14 B) Draco's Ending

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The stars told me I would be with Draco.

And I love that.

I get up off the floor of the astronomy tower and head straight back to the common room, but run into Ingrid on the way.

"You're going back to him?" she asks. "Even after he cheated on you with me?"

"He didn't cheat on me. And I know all about your little love potion," I spit, walking right past her. I hear her groan and huff behind me.

I keep walking towards the common room. When I get to the bare stretch of wall, I mumble the passcode and slip in a soon as the entrance is big enough for me to fit through.

When I walk in, Malfoy is sitting in one of the chairs by the fire, his back turned. I walk in and put my hands on his shoulders, he flinches at my touch but slowly turns around. "Reyes," he says plainly. He shakes my hands off his shoulders before walking up the steps towards the dorms.

"Malfoy!" I call.

He turns around to meet my gaze. He steps down one but for the most part stays where he is. "Reyes?"

"Come here," I say taking a step towards the stairs.

"Now why would I-"

"-I said come here," I say a bit more firmly. He rolls his eyes and slowly walks down the stairs and in front of me.


I slowly lace my arms around his neck. His eyes dart down to my lips for a moment before he looks back up at me. His arms lay awkwardly at his sides, like he refuses to lay a hand on me.

"I said what," he says again.

I cut him off and pull him closer to me, placing my lips on his softly. "That's what," I mumble, kissing him harder.

He pulls away slightly, leaving an inch between our lips. "What's that mean?" he says trying to hide his smirk, but poorly doing so.

"What do you think it means?"

He lets go of his smirk before crashing his lips onto mine and pulling me in closer by my waist. "I knew you'd come back to me," he mumbles.

"More like you hoped I'd come back to you," I tease.

He gives me a small grin. "Maybe, but I'd never admit it."

I roll my eyes. "If you want to be my boyfriend that badly, all you have to do is ask." I shrug before walking past him and heading up the stairs to my dorm.

"Reyes!" he calls. "Come back here."

I look down at him from the top of the stairs. "Now why would I do that?" I mock.

He tries to hide his smile as he grabs my wrist and pulls. I start to fall but he catches me and I don't even come close to hitting the ground. "I said come here," he whispers.

"What?" I ask, knowing exactly where this is going.

He snakes his arms around my waist and pulls me closer, so that our lips are merely centimetres apart. I don't lace my arms around his neck, the same way he kept his arms at his sides the first time.

"I said what?" I repeat, and watch as a smirk grows onto his face.

He grips his fingers tighter around my waist before crashing his lips onto mine, making my stomach turn and my skin tingle. Something about this kiss was different than the others we've shared before. This one was slow, and passionate, not rushed or private like the others.

This one was real.

He whispers, "Jump," in my ear, so of course I do. I jump and he goes to cup my ass before I feel my back being pressed against the wall. His lips linger and begin to trail down my neck making me gasp. A small chuckle escapes his lips, then he begins to leave love marks all over.

"I've missed you, Draco," I barely whisper. I'm surprised he heard.

"Mm, I like that," he whispers back. "Dra-co," he says sounding out each syllable. "I never really hear you say it." He leaves a few more kisses down my neck before his gaze meets mine again, "I missed you too, darling... Does this mean you'll stay? In the UK? At Hogwarts?"

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" I mock.

"You're awful," he mumbles into a kiss. "But yes, I would."

"Hmm, I'll think about it," I tease before crashing my lips onto his again.

We stay in the common room for a few more minutes, just enjoying each other's company (and each other's lips, but mostly each other's company), until he breaks the silence.

"I love you," he blurts out, but he squishes his eyes shut and holds the bridge of his nose with two fingers as soon as he says it, like he wasn't sure if it's something he should have done. When he see's I'm not replying he goes, "Say something!"

I rub my thumbs over his eyes softly so he opens his eyes. I begin to tease, "Do you really-"

He puts me down. "God, I hate you," he groans, rolling his eyes. "Can't you take anything seriously?" he mutters under his breath. "I hate you!" he hisses.

"Don't kid yourself," I say plainly, knowing it's not true. Not even a little bit.

He presses my back harder against the wall behind me as his eyes dart to my lips again. "I hate you," he barks again, less aggressively this time before he slams his lips onto mine, making my knees weak.

"Do you really?" I repeat before giggling, which only made him angrier.

"If only you knew how much," he growls, aggressively kissing me again.

I pull away only to kiss him again, but instead of rough, I kiss him softly, and slowly. "I love you too, Draco."

He pulls away and I watch as his eyes, and overall expression soften. "Do you really?" he finds himself saying before shaking his head. "If this is another one of your stupid jokes, Reyes, I swear I'll... I'll-"

"You'll what?"

He stays quiet, and crashes his lips onto mine, tugging on my bottom lip with his teeth. A smile slowly works it's way onto his face. "I love you," he says. He starts laughing, "I love you," he continues to repeat, like the words have never escaped his lips before. "I fucking love you." He picks me up again before carrying me up the stairs and towards the dorms.

I laugh before quickly saying, "I love you too," as he kisses my neck and opens the door to his dorm.

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