Finding Solace.

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I knew I should've followed my gut. I knew it. My heart was racing, and my mind wasn't far behind it. By the time I saw the news, I was feeling nauseated to the point of sickness. A story labeled "The U.S.J incident."

I can't believe something so horrible could have happened. A group of villains attacked 1-A, a group of first years. Could I have prevented it if I listened to my gut? I feel trapped in here. I rushed out of my room and ran to the nurse's office. I heard Aizawa got the worst of it.

I stood in front of the nurse's office door. Rereading the words. "Recovery Girl"

I knocked hesitantly on the door, and a sweet elderly voice invited me inside. "Hey dear, I'm glad I can finally meet you." she grinned, tapping away at her computer. "Although it's under an upsetting circumstance."

"I've heard many great things about you, and your healing quirk everywhere." I complimented. My eyes wandered around the room, looking for some sign he's okay, but my primary focus is not on him.

"Were there any injuries in Class 1-A?" I dreaded an answer. "Besides from Shota, there were minor injuries. I'm just glad we got to them in time, or something horrible could have happened." The atmosphere dropped.

She's right. I hate to think what could've happened. What would've happened? "Shota is over there if you want to check upon him. I'm gonna grab a cup of coffee."

"Thank you." I went behind the curtain. Aizawa laid there lifeless, bound with bandages. He was attached to many cords and wires. My first thought that came to mind was. "Damn."

"Yes, thank you, I am fine Y/N." He sighed."I'm glad you're here. I've been worried since I saw it on the news. It was traumatic to see. Are you too hurt to speak yet? What happened? Sorry, I shouldn't ask now?

"Can you please relax?" he sighed."I'm still alive, isn't that right?"

"You are, but you could've died. Now that you are injured, I'm going to take it easy, but this is serious, Aizawa. It's frightening enough to see you like this. " I folded my arms.

"Do you plan on taking a break?"


"Shota." I put my hands on my hips. "I do not intend to take a break. It is not that bad," he replied. "Dedication, I respect it, breaks are also essential."

"I don't plan on doing that anytime soon." He yawned. "Hold on your cord is about to unplug." I reached across his body. The beeping of his heart monitor gradually sped up.

"What are you doing?" He coughed. "I'm plugging the cord back in, it's about to fall out the socket. Relax." I strained, finally putting the plug back in its socket.

Once I finished, I noticed the heart monitor had slowed. "Is there anything you want to eat? Can you eat solids? I know liquid diets are a thing. "

"Coffee with brown sugar."

"That's it? You don't want soup, a smoothie? Yogurt? Oatmeal? Jell-E? Water?" I asked, taking out my notepad. "And for the coffee, you want that hot or cold, large or medium, extra dark or regular?"

He sighed, "All I want is chicken soup and a cup of brewed coffee with brown sugar." That doesn't answer my coffee question, but I'll see what I can do.

"I'll be back." I closed the door behind me. Wait what does he want in his soup. I opened the door back. "Hey Shota, what do you want in your soup?" I asked.

"Y/N." he asserted his voice as if I was one of his students. "Alright. Be right back." I stepped out. "Hey, you heard the news?" Midnight asked, placing her hand on my back.

"It's the only thing I heard all day," I muttered. "How's Aizawa? I heard he nearly sacrificed his life."

"He's stubborn, but he's fine. I'm going to pick up something for him now." I responded. "Can I come? I was about to stop by to see if he wanted something. Guess you beat me to it."

"Guess so." I sighed softly. "I'll drive. Midnight offered. We talked while walking to the teachers' parking lot. "Here's my baby." Midnight rubbed the hood of her black car.

"She's beautiful." I grinned. "Yea, you should hear her purr." she smiled, getting in the driver's seat. "so where are we headed?"

"The coffee shop down the street. He said he wants a large coffee with brown sugar and chicken soup. Don't know what the hell he wants in his chicken soup."

"We'll work it out." She pulled out the lot. "I think we should pick up more stuff, like teddy bears and candy although he hates sweets."

"I'm not surprised he doesn't, I mean he likes black coffee, no cream, no sugar, none of that. I had to put him on to brown sugar."

"I tried ma'am." she drove up the block and parked on the corner. "I tried."

"I'll be right back. Is there anything you need?" I turned around to ask her. "Coffee gives me gas, I'll pass." she sighed, staring off as if she was reliving a memory.

"Alright..." I closed the door behind me and walked into the coffee shop. "Oh hi dear, it's been a while what can I get ya?"

"Can I get a large coffee with brown sugar and do you guys sell soup?" I asked. "We are a coffee shop. What makes you think we sell soup?" he placed his hands on his hip.

"It was a simple yes or no question." I sighed. "You're lucky... you're cute. Anyway... yeah, I love teasing you." He slapped the counter before going back to the kitchen to give orders.

"Dear brother."

The news was playing in the background, reminding me of today's events. The daunting idea that horrible things are going on in the world. In this world.

"Here's your food, my dear." Mr. Ray handed me my food. "Thank you, Ray, I'll see you." I waved.

That conversation quickly left my mind as I went back to thinking. I know that people are scared, I am too. Finding my own comfort, my own solace, has always been hard.

I just want to be there for other people, to help them find themselves.

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