With me

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After I got drunk, I don't remember anything that happened after that. There are only two things clear in my mind: waking up to midnight sprawled out across me, as well as a cat sleeping on my chest.

Aizawa turned out to be the one who brought Midnight and me to his place, but we won't dwell on such. "Y/N, I have a question to ask you." Principal Nezu said, standing next to my desk.

I didn't even see him, "Yes, sir?" He placed some papers in my hand. "I was wondering if you, along with 1-A teacher Eraserhead and 1-B teacher Vlad King, could chaperone a forest training camp?"

"When is it?" I scanned through the packet of paper he gave me. "Oh, 2 days from now." He grinned, paws on his hips. Wow.

I said, "Yeah, I'll be glad to attend, thank you, sir!" Just at that moment, All might emerged in his small form. "Hey, principal Nezu, Hey Y/N," He yawned. I've never seen him so frail, his baggy button-down blue shirt, yellow frizzed hair, dark eyes that could cast a shadow, and pants that could barely fit him.

"Hey, All Might, how ya doing?" Principal Nezu, said slapping his leg. "I've been relaxing, trying to take it easy. It's kinda hard." He sighed.

"Hang in there, buddy," Nezu replied, leaving the room.

"It must be very stressful to be the number one hero; I cannot imagine how much pressure that brings along with it. I'm glad you're finding a way to relax." I stepped in after Nezu left.

"It is stressful, especially thinking about retirement. What's going to happen once I step down? How will society manage now more since there is a rise in criminals? Oh man, then there's the league of villains. Maybe, I should hold back on retiring." He coughed, shaking his lungs, and suddenly sputtered a small amount of blood.

I offered him some water and a tissue. "Thanks, sorry, I'm probably talking your ear off. You're just a good listener."

"I don't mind at all. You can tell me anything." I replied. We started a back and forth conversation that lasted quite a while. "Thanks, Y/N, I appreciate it. Aizawa must be a lucky man." he laughed.

"What're you talking about." I gasped." I thought you and Aizawa were dating!" He replied frantically. "No, that's not the case!"

"Sorry for assuming!" He pleaded. "Hey, relax, it's okay, we're just friends. Sorry to scare you. " I answered calmly. "I'm going before I make any more assumptions." He waved his hand and left.

"Bye!" I waved back. I stretched as I took the packet with the 30-page checklist to be reviewed and signed. Two classes, two teachers, plus a week-long training camp.

Unfortunately, there's nothing that fits here, so I'll need to go shopping. "What're you gleaming about?" Aizawa yawned, moving his scarf around.

"I'm going shopping!" I passed him the thick packet of paper. "You see about 30 pages of paperwork and think about shopping?"

"Yes, and what about it."

"Ok." He sighed. "I may ask Midnight if she wants to go with me. I need to see if she is free first." I took my phone out to send a quick message. "I have to go off campus anyways." He added.

"Can I come with you?" I questioned. "I was planning on asking you, looks like we're heading the same place." He kept looking through the packet, then handed it back.

"Best if we leave now." I grabbed my purse and the papers. "What're you planning on doing for the training camp?"

"I want each student to practice on their quirk. I want them to strengthen and improve. It's my job to help. Vlad King will be doing the same with his class."

"So, why out in the woods?"

"There are some people we've been working with for a couple of years now, and they always provide the best for us."

"Is there a lot of bugs?" He looked at me with pure confusion and with many questions awakening.

"Let me explain myself. I have no problem with bugs. It just this one thing I have a problem with. Spiders. They are terrifying."

"Get in, please." He said, opening my car door for me. "Think about it."

"I don't want to." He closed the door behind him then got in on his side. "Oh, by the way, Shinsou Hitoshi, how's he doing?"

"His training is going well. He's learning hand-to-hand combat as of right now. I'm surprised you remembered."

"Of course, I'm glad that he's understanding. For a quirk like his, it would be hard to get into the hero course. Happy you took the initiative, Shota."

"He's a student. I couldn't be called a teacher if I didn't try to help as much as I could. I have to give him some training instructions while I'm gone."

He continued to talk about how he plans to train and strengthen Shinsou. He says he reminds him of when he was younger. "Since we are here, I suggest that you buy a portable heater. It gets cold at night," he said, opening my car door.

"I'll take the suggestion to heart." I looked through the packet of paper and the things I may need. "I left something in the car, give me a second to find it."

"Yeah, I'll be at the door." I scanned through the list of materials that are suggested, knowing myself, I'm going to need a lot more than that.

Now, why the hell would I need a magnifying glass?
"The way you're reading that paper, I'd think your reading a steamy romance novel."

"Unfortunately, I'm not. That's beside the point though. Did you find what you're looking for?" I teased, grabbing a shopping cart.

We strolled through the aisles plucking out the simple items we needed. We walked past the jewelry store, but the most beautiful thing caught my eye. A soft rose gold chain and drooping from the middle of the delicately crafted necklace was a Camila flower.

Each petal had a beautiful piece of rose quartz, and in the middle was a simple diamond that glimmered each time you glanced at it.

"That is a gorgeous necklace." I sighed, realizing that it'll go to waste if I get it. He took a hard look at the piece of jewelry. "Yeah, it is nice."

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah. Come on."

As I stand here, next to Aizawa, someone I just met a few months ago. This reoccurring feeling I have every time I'm with him thrives and blossoms.

My heart tends to skip when he looks at me. My ears always listen out for his voice. My brain stops racing when he touches me.

It's dangerous. A very formidable game that can end in ways I can't imagine.

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