4) The Triwizard Tournament

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I find Blaise and Ella still walking the halls, a small white light illuminating from both their wands. As soon as Blaise sees me, he grabs Ella's wrist and drags her over towards me. "Y/n," he starts. "We haven't found any of your nifflers yet. Have you and George had more luck?"

I nod my head and pull on the pocket of the robes I'm wearing to reveal Grape and Lemon squirming in the pocket. "George and I found both. One was in one of the herbology greenhouses, and the other was with Hagrid."

"Oh that's great!" Ella claps before unlinking her elbow from Blaise's, and it left me wondering if they've been that close since I saw them last. "Now we can get back to the common room, I'm tired, and I don't want to get caught out past curfew."

The three of us go into the Slytherin common room. Blaise and Ella both wish me a goodnight before going up to their dorms. I, however go back down to the common room after bringing Grape and Lemon back to their cage. I sit on the couch by the fire, curled up in a ball, soaking up all the heat I can get.

I feel a hand on the back of my neck, a cold hand. I flinch at the touch. "Hey, you're okay," I hear a quiet voice say, before sitting next to me. I turn around and see a pair of grey eyes looking deep into me.

"Malfoy," I whisper.

He rubs his hand up and down my back. "You alright, darling?" he asks pulling me close, encouraging me to rest my head on his shoulder again. I do, I lay my head on him, his hands may have been cold, but him holding me the way he was, was warming me in a way that no fire could. "So," he starts, "Are you gonna tell me what it is you're wearing now?" he scoffs, his mouth so close to my ear that his hot breath makes me shiver.

I pretend to stutter as I quietly reply, "N-no," I continue to pretend to melt at his touch, as he traces my jawline softly with his finger. And I can tell it's boosting his ego, as can I tell that he's smirking despite my not facing him.

I've moved around a lot, I've met guys like him before. Malfoy is a tease, he's definitely done this with other girls before. But that doesn't mean I can't play his little game, in fact, I plan on it. I plan on showing boys like him that I am and will always be the one in control.

I know what I look like to him. I need to remember that I'm just one of his toys, nothing more.

He turns my head to face him with two fingers. "And why not?" I let my eyes fall to his lips for a moment before forcing them back to his grey eyes. He does the same, letting his eyes dart to my lips for less than a second. I turn my entire body to face him, letting the space between us lessen until our lips are merely a couple centimetres apart.

He wraps his arms around my waist and doesn't dare break the eye contact, but he doesn't let it go further than that, not on his account anyways. Because like I said, I know the kind of guy he is, and I know the game he's playing at.

He wants me to make the first move, he's just giving me a small head start. Afraid that if he makes the first move, I'll reject him and tell everyone, and it'll ruin his reputation. At least this way, I'd be the one getting rejected, not that he was planning on rejecting me. He wouldn't be able to.

I'm a tease too.

I lock my arms around his neck and pull my body closer than it was before, close enough so that I'm practically sitting in his lap. Our faces stay the same distance apart, a couple centimetres.

Finally, I break the space between us and crash my lips onto his. He kisses back, (obviously), like he's been waiting for this to happen his whole life, despite only meeting me a day ago. With almost no hesitation, he shoves his tongue in my mouth.

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