12) Selz

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I can't sleep. I don't know why, but I can't sleep. Maybe it's because I know that the last task is tomorrow. Maybe it's because of a lot of things, but I can't sleep.

I sneak out of the common room and stroll through the hallways, but see a light at the end of them. I quickly hide behind a wall and wait for the light to pass. It's Filch, with a lamp. I almost want to come out of hiding, but it isn't worth the risk anyways.

There's no guarantee he won't turn me in regardless of the fact he knows me.

I come out from behind the wall after he passes but he quickly turns around at the sound of my footsteps. "Who's there!?"

I jump onto the staircase that leads to the astronomy tower and head up to the top. I see the light in the staircase as he looks up, but I'm already in the tower, hidden.

After Filch leaves, I come out of hiding, but jump when I see someone else.


"Hi, Y/n," he says quietly. "I was just going to tend to the fungi. They like the dark, but I got scared so I came up here."


"What are you doing here?" he asks.

"I couldn't sleep."

"Oh," he says sitting down on the floor. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologise, Nev. It's not your fault," I say. I sit down with him and lean my head on his chest. He wraps his arms around me tightly.

"I can stay here with you, if you want," he says playing with my fingers.

I quickly place my lips on his before I nod my head and bury my face in his chest. Then I drift off to sleep with his arms around me.


"Breathe in, and count to 10," he says. I do as he says, letting my breathing slow down as I count. "Now breath out, slowly." I obey again, breathing slowly, and bringing my hands over my head. "Feel better?"

I nod my head and breathe out one more time before wrapping my arms around my cousin. "Thanks, Blaise."

He nods. "No worries. I'd be anxious too. But you're going to do great. You've done brilliantly so far, and today will be no different. I believe in you, okay?"

I nod in agreement before throwing my arms around him in a tight embrace again. "God, I forgot you're always this sentimental," I tease before pulling away. "Okay, I've got to go. I'll see you." He nods and watches as I walk away.

I've been thinking about what Selz had told me. I decided that I want to go visit him.

I stop by George and Fred's dorm. Fred opens the door and a grin immediately grows onto his face. "Well hello, Y/n! Good to see you haven't soaked yourself again. To what do we owe the pleasure?"

I hear George ask from inside. "Y/n's here?"

"Can I come in?"

Fred opens the door wide and I see George sitting on his bed with open arms. I go and sit in his lap, giving him a tight hug before giving him a peck.

Fred comes back in after closing the door. "Hey don't I get a greeting?" I roll my eyes before walking over to him and dap him up. He looks down at his hand and smirks, "Wicked."

George just chuckles before pulling me back over to sit on his lap. "So to what do we owe this visit, sunshine?" George asks laying kisses down my neck.

"Not that we don't want you here," Fred says flopping onto his bed. "You've got a hangover from last night or something?"

I shake my head. "No, I brewed something for that," I pull two small vials out. "I brought you guys some."

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