3) Nifflers on the Loose

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"I really appreciate you not telling any of the professors about what happened," George says as he walks me back to the Great Hall for dinner, though dinner time was almost over. George had at least already eaten with his friends, I practically missed it.

"Of course," I nod my head. "I know you'd probably do the same." I look at him as he blushes slightly and lets out a quick 'yeah'.

I'm about to wave goodbye to George and go to my table when he grabs hold of my wrist and brings me real close to his lips. He whispers in my ear, "Maybe you should sit at our table today-". His warm breathe on my ear and neck make me shake slightly as goosebumps form all over. "You don't exactly blend in with the other Slytherins today."

I nod my head and let George walk me to the Gryffindor table where his friends all stare at me. Fred, who had already gotten there before us, just stares at me as I sat down next to George at the table. Hermione, Ron, and Harry are all at the table, as well as George's sister, Ginny.

George looks at me funny, "Well, aren't you gonna eat, sunshine?" Fred's eyes widen a bit as he looks at George and mouths, 'sunshine?', but George just shrugs it off. I nod my head and put a bit of food on my plate before mumbling a quick, 'yeah'. "Y/n," George starts, apparently not being able to look away from me. "Tell me about yourself."

I try not to furrow my brows. What the hell does he want me to say? "Well, um, I move around a lot. I went to Beauxbatons before here," I nod softly more to myself than to him. "Um. I'm great at charms and potions, awful at herbology, and um-" I pause, not really knowing what else to say. "Um, I play quidditch?"

Hermione pitches in to what I've said. "You know, if you're that bad at herbology, I'm sure Neville would be happy to help you out. He takes quite the liking in that sort of thing." She nods her head and slyly points to a heavier boy who was eating his food further down the table with a small potted plant by his side.

I nod my head and thank her, knowing good and well that I'll never end up asking that guy for help. Hell, I've already forgotten his name.

George takes a bite of whatever it is he's eating before nodding his head. "Quidditch, huh? You know, Freddie and I are beaters for the Gryffindor team, and Harry over there is a seeker." He points over to Harry, who just awkwardly smiles at me, trying to hide the food in his mouth.

I nod my head, hating every single second of this awkward small talk, "Oh, cool. I'm a utility," I shrug, breaking off a piece of bread and putting it in my mouth.

Fred lets out a soft chuckle and looks down at his plate, avoiding George and my's eye contact. "Wait 'till she meets Wood."

"What's that about meeting Wood?" a new voice says approaching our table. Another Gryffindor, as if I don't have enough to deal with already. He's brown haired, his hair barely covering the top of his forehead, a slanted smile and brown eyes. He's surrounded by a few others, but none of them catch my attention like he does, or say anything to me for that matter.

"Y/n's a utility," Fred rolls his eyes before playing around with his food, but not actually taking a bite.

Wood rolls his eyes and chuckles. "You know, people who think they can play every position really bother me sometimes." I don't say anything, I just turn back to my plate and begin to pick at my bread again. "Well, pick one. Which do you like the most, which are you the best at?"

"I can play them all that's why I'm a-"

"-I know what a utility is, but I'm the captain. And if you're going to play on my team, you'll have to choose, and stick with it." I furrow my brows at him before realising what's going on.

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