10 A) 🔞NSFW

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He pulls me into a prefect bathroom then locks the door with his wand. He hastily pulls me by my waist and slams his lips onto mine. "How much longer do I have to share you?" he mumbles into my lips. "I told you, Y/n. I don't like to share."

"I know," I say before jumping and wrapping my legs around his hips, pulling him closer, and feeling a bulge pressed up against me. He catches me and puts his arms under me to keep me up. His arms and abs flexing against my body, revealing how muscular he is. "I'm just confused."

"I want you to be mine and only mine," he says pushing my hair to one side and sucking hard on my neck. I moan softly as he leaves love bites across my neck. "And I want everyone to know it."

"If this is what I get for losing, I should start losing more often," I say before he kisses me again.

"Do you-"

"-Yes," I say cutting him off, and taking off my sweater to throw it onto a sink. He smiles before taking his quidditch robes and jumper off, revealing his beautifully shaped upper body. I look him up and down, taking it all in. "I really do."

He starts palming my clit through my skirt and I let out a hitched breath. He continues to kiss and suck at my neck, leaving light bruises scattered. "You know, you scared me half to death when you got hit by that bludger."

"Mmm, did I really?" I kiss down his neck sweetly before looking up and pouting in front of him. "Aww, he cares."

He rolls his eyes before gripping his muscular hand around my throat and crashing his lips on mine once more. "You know I do, angel." We both continue to get undressed.

He carries me into the bath, a few foamy white bubbles float around, and the water is warm and still until we go in. He runs his hands up and down the sides of my body a few times. "Merlin. You're gorgeous," he whispers, kissing my neck again.

"I guess I am pretty good looking, for a Slytherin-" I tease before he cuts me off, slamming his lips roughly and messily onto mine again. "I've been waiting for my chance to do this," he whispers. "Merlin knows who else you've let do this to you.."

I choose to ignore what he's said and take his dick in my hand beginning to stroke up and down. He lets out a rough groan, like he's relieving stress he's built up over the years. Stress that not even quidditch can get rid of.

"Angel, you're perfect," he groans, throwing his head back and squeezing his eyes shut. I take his words as encouragement before picking up my hand's speed and beginning to leave hickeys over his neck and collarbone. He continues to let out small groans at my touch.

"I love how much I can effect you without even trying," I tease before cupping his face with one hand and kissing him again.

"I can't wait any longer." He flips us around so that I'm sitting on the bench in the bath. "Are you sure?" he asks, aligning himself up with my entrance. I quickly nod my head. "I need words, Y/n."

"Yes!" I blurt and he immediately pushes himself deep inside, making me throw my head back and he lets out a deep groan.

"I've been winning quidditch games my entire life, but I've never gotten a reward as good as this," he moans, starting to pick up speed. He grips my hips as I sloppily throw my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

He continues to pound inside me until he hits my g-spot, making me yelp and squirm under him. He lets out a dry chuckle and thrusts faster and harder. The water around us splashes loudly.

A few knocks come to the door. "Anyone in there?" a voice asks.

My eyes widen and I try to push Oliver off me but he puts his hand against my mouth and just shakes his head, winking at me. "Occupied!" he yells towards the door, keeping his eyes on mine. I try not to laugh as he smiles at me and continues kissing my neck as he thrusts. "I'm not done with you yet," he mumbles into my neck.

A few more knocks come to the door and I freeze. Oliver doesn't stop, he just rolls his eyes and yells what he did the first time.

"Y/n-" he whispers, he quickens his pace and his thrusts becomes sloppy. "I-ohhh, Merlin," he groans. "That feels so good," he moans into my lips.

I sit up and bring my mouth close to his ear before whispering, "Faster."

He meets my gaze and holds the eye contact. His eyes noticeably darken as a small smirk grows onto his face. He obeys. Pounding faster and harder than I've ever felt. The sudden change in speed makes me throw my head back involuntarily. "Ohhh- fuck!.." I cum and feel my body shaking as he continues to pound.

"God, Y/n. I'm gonna-"

He cuts himself off by crashing his lips onto mine one last time to stifle the moan that comes out when he cums into the bath water.

I laugh loudly and try to quickly stand up. "Ollie, the water!"

He quickly picks me up and carries me out of the bath, then sits me on one of the sinks. "That could've been-"

"Bad!" I yell, trying to hide my smile.

He looks me up and down a few times and I suddenly feel awfully self conscious. He's so fit, and his body is perfect. Compared to him, I probably look awful.

"Have I told you how gorgeous you look right now?"

I smile. "Once or twice."

Another knock comes to the door. "Anyone in there?"

Oliver rolls his eyes and places a peck on my lips. "I guess we should probably leave." I nod.

We both get dressed then walk out of the bathroom, meeting the eyes of a Ravenclaw prefect who's eyes widen at the sight of us. Oliver just smirks and takes my hand, leading me proudly through the hall.

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