14 D) Neville's Ending

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The stars told me I would be with Neville.

And I love that.

I rush out of the astronomy tower and to the herbology greenhouses, in hopes that he'll be out there after curfew like he was the day I lost my nifflers.

I check all of them. Every single one. Nothing.

I run to the library hoping that he might be there studying. Nothing.

I even go sit by the Gryffindor common room entrance and beg the Fat Lady to let me in. But she just tsks and shakes her head.

I sigh as I head toward Neville's secret garden, remembering how relaxing it was the first time I was there. And I need to relieve the stress building up from today.

I sit on the big rock that Neville and I had kissed on. The garden was beautiful in the daytime, but at night, it's just breathtaking, the way the moonlight shone on the plants.

I curl up into a ball, holding my knees close to my chest. I start to drift off to sleep when I hear a voice.


I quickly sit up and snap my fingers, firing a knockback jinx in the voice's direction. Neville falls to the ground with a thud. "Ow!"

"Fuck, Neville, I'm so sorry. You scared the living death out of me," I run my hand over his face. "What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't sleep," he mutters. "Harry keeps waking up and yelling about some new nightmare he's been having."


"What are you doing here?" he asks, rubbing his arm gently.

"I just.. I was looking for you, actually," I say, my eyes close again as I shiver.

"Oh. You're cold," he says taking off his sweater. "You can wear mine.. Only if you want to! I mean—"

"Thanks, Nev," I take the large sweater and toss it over my head.

He walks over and sits next to me on the big rock. "Why were you looking for me?" he turns to look at me.

I sit up and look back at him. "I just.. I wanted to see you. I need—"

"Do you need help with the herbology homework?"

I shake my head quickly. "No of course not. Why would you think—"

"You only look for me when you need help with something herbology related."

"I'm sorry, Neville. I didn't realise that's what you thought—"

"It's okay, Y/n. I didn't mind."

We stay quiet for a minute or two, listening to the cold wind whistle and blow. "Do you want to know the truth?" I whisper.

He nods.

"I'm not as bad at herbology as I led on. I mean, yeah, I suck. But, I only asked you for help with all those assignments because I wasn't sure how else I could've spent time with you."

He looks at me again, his brows furrowed. "Really?"

I nod my head before laughing. "God yes. I mean, I had no idea how I could possibly speak to you if it wasn't herbology related. And let me tell you, I was so relieved when you asked me to the ball."

His eyes light up and a smile works it's way onto his face. "Really?" I nod my head and he throws his arms around me and pulls me into a tight hug before quickly and suddenly wiggling his way out. "Sorry, I probably should've—"

"It's okay, Nev," I shrug. "I didn't mind," I say, repeating his words.

I think he was about to say really again because he just shakes his head and smiles before pulling me into another hug.

I shiver again. "Do you maybe want to head back to the castle?" I ask him. "It's getting kind of cold."

He nods his head and we both get up and start walking back towards the castle. I take my hand in his and he smiles widely like an idiot before rubbing his thumb against the back of my hand.

The walk back to the castle is quiet, but it's a comfortable silence, not an awkward one. Once we're back and standing in front of the castle, he turns to look at me and stops walking. "You know, you never told me why you were looking for me.

"You know why." But he just shakes his head. I nod and slip my hand on his cold, pink cheek. "I'm choosing you, Nev."

His face flushes pink but he plays dumb. "W-What do you mean?"

I put my other hand on his cheek. "I'm yours, Nev. If you want me," I say watching his eyes.

He suddenly grabs my face softly in his hands and our lips connect, moving together slowly, and passionately. When he pulls away, he goes, "Oh my god! I'm sorry! I know I should've asked but it just felt right and I—"

I cut him off, slamming my lips onto his again. He wraps his arms around me, embracing me closely. "I didn't mind," I mumble into the kiss, again repeating his words.

"Would you maybe want to.. go to my dorm?"

I immediately nod my head and he walks me to the Gryffindor towers. I blow raspberries at the Fat Lady for not letting me go into the Gryffindor common room the first time, but she just rolls her eyes and swings her portrait open.

We head to his dorm and when he opens the door, all his roommates are sleeping. Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Dean Thomas, and another boy who's name I don't know. The one who sucks at potions and his always blowing things up.

I sink into his bed and he joins me, I immediately pull myself closer to him and I bury my face in his chest. He rubs my back and I feel myself drifting off to sleep, so I mutter, "I love you, Nev."

He slightly sits up. "W-What?"

"You heard me," I mumble, pulling him closer. "I love you Neville. So much."

I feel him breathe onto the back of my neck. I look up slightly to see a smile plastered onto his pink face. "I love you too, Y/n."

Then he kisses my head softly and continues rubbing my back, leaving me to fall asleep in his arms.

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