeline of my (this) book does not perfectly line up with the plot/
timeline of any one of J.K.'s books or movies.

For example, there will be students who still attend Hogwarts who should have graduated years ago, and the Triwizard Tournament (and the Yule Ball) will be an annual event instead of occurring every five years. This is just to make things a little more interesting.

So what I'm trying to say is, just try to keep an opened mind, I know not everything about this will be perfect.

Thanks! Enjoy!


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