2) Twins?

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The next morning Ella wakes me up and jumps onto my bed. "Wake up!" she yells.

I groan and rub my eyes a few times before sitting up, "What the hell?"

Lydia opens one eye, "She's an early bird," she groans before turning onto the other side of her bed to face away from us.

Ella tries once more, "Get up, get up, get up!" she says slapping her arms softly onto me. Once she sees neither Lydia nor I as getting up, she opens the drapes in hopes of the light waking us up, only for her to realise that we're practically underground, and little to no light was entering though the open window.

"Fine, fine, I'm up," I say getting out of bed.

Her eyes light up, "Good! Get dressed, get dressed, so we can go eat breakfast!"

"I don't understand how she wasn't sorted into Hufflepuff," Lydia groans, getting out of bed too, while my third roommate stays in her bed, still fast asleep.

"I was a hatstall," Ella says flipping her hair onto her back with a smirk on her face.

Lydia makes a face, "No the fuck you weren't," we both begin to laugh as Ella crosses her arms and just yells at us to get dressed again.

Once the three of us are showered and dressed, we all head to the Great Hall for breakfast. Now that all the students are wearing the colour of their house, I can actually see how oddly divided all the students are, not like yesterday when we were all one and the same wearing the black robes provided.

The three of us sit at the Slytherin table and begin to eat as the owls start to swoop in and drop off the mail just like Malfoy said they would. I recognise Blaise's mother's owl when it comes in and swoops down to the table before dropping two envelopes, one in front of me, and one in front of him. I didn't notice he's already here.

"Mail on your first official day, huh?" Lydia asks. "Your parents extra worried or something?" I just shake my head, not wanting to have to explain to them that my parents aren't around anymore.

"It's from Blaise's mom," I say nodding my head before opening it. It reads:

Darling! Blaise tells me you're studying at Hogwarts this year. If I had known sooner I would've sent you more money, but I suppose that'll have to do for now. How was Beauxbatons? I hear it's a lovely school. Anyways, enjoy your year at Hogwarts, send an owl my way if you need anything.
Aida Sandra Zabini

I just nod to myself a few times before taking the 50 galleons in the envelope and putting them in my robe pocket.

"Why is Blaise's mom sending you money?" Lydia asks.

Ella pitches in, "Yeah, I didn't know you guys were friends."

"He's my cousin," I laugh before getting up from my seat and walking over to him.

"Y/n!" he says wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug. "Did you get the owl my mom sent?" I nod my head and hold up the envelope in my hand. He nods his head and begins to introduce me to some of the other Slytherins.

"-and this is Pansy Parkinson," he says pointing to a girl that I recognise, the third girl in my dorm room. Pansy just looks at me but doesn't say anything, and continues eating. "She's a little reserved," Blaise whispers to me. I just nod.

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