9) The Garden and the 1v1

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The next day, we're all called down to the Great Hall. Dumbledore assigns each house to a different area in the castle, lead by their Head of House. I'm not too sure where the Castelobruxo or Beauxbatons students went, as we left before they did.

The Gryffindors were in some sort of Room of Requirement, Hufflepuffs were in the courtyard, Ravenclaws were in the astronomy tower, and us Slytherins were on the quad.

"As most of you know," Snape speaks. "The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since its inception. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity." Everyone begins to whisper and giggle.

"As representatives of not only Hogwarts school, but also to the Slytherin house, I expect everyone of you to behave immaculately, and with order." He's quiet as he watches all of our faces with a blank expression on his face.

"Now, it is my obligation that I teach you all how to properly perform a waltz. Though, I have no doubt that some of you already know how to, because you come from long lines of sacred, traditional witches and wizards," he turns to look at Malfoy, and I swear for a split second, I see a smirk grow onto his face. But then again, probably not.

A snicker can be heard from the back of the group of Slytherins. "Ms. Parkinson," Snape says. "To the front of the group." Pansy immediately stops laughing and pushes her way to the front.

"Yes, professor?"

He puts his arms out, indicating that she is going to be his example or mannequin in teaching us how to waltz. She makes a face before stepping up to him. He waves his wand and the music starts. Pansy places one hand in his, and the other on his waist.

Snape rolls his eyes slightly, "Put your hand on my shoulder, not my waist, Miss Parkinson."

All the other Slytherins burst into laughter, I just roll my eyes. I thought Slytherin was supposed to be a house for the wizards who come from a long line of purebloods. If Pansy was sorted into the right house, shouldn't she fall into that category? How could she possibly not know how to waltz?

After Pansy struggles to correctly waltz, he sends her off to come stand back with the rest of us, clearly disappointed in her lack of dancing skill.

He looks at me before tilting his head slightly. "Miss Reyes, bring one of your male companions up here and I will critique you both on your waltz."

"Blaise," I immediately blurt out. I nod my head so he just shrugs and comes up to me. He puts his hand on my waist and I place my hand on his shoulder. We begin to waltz perfectly, just like our mothers had taught us when we were little.

He chuckles a little before softly whispering, "It's been a while since we've danced together."

I nod, "I guess I'll have to start going to family reunions more often."

Snape claps slowly. "That wasn't awful. At least I know some you won't be making a mockery out of Slytherin house," he says before turning to look at Pansy who just blushes and looks down. "Pair up, and practice." He says before waving his wand to turn up the music.

Blaise and I are about to start dancing again when someone places their arm on my shoulder. I turn around and meet Malfoy's grey eyes. "I'll take it from here, Zabini."

Blaise gives him a quick glance before turning his attention back to me to see if I'm fine with what's happening. I give him a quick, reassuring nod before he steps away, allowing Malfoy to step in.

Malfoy immediately pulls me in, putting his left hand on my waist and with his right hand, he slowly laces his fingers with mine. He looks me up and down quickly before letting out a quick smile, and looking down trying to hide it.

Three Gryffindors and a SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now