6B) A Flask of Firewhiskey and Some Bad Advice

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"We should get back to the common room," he says panting.

I nod my head and give him one final peck before saying, "Yeah, we probably should."

We get dressed to sneak back out of the potions room and down to the common room. We don't say anything else to each other, we both just head back in a mutual silence.

When we arrive to the common room, everyone's storming out, practically throwing us aside, stopping us from going in. I almost fall but Malfoy's hand reaches over and grabs my waist, pulling me closer to him, and away from the stampede of students going Merlin knows where.

I find Blaise in the crowd and pull him aside. "Cous' what's happening? Why's everyone running?"

He smiles big, "Well, I wasn't running. I know better than that," he makes a face before continuing. "They're announcing the three champions for the Triwizard Tournament."

I look at Malfoy in confusion then turn my gaze back to Blaise. "Already? We just did the whole goblet of fire thing this morning!" Blaise shrugs before walking off and getting lost in the stampede that is students.

When we get to the Great Hall, the tables are set up again like they were this morning. Each house sitting at their respective table, the guests all at the guest table, and the professors all sitting at the horizontal table in the front of the room.

Dumbledore waits until everyone is settled before beginning his little spiel. "Now the moment you've all been waiting for. The champion selection." He waves his hand around the room, dimming all the candles that are in the room until it's just gloomy and dark.

He walks slowly towards the goblet with his palm facing out. He softly places both hands on either side of the goblet before stepping back again. The goblet's flame turns from a royal blue to a ruby red as it spits out a small piece of parchment.

Dumbledore catches the paper in midair, and adjusts his glasses to read the name upon it. "The Castelobruxo champion is, Santiago Arias!" his voice booms throughout the room. My eyes widen at the calling of my name, Santi is here? Antônio said he wouldn't be arriving for a while.

Everyone breaks into cheering and clapping. Santi stands from the table and walks over to Dumbledore to shake his hand.

The goblet's flame turns red again as it spits out another name which Dumbledore catches in between his middle and index finger. "The champion representing Beauxbatons is, Camille Dubois!"

I clap, as does everyone else. I was never really close to Camille, and she never really seemed the type to put her name in the goblet, but good for her I guess. Camille gets up from her table to shake Dumbledore's hand and stands next to Santiago.

The last name is spit from the fire and is caught by Dumbledore. "The Hogwarts champion this year, is Y/n Reyes!" he calls.

I begin to clap along with everyone else not realising my name has been called. Malfoy elbows me in the side and whispers, "I didn't know you put your name in the goblet." His voice snapping me out of whatever trance I was in. I get up to go shake Dumbledore's hand and stand alongside Santiago and Camille.

Dumbledore extends his arms out like he's giving the air a hug. "Excellent!" he calls. "We now have our three champions! But in the end, only one will go down in history." It's gonna be me.

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