Your comfort space

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I looked out the window from my desk. The leaves were changing, people were walking in brightly colored clothing, and cars were zipping by. I always love this time of year. It's always calming to see nature in action.

I have to get ready for Aizawa's class; they should be coming anytime soon. I looked around at my room. Yeah, there's nothing for me to change in here. "Alright, class, do not make me regret bringing you guys here. Especially you Bakugou mind your behavior." Aizawa warned.

"Yea, yea, whatever, I don't need your warning." A kid with a deep rough voice said dismissively. One by one, they all trickled in. "Hey, Ms.L/N, I haven't seen you in a while. How have things been going?" Kaminari asked. "It's been good; thanks for asking." Aizawa stood next to me, hands deep in his pockets as I scanned the room.

"Everyone sit down. I don't care where you sit. Just sit down and listen to Ms.L/N." He announced over the class. "If I hear one complaint, the whole class will be taking nightly lessons."

"I'll take it from here. I'm Ms. L/N, I'm the emotional support teacher; My job is to make becoming a hero easier. I recognize a few faces, but there's a lot of new ones. I'm not going to lie to you guys. I am horrible at names if you guys are comfortable with it. I would like it if you could introduce yourselves." I took my sticky notes up.

Aizawa already made himself comfortable in the sleeping corner. After we got the names down, we played a quick game. "What is the whole damn point of this," Bakugo growled, "It's like, I'm in grade school again. I came to UA to become a hero, not to play baby games!"

"To be honest, I'm enjoying this. It's nice doing something other than hero work." Sue croaked. "Yea, she's right. I don't know about you, Bakugo, but I love it here." Mina said, tossing the ball to Ojiro.

"I'm glad you two are enjoying it, If you're not enjoying the game you don't have to play. I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do. This room is a comfortable space for everyone." I answered, taking the ball from Ojiro.

"I don't care what this is for." He cursed, rolling his eyes and folding his arms. In a flash, Aizawa's scarf was around Bakugou's neck and mouth. "Now before I went to sleep what did I tell you," He asked gradually tightening the grip "it's obvious you're hard-headed."

A loud obnoxious ringing sound sprang from the hallways and chaos began to settle in place. Someone or something breached security. "L/N get them to safety. I'll be right back, and Bakugou I'm not done with you." Aizawa rushed out of the classroom.

"Alright, guys don't worry just stay calm." I escorted them out of my room and took them to their homeroom. "This is absolutely ridiculous. The mayhem that broke out in a matter of seconds is laughable." Iida scoffed.

"It can't be helped. When people hear loud noises they begin to panic. In situations like this is best to stay calm." Tokoyami explained, he folded his arms and tilted his head down.

"He's right. Personally, I like to dance, you know get into the music, the beat, the entire vibe." Mina grinned mimicking some moves.

"Me too! It's fun to listen to new types of music." Jiro exclaimed. I listened to each conversation that broke out about coping mechanisms and calming. I heard examples like music, working out, watching Heroes, doing homework, even cheese works.

A soft vibration from my back pocket pulled me back into reality. I took my phone out of my pocket. The bright words displayed across my screen.

**1 New message from Shota Aizawa**
Aizawa: turns out it was just the press looking for All might.

Me: no way. It's that serious to the point they broke in?!

Aizawa: this is an issue, apparently. Thank you for keeping an eye on them.

Me: it's not a problem.

After that last message, I turned my phone off and announced. "Everything has been dealt with turns out it was just paparazzi. Very persistent."

"All that over some damned paparazzi? Should've let me deal with them." Bakugou flaunted, kicking his feet onto the desk.

"What would you do Bakugou?" Sue asked. She's asking the right questions. "You realize that we're here for our safety?"

"Of course I realize that, I'm not a damn idiot." He replied, taking his feet off the desk. "Everything we do in this school is for your safety, experience, and growth. For everyone here." I sighed looking out the classroom door window.

"Merci" Aoyama grinned. "Yes, thanks. This place's awesome." Denki gave a thumbs up. "Anyway, how's training going? Have you guys thought about power moves?" I turned from the door.

"I heard we have training later today at the USJ. I can't wait, I love doing training like this." Momo smiled. "I heard it's going to be an educational exercise." Todoroki sighed.

"Well, whatever the case may be, I wish you guys the best." The door opened slowly as Aizawa walked in scratching his head. "Thanks, Ms.L/N. Anyway, we've wasted enough time already. Get your hero suits on and hurry up. I will leave you." He yawned applying some eye drops.

"I'll see you guys later." I waved leaving. I never knew that the paparazzi were so serious about getting the new story in. So serious that they would break into a well-protected school and threaten the lives of many students. 

"That's not the only reason," I whispered to myself. "That can't be it."  

I hope my gut feeling is just a result of a lunch gone wrong. 

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