5) Ingrid

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"What are you staring at?" Lydia asks taking a bite from her eggs. "See someone cute?"

I didn't realise I was been staring. "It's just- I know them," I say point to the table where the students from Beauxbatons and Castelobruxo are sitting. I know almost every single witch and wizard at that table.

"Then go say hi, here, I'll go with you if you want," she says smiling. "We can grab Ella and bring her back over here while we're up." I nod my head and turn around and jump at the sight of an old friend standing right behind me.

"Y/n," she speaks. "Ça va?"

Lydia makes a face at the sudden language change. I nod my head at her. "Adélaïde," I smile at her. "Ça va bien, merci. Et toi?"

She smiles back at me, "Très bien, merci." Looking at her now, it's made me realise that I really don't miss those uniforms. They're so tight and uncomfortable compared to the robes at Hogwarts. "Are you going to put your name in the goblet of fire?" she asks casually raising one of her brows.

"Of course she is," I hear a voice behind me say.

I turn around to see one of the boys from Castelobruxo making his was to our table. "Antônio," I smile. "Always a pleasure. Where's Santi?"

"He'll be here soon. His mom yelled at him and he had to swear to her that he isn't practising brujería again. Where's Ingrid?" he watches as I shake my head so he just continues.

He chuckles and turns to Adélaïde. "You must not've known her long if you think she wouldn't put her name in the goblet. Y/n is a beast." He's right, I am planning to put forth my name. He turns to me again and gives me a firm bro handshake. "Good to see you again, nena." I just nod my head, not at all liking how awkward this is getting. "Y/n, tudo bem?"

I nod, "Tudo bem, e vôce?" He nods too. Lydia, who's head was practically spinning from all the change in language, just continues to drool over my latin friend. "You should go eat, you came a long way after all," I tell him. He nods and takes Adélaïde back to the guest table where they're both sitting.

"He is nothing short of gorgeous!" Lydia whispers pushing me slightly.

"Yeah, Reyes, nothing short of gorgeous," another voice says. Malfoy gets up from his seat at our table and comes to sit next to me. "Who was that?"

"No one you need to be worried about, Malfoy," I chuckle, watching him furrow his brows at my accusation. "Just an old friend from one of my old schools."

He shakes his head before pushing his plate aside, getting up, and leaving the Great Hall, along with a bunch of other students who have also finished eating.

"Okay, what was that," Lydia chuckles. "I thought you had a thing going with Fred Weasley."

"George," I correct her. "And, I'm not really sure. I mean- Malfoy and I have locked lips once but, it didn't really mean anything," I say remembering how he pulled my waist aggressively, kissed my neck hungrily, and said we could do it again if I wanted to. "But George is sweet, we've kissed a couple times, and he's okay with taking things slow."

Lydia nods her head, "George seems nice, I don't know how you can tell him and Fred apart though, they look exactly the same to me," she says taking another bite of her food. I just shrug and do the same, poking at my waffles with a fork. She continues to talk, trying to push aside the food in her mouth. "I wouldn't be caught dead with Draco though." I furrow my brows but she just shakes her head.

When breakfast ends we all head to our first class, for me, herbology. I practically drag my feet to the herbology greenhouses outside of the castle, but I somehow get there second.

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