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"You know," he starts, breaking the silence. "I can think of a way or two I can guarantee that you play on the team," he says quietly.

I can feel my face getting hot. "Like what?" I ask turning to face him.

His eyes dart to my lips for half a second before his lips are suddenly on mine. He moves his hand to my jawline and I tilt my head to deepen the kiss. He pushes my body down so that I'm lying on the couch when he towers over me. His gorgeous, blonde, silky hair hangs over me and I run my hands through it and pull slightly to get better access to his mouth.

He starts to move down my body, kissing my neck and tugging slightly at it's skin with his teeth. We suddenly hear the wall's stones begin to shift and I sit up immediately throwing him off me easily. Two first years walk in giggling about how someone named Peeves had caused an explosion in the potions room, and that the room would be closed down until tomorrow, when it would be cleaned.

After that, it seemed like people just wouldn't stop walking into the common room. At least every minute or two a group of students would mumble the passcode from outside the room and walk in, making me seriously uncomfortable to continue whatever it is I'm doing with Malfoy. So many people walk in the point where all the chairs and sofas in the common room are taken, and there are even first years sitting on the floor in front of the fire place just for the warmth.

Draco looks at me smirking. "You know, you have two options," he says and I furrow my brows. He continues after seeing how confused I am. "Either give the people in here a show," he winks. "Or, go to Snape's room."

At this point, I don't care. I just want to forget about what happened with George. So when Draco puts out his hand, I take it, and let him drag me to Snape's room with a smirk on his face.

As soon as we're inside he closes the door behind us and pushes me again against it, kissing my neck roughly. I let out a soft moan, and as much as I hate to admit it, this one was real. He takes it as encouragement and continues to kiss my neck as his hands grope my body.

He finds my wand and slips it out of my waistband before pointing at the door behind me and mumbling, "Colloportus", then, "Muffliato", and carelessly tossing it onto one of the tables.

I was too caught up in the moment to realise that the room was all black, and charred looking, and one of the tables was covered in soot-looking mess.

Malfoy runs his hand up my thigh before bringing his lips off my neck and back to my mouth. I open my mouth slightly and he shoves his tongue inside, fighting for dominance against mine. His lips on mine stifle a moan from coming out.

He breaks away for a moment and brings his lips to my ear. "Jump," he whispers. I shake at his comment but don't question it. I jump and he immediately goes to cup my arse. I snake my arms around his neck and wrap my legs around his hips.

"I'll give you what you want," I whimper as he moves his lips back to my neck, softly biting the skin on it. "But if you tell anyone, you'll never be able to afford me again," I say seductively.

He smirks into my neck, "It'll be our little secret, darling."

He brings me over to one of the clean tables in Snape's room and sits me on top of it gently. He swiftly pulls of my robes in one motion, practically rips my vest and skirt off, unbuttons my shirt, and undoes my bra and kicks my panties aside.

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