10 B) The Escape Room

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"Are you nervous?" Ella asks shaking my arm as we walk into the Great Hall.

"No, not really. The last task was a little nerve wrecking, I guess. But it's nothing Fred and I couldn't handle."

Lydia softly rolls her eyes. "Don't act so humble!" she teases. "We all saw all the threats you and Fred encountered while in the forest. It's like every creature was waiting to take a bite outta you."

I shake my head, taking my seat at the table with them. "It really wasn't that bad. I'm not worried."

"You shouldn't be," Lydia speaks again. "You did brilliantly last time."

"If all three champions would come up the front," Dumbledore speaks. I get up from the Slytherin table and walk to the front where Santi and Camille are both standing. "It is my pleasure, to announce the second task out of three, for the Triwizard Tournament!"

Everyone cheers before he waves his hands in the air. "Settle down!" he chuckles. "The second task, will be an escape room!" he calls. Everyone bursts into cheer again. "The champions will each be trapped in a room here in the castle, and will need to solve a various number of clues to escape the area!" All the students abrupt in a voice of 'Ooohs'.

"Your abilities in magic and strategic reasoning will be tested! And much like the last task, the champion will have one helper from each school, who will be able to help our champions from another room. You will have one hour to escape the room, if you don't escape in time, you and your helpers will be in grave danger!" he says dramatically.

"Now! You will have the option to choose your helpers, or you may allow the globe to choose for you, as it did during the last task." He turns to look at the three of us. "Winner gets first choice," he whispers to me.

I nod and look at Blaise. He furrows his brows at me and shakes his head. I roll my eyes before finding Fred in the crowd of Gryffindors. I nod my head and he smiles, nodding his head too. "I want my Hogwarts helper to be Fred Weasley," I say.

"Fred Weasley!" Dumbledore calls. "Accept or decline.

"Accept!" Fred yells from his table. The Gryffindors burst into cheers and begin barking and banging on the table.

"From Castelobruxo, I want Antônio Vergara."

"Antônio Vergara!" Dumbledore calls again. "Accept or decline!?"

Antonio smiles like crazy and nods his head. "Accept!" The Castelobruxo table claps.

"And from Beauxbatons, I want Adélaïde Girault."

Before Dumbledore even has the chance to repeat the name, Adélaïde stands up and yells, "Accept!"

Dumbledore lets out a dry chuckle at her excitement before waving his hands so my team can come up. Fred, Antôntio and Adélaïde stand and walk to the front of the room.

Dumbledore says, "Each member of your team will be in a different room you will need to get to in order to win! Without your team members, you will not be able to get to the last room, so I hope you chose your teammates wisely!"

He hands us all a potion, probably sending us all in one at a time so we don't see each other's teams. "Once our champion and their teammates drink this potion, they will appear in a room." He waves his wand and the walls of the Great Hall turn into screens. "You'll be able to see each team's progress on these projections!"

He nods his head to us and we all drink the potion, then my eyes go black.

I wake up in a small room, with a number of clocks on the wall, each with a city under it, a cabinet in the corner of the room, vines strung along the ceiling, a single yellow cushioned chair with a coffee table next to it, and each wall of the room painted a different colour.

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