1) Hogwarts

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I've never really cared much about friends. I make new ones wherever I go, it doesn't last very long. I move around a lot, I'm not really one for staying in one place. I've been to schools in Japan, Uganda, Bulgaria, France, America, Brazil, etc. and now, the UK.

My name is Y/n Reyes.

I applied to Hogwarts, one of the few wizarding schools that keep their students organised in houses. At Durmstang I was in the Atticus house, at Beauxbatons I was in the Ombrelune house, at Mahoukotoro I was in the Mizuchi house, at Ilvermony I was in the Wampus house, and at Hogwarts I have yet to be sorted.

Everyone in the room, except the professors of course, are wearing matching uniforms. We're all wearing black robes, and returning students are wearing a sort of pointy hat that flopped over the back of their head.

The ceiling is beautiful, bewitched to look like the night sky, and floating candles are scattered across the room. I stand in the middle of the room in a cluttered line with a bunch of other students, most of them children, like ten or eleven. I'm the only teenager, except for the girl to my left.

She nudges my arm, "Are you nervous?"

I shake my head slowly, "About what?"

"Being sorted, silly!" she wipes her brow. She's fairly pretty, her brown hair was in two french braids, or maybe they were dutch, I don't quite know the difference to be completely honest. She had dark brown eyes, or maybe they were black, regardless they make me feel like I'm looking straight into her every time I dare to look into them.

I shrug it off, "I've been sorted tons of times before. It's not a big deal." I mean- I'm not exactly lying, I guess it is a bit nerve wrecking at first, but it's nothing to get anxious about. It's not like you get sent to certain doom if you get sent to the wrong house.

"Now before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words," the lady who guided us into the castle says.

An older man with grey hair and the longest beard I've seen in quite a long time stands from his seat at the professors table. "I have a start-of-term notice I would like to announce. The first years, please note that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students," he pauses and watches all our faces for a moment. "Thank you," he says before sitting back down.

The witch who ushered us into the castle unrolls a large scroll and begins to speak. "Now, when I call your name, you will come forth, I shall place the Sorting Hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses." She calls the first name, "Lizzie Barns."

The young girl looks nothing short of terrified. Then she slowly walks up to the stool and sits down. Professor McGonagall places that hat on her head.

"Ahhhh yes!" the hat speaks. I try to hold back my laughter. I've been sorted tons of times before but none of the items used for the sorting have ever spoken before. But considering this is a school for witchcraft and wizardry, I don't question it.

"Right then. Yes, yes! I know where to put you!" the hat exclaims. "Slytherin!" The table to the far left cheers and applauds, as do the professors standing at the front of the rather large room. The other tables however just began to whisper.

"I was homeschooled before, I guess I'm just not sure what to expect," she admits before extending her hand to me. "Kiri Bradley, 6th year."

I nod before shaking her hand, "Y/n Reyes, 6th year."

"Kiri Bradley," McGonagall calls. Kiri's eyes go wide as she waves goodbye to me then walks over to the stool to be sorted.

"Hmm," the hat speaks. "Very loyal, no doubt about that. Patient, oh, I know where to put you. Hufflepuff!" the hat exclaims. The table in the centre right bursts into applause and cheer as Kiri skips over to their table.

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