first days are always the worst days.

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My alarm went off at exactly 6:35 am. I know weird time to set ,but I naturally wake up at 6:30. Looking at the clock seeing 6:30 then knowing that sweet feeling of five extra minutes really set me over the top.

Anyways. I rolled out of bed and showered. My hair was still went and I managed to do (Y/H). I grabbed two pieces just above my earlobes and finger coiled and stretched it. Time for my edges.

I tied my hair down and put on a black jumpsuit along with a floral print belt and black sandals. Let's not forget my lipgloss.

"This should do" I took the scarf off my head and headed out. "Hmm you look gorgeous" midnight grinned closing her dorm door.

"Says the one who always leaves me stunned when I see her" I smiled accepting her warm hug. We walked to the school next to each other talking about the most random things.

"Have a great first day and I'll be definitely be telling my class to stop by and see" she waved. "Thanks see you later" I walked into my newly decorated classroom. I tried to make it as cozy as possible small throw pillows, succulents on the windowsill, fairy lights, motivational quotes all around the room, based off of Aizawa sleeping in the middle of the hallway I made a napping and reading corner.

I stood outside my door and waved to the passing students. "Um excuse me ma'am?" A little green haired kid asked.

"Hi wassup?" I asked. "Can you show me where this room is?" I looked at his schedule. I can see why this poor child is confused.

"Class 1-A follow me" I lead the way to his class but on the way we talked. "So why do you want to be a hero?" I asked.

"I've always looked up to all might and I want save lives and become number one hero" he grinned. He seems so pure. "I'll be your number one supporter and good luck have a nice first day." I opened the door to his classroom.

"You're late Midoriya" Aizawa looked up from his attendance list. Poor kid plus he has Aizawa. Don't get me wrong he's an excellent teacher just very strict.

"I take full responsibility over that these schedules are confusing" I spoke up. "So you're stealing my students Miss L/N?" He asked.

"Most definitely was not the case but I won't pass up on the chance" I laughed. Midoriya went to take his seat. Aizawa didn't even let a smile slip. Damn.

"Anyways this is our new emotional support teacher. Being a hero can be tough and hard on mental health shes here to help you deal with things of that such. Her classroom number is on the back of the schedule" he noted.

"Just stop by any time" I waved leaving the room. I went back to my room and filled out some paperwork. The clocked ticked by and not a single person stopped by.

Well shit. So much for the optimism. I made holograms with the objects I touched out of boredom. Forgot to mention my quirk. I can make holograms out of any object I touch. Nothing serious. Goes away after I snap my fingers. If I don't snap they'll be there.

"Hey girl" midnight stood by the door. "Want to join me for lunch?" She asked. "I'd love to I feel like I'm going crazy in this room" I picked my phone and my purse up. "I'm going to let you in on a little secret" she whispered something in my ear. An immediate blush rushed towards my ears.

**yes POC of color can blush it's not as noticeable but you most definitely feel it**

"Seriously?" I gasped. "Oh yea imagination runs wild when I do" she laughed. We talked in the way to the cafeteria. "No but it would be terrifying being a student here because they require so much and I would be stressed" I commented taking up my eating utensils.

"Yea sometimes I do feel bad but it pays off in the end" she sighed. It was awkwardly silent in this loud ass cafeteria. "So why did you want to want to be an emotional support teacher?" She asked. That's a loaded question.

I thought about the question for awhile. "I guess it's started in my childhood when I was younger I loved my with Grandparents and they were my best friends and always encouraged me to express myself, they were my comfort but once they died I didn't know who to turn to or what to do so I started my own research." I explained. "Since this society is full of something new everyday I think the new generations would benefit from this."

"What a powerful speech. I wish I had a friend like you growing up"

I laughed nervously "me too". "May we join you ladies" present mic announced standing next to Aizawa.

"There's plenty of space" Midnight grinned. Midnight slid beside me. "So what you girls talking about?" Mic asked.

"Is that really necessary mic?" Aizawa sighed. "Certainly I'm a curious man plus EraserHead here is so boring to talk with he literally only talks about his cat" he groaned.

"What's wrong with my cat?" Aizawa said irritated. "Nothingggg" Mic droned.

"I love cats what's your cat's name?" I asked. "Sushi" he ate his cake. Mic and Midnight had their own conversation while Aizawa and I talked about cats. An odd yet pleasant conversation.

We were all interrupted by the obnoxious bell ringing. "Well time to go teach English" Mic said excitedly. "Time to go torture children" Aizawa yawned.

"Yea Y/N you're definitely going to see some of Aizawa's students soon." Midnight laughed. "I'll be waiting" I said.

"I'll see you guys Friday night for the staff/ teacher's night" mic called. "See you then" Aizawa left slouching with a squeezable apple pouch in his mouth. What a strange guy.

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