7) A Few Visions, A Bludger, and the First Task

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Weeks and weeks had passed, but nothing particular interesting had happened. Not much changed. George was still ridiculously angry with me, Malfoy and I were still messing around occasionally, and Oliver and I would tease each other about something quidditch related whenever we saw each other in the hall (and of course giving each other a quick peck to go with it).

Quidditch season had started, and not to to mention, people were beginning to dive deeper into their studies, or if you're Oliver, quidditch. I, however had to spend almost all my time preparing for the first task of the Triwizard Tournament, leaving almost no time for me to practice-

"Y/n!" Malfoy calls. "Focus! We haven't got time for your daydreaming!"

"Says the one who's been flirting with Potter the whole time! Focus yourself! Go find the damn snitch!" I hiss back at him before slamming a bludger away from me and towards one of the Gryffindor chasers.

I turn around and see Malfoy gaining on the snitch before getting knocked off his broom by another bludger. I speed down to go catch him before bringing him to his broom.

"Time out!" he yells.

Madame Hooch stops the game. "And the Slytherin team has called a time out!" the announcer calls.

"Y/n," Malfoy starts. "You're a brilliant beater, but you're playing like absolute rubbish today, what the hells that about?" I don't answer. "I want you as a chaser right now." He points to one of the teams chasers, "You're out," then points to one of the reserve beaters, "You're replacing Y/n as the second beater."

We break our huddle and get back on the pitch. Hooch starts the game up again and Blaise is the first to get to the quaffle.

His eyes go wide and he calls, "Y/n!" before he tosses me the quaffle and nearly gets hit by a bludger.

"-Blaise Zabini dodges a bludger and passes the quaffle to Y/n Reyes-" the announcer continues. "An excellent feat of flying!"

I speed down the pitch on my Varápidos, dodging a bludger, faking a turn, then tossing it towards the hoop. Oliver catches it mid-air before giving me a wink and tossing it back to one of his team's chasers.

"Saved by Oliver Wood!-"

I roll my eyes and turn around to go get the quaffle again. I tackle one of the Gryffindor chasers before stealing the quaffle and soaring it back and through one of the hoops.

"-and Y/n Reyes scores! Ten points for Slytherin!"

I cheer and high five Blaise before the game starts again. I grab the quaffle and toss it to Blaise before noticing both Fred and George are staring right at me. George looking at me like I've just stolen his waffles and Fred looking at me like I've just kicked his puppy, not that he has a puppy.

I hear a loud crack then suddenly everything goes black.

"Arresto momentum!"


I wake up in the hospital wing.

"What happened?" I ask sitting up. Once I sit up, I notice something's wrong.

"You brought her to me just in time," a voice says. "If it was a second or two later, there could've been nothing I could do." I watch as a pair of hands feel around my head. But I can't feel it.

Then I realise, I'm not in my body.

I get up off the hospital bed and onto the ground. I watch myself as I lay lifeless and limp on the bed. Lots of people were in the room. Madame Pomfrey, Dumbledore, Professor Snape, the entire Slytherin quidditch team, George, Fred, Oliver, and Neville.

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