11) The Rekindling (The Yule Ball)

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"Wake up!" Ella yells jumping up on me, which I've pretty much gotten used to considering she does it almost every day. "We're going dress shopping!"

I groan and roll to my other side. "Mmm, no. Let me sleep a little longer, it's Saturday!"

"No, no, no!" she yells shaking me back and forth. "Lydia! Make her get up!" she whines.

Then, out of nowhere, water is being sprayed into my face. I bat my eyes a few times and rub my eyes. "What the hell?!"

Lydia chuckles and blows on the tip of her wand. "Oh come on! We hardly ever leave the castle. She's got a point. Besides, it'll be fun," Lydia says getting dressed, wringing out her wet black hair from the shower.

I groan before getting up and wiping my eyes again. Ella cheers with joy and Lydia just chuckles as I grab a towel and head for the showers.

Once we're all ready, we head to breakfast.

I fill my plate with waffles (as usual) before feeling warm hands wrap around my eyes and a Scottish accent goes, "Guess who?"

I pull the pair of hands away from my eyes and turn around quickly to leave a peck on my Scottish lover's lips. He smiles into the kiss, "Mm, what a nice greeting." He pulls a small box out of his sweater and hands it to me. "Got you this, as a please wear it to the ball sort of thing," he laughs.

I open the small black box and reveals a gold bar ring that sits inside. The word angel engraved in the side. I immediately put the box down and throw my arms around him before giving him another passionate kiss. "Ollie! You didn't have to-"

"-but I wanted to," he says after lacing his hands around my waist to receive the kiss. "You deserve to have something nice. You deserve to have a good night. And I may not be your date tonight, but I still want to make sure you get everything you deserve."

"Aww, Ollie," I coo before giving him another kiss. "You're adorable!"

A couple of his friends from the Gryffindor table whistle a few times and call him over. "I should probably get going," he chuckles looking back at his friends. "I'll see you at the ball?" I nod my head and he sweetly lays his lips on mine one last time before pulling away and walking to his house's table.

I sit back down and watch as Lydia and Ella both eye me cautiously. Ella shakes her head before squealing. "Ahhh! The entanglement!"

"Shush!" I yell at her, slapping her hand slightly. "He's not deaf you know!"

Lydia takes a bite into her food. "Are you sure that's a good idea, Y/n?" she says, watching me take the ring out of the box and slipping it onto my finger. "I mean- it made sense you saying you were just going to get to know everyone. But it's been months. Don't you think you should choose now?"

Ella immediately shushes her and clicks her tongue. "No, no, no, no! Let her have her fun!" Ella growls. "Just because you don't have any boy fun doesn't mean that she can't!"

Lydia rolls her eyes. "Oliver knows that he's not the only horse in this race, but what about the others? Do they know you're seeing four different people?"

"I'm only seeing two right now," I say quickly, shoving waffles into my mouth. "Oliver and Neville, Draco's with my sister, and George is still mad at me."

"Still?" Ella gasps rolling her eyes. "That's so petty. If he can't get over the fact that you put your name in the goblet of fire, he isn't worth your time anyways."

"I guess you're right.."

And that's when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I slowly turn around and see George's tall figure towering over me.

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