14 C) Oliver's Ending

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The stars told me I would be with Oliver.

And I love that.

I immediately rush out to the one place I know he'll be. The quidditch pitch.

But.. to my surprise, he isn't here. I summon my broom and ride around, hoping he's somewhere near, but he's nowhere to be found. "I can't believe it," I whisper to myself.

"What a surprise."

I quickly turn around on my broom and watch as he mounds his broom and flies up to me.

"What are you doing here, angel?" he asks.

"I could ask you the same thing, Ollie. It's getting late. How long have you even been out here?"

He doesn't hesitate when he says, "Three hours... or something like that." He shakes his head. "What are you doing here? Like you said, it's getting late... Did you need the pitch?"

I shake my head. "No.. actually, I came looking for you."

He just continues to furrow his brows, clearly not understanding. "Why would you be waiting for me anyways?" He pokes his tongue through his cheek.

My eyes dart to his lips. "You know why, Ollie." I try so hard to keep a straight face, but a smirk still works it's way onto my face. "I mean, I guess I could just show you.." I say before flying back down to the ground.

He follows closely behind me before dismounting his broom and standing in front of me. I immediately throw my arms around him and pull him close. He chuckles and I can feel his breath on my neck. "You came all this way to give me a hug-"

I clasp my hands around his neck and kiss him. "I think I've caught something, Ollie."

He pushes me away quickly before he chuckles, "Well don't give it to me! It's still quidditch season!"

I throw myself onto him again, wrapping my arms around his neck and he refuses again. He wiggles under me, his laughter is like music to me. It's just so pure.

"I think I caught feelings, Ollie," I say again before pressing my lips firmly against his again.

His eyes light up at my words, like they do when he talks about quidditch and he pulls away. "You're sure? Like you're really sure? No more back-and-forth? No more sharing? No more-"

Before he can finish his sentence, I crash my lips onto his again, our lips move perfectly together and he smiles. "I'm sure," I mumble into the kiss. "I'm so so sure."

He picks me up before carrying me up the Gryffindor stands. "I can't believe this is really happening," he whispers in my ear. "You're actually mine. I don't have to share you anymo-"

"Well," I say, elongating the word. "I'm not technically yours... yet," I shrug, getting up off of his lap.

He rolls his eyes and smiles. "I suppose you're right," he gets down on one knee and takes my hand dramatically. "Y/n Reyes, would you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?"

"Hmm, no," I giggle, snatching my hand back and turning away from him.

His face scrunches up before he stands up. "No? What do you mean no? Didn't you just say-"

"-but, I will do you the honour... of allowing you to be my boyfriend," I laugh before kissing down his neck sweetly.

He laughs before looking deep in my eyes, and lifting my chin with two fingers. "And what's the difference?"

I shrug. "I don't know, I just wanted to see what you'd say if I said no."

He rolls his eyes before pulling me close and slamming his lips onto mine. "I'll be your boyfriend," he whispers before connecting his lips with mine again. "Are you mine now?"

I smile and place my hands on his jawline. "Yes," I firmly press my lips to his again.

"You know, just because you're my girlfriend now doesn't mean I won't kick your arse during quidditch matches."

"I'm counting on it. It'll be more enjoyable for me to know you're actually trying when I win," I smirk.

He covers my face with his hand and pushes me back. We both explode into laughter when he suddenly summons his broom and mounds it. "Come on." I don't question him. I summon my broom and get ready to mound it when he puts his hand out, stopping me. "You're my girlfriend, Y/n. Ride with me." I try to hide my smile when I nod and mound the back of his broom. "Ready?"


I wrap my arms around his stomach and hold on tight as he pushes off the ground and takes us flying through the air. I smile into his back as I feel the wind pushing through my hair.

He takes us up to the top of one of the mountain near the school before hopping off the broom and taking my hand. "Found this place a couple weeks ago."

It's a small space, like maybe the size of a small classroom. A single tree stood in the middle, a tree with flowers that blossom with red flowers despite the cold weather, and a small pond that's beginning to freeze over.


I nod my head before he mutters a spell and a fire appears in front of us. I sit down against the large tree and just take in the heat. Oliver comes and sits down next to me, pulling me in closer and laying my head in his chest.

He strokes my hair softly and begins to hum sweetly into my ear, like the day we drank fire whiskey and cuddled in the Gryffindor stands. I can feel his chest vibrating softly, making me sleepy.

"Ollie?" I say into his chest. "I think I'm in love."

He doesn't say anything, he just keeps stroking my hair. I look up at his, his eyes are closed, but his hand keeps moving against my hair, like his movement is involuntary.

I give his a soft kiss on the cheek. "I think I'm in love with you, Ollie," I whisper before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

I feel him shift a little under me before kissing my forehead and whispering, "I love you too, angel."

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