14 A) George's Ending

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The stars told me I would be with George.

And I love that.

I quickly get up from the floor of the Astronomy tower and immediately bolt through the halls to his dorm. I think of all the ways I could possible get into the Gryffindor common room without the passcode, but I don't get that far. Mainly because I see George and Fred sneaking pastries from the kitchen again.

George and I make solid eye contact as Fred begins to walk away slowly. "I'll give you two some space," then he walks away, his hands full of pastries, and Apricot still on his shoulder. George hands his pastries to him.

George and I don't say anything to each other. We just stare into each other's eyes. It's dead silent. But it's a comfortable silence, one that I don't mind. Not even for a second.

"Georgie," I start.

I take a step towards him but he takes a step away from me. "You don't have to say anything, Y/n. I understand. I get it," he says hastily, like he doesn't want to have to stand in front of me for a moment longer. He gives me a small smile before beginning to walk off in Fred's direction.

"Georgie wait!" I call. He turns around to face me. "I'm choosing you."

He furrows his brows. "What?"

I walk up to him before putting my hand on his face. "I love you, Georgie. I love you. I want to be with you. I always have. I guess it was just a little hard for me to see that while so many other people were in the picture." I put my other hand on his face so I'm cradling his jawline. "But now they're out of the picture, and it's just us."

And he smiles. He laughs. A true genuine one that I haven't seen on him in a while. One that makes the butterflies in my stomach start to fly. One that makes me forget about anything and everything that's happened. One that makes me pull him closer, kissing him with everything I have.

"I love you too, sunshine," he whispers after pulling away, but leaving our forehead together.

We walk down the corridor hand in hand back to his dorm. When we arrive, Fred is laying on his bed playing with Apricot, but he sits up as soon as he sees us.

"If you're going to shag, stay away from my bed," he says, and for a second I can't tell if he's joking. He pulls me by the arm before whispering, "I'm glad you chose him."

I smirk. "Ahh, because we're friends now right? I knew I'd grow on you."

He immediately shakes his head. "No, of course not!" he exclaims. "I'm glad because now I can keep playing with your rat," he says picking Apricot back up off his bed, then walking out the door.

"Where are you going?" George asks laughing.

"Anywhere but here!" Fred calls from down the hallway. "You're crazy if you think you're going to Paris tonight, Reyes!"

"So," George starts, moving in on me. "Does this mean we're..." he hesitates. "Dating?"

"No," I say simply. I turn to look at his furrows brows and parted lips, so I continue. "I don't recall anyone asking me to date," I shrug before laying down on his bed.

He puts both hands on either side of the bed next to my face, hovering over me. "Do you want to date me?"

I look up at the ceiling, like I'm thinking about my answer. "Hmm. Well, I guess so," I roll my eyes before locking my hands behind his neck and pulling him into a deep kiss.

"Does this mean you'll stay in the UK?" he asks in between kisses.

I pull away shrug. "I'm not sure. I mean, you're leaving me next year. So I don't see any reason to stay at Hogwarts. Besides, I haven't been to Koldovstoretz yet. You know, the school in Russia?

"Yeah but you could stay with us. I'm sure-"

A thud comes to the window of his dorm. I quickly throw him off of me out of fear. He opens the window and watches as an owl comes in with a letter strapped to his leg. "Errol," he says before taking the letter from the owl's leg.

He opens and reads the letter quickly. "It's from my Mum. About coming home for spring break," he says reading over it again. He looks up at me. "Why don't you come with?"

I sit up. "We've been dating less than a day and you already want me to meet your mom? Wow, I've really done a number on you," I tease, stroking his cheek softly.

"I'm not complaining," he shrugs before lifting my chin and placing his lips on mine again. He pushes me onto the bed. I pull him in next to me, kissing him sweetly again. He lays with one of his arm on my waist and the other still cupping my face. "So is that a yes?"

"If your parents are okay with it-"

"-which they will be," he cuts me off.

"Then yes," I lock my lips with his again. "I don't see why not."

He pulls me in close before resting his head on mine, and taking my hand in his. "I love you, sunshine."

"I love you too, Georgie."

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