This is awkward.

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My body's personal alarm clock went off telling me to get the hell up and start my damn day. Today I chose to sleep I don't I have things to do. I opened my eyes and was met with a very bright sun and pro heroes sleeping anywhere.

Not even gonna lie. Last night was pretty hectic. Chasing around adults like they were three-year-olds.  I smiled at the thought...wait a minute what the hell am I laying on. My eyes wondered every. I'm still in the teacher's dorm sitting area. Still on UA territory. It's what I see when I look up that terrifies me.

I really laid here for a minute contemplating life. I sunk my head deeper into the cushion I was laying on. Yup, that's most definitely a heartbeat. I'm afraid if I inspect the area more I might catch a nipple in my fingers. Not something I want to feel right now.

I heard a groan from my magic comforter and arms wrapping behind my back. I looked up and noticed a scruffy face, jet black hair, and tired look. I only have a question right now.

How the fuck did I end up laying on Shouta Aizawa?

I mean not that I mind it's just the main thing on my mind right now.

Alright now, how am I going to manage to slip out of his beautiful muscular arms without waking him up? This is so awkward and stress-inducing. I started to slowly inch my way out of his arms begging in my head. Please don't wake up. Please please please, please. Why? Why did this happen?

I managed to slither my way out of his arms replacing my body with a pillow. He looks too peaceful. This was singlehanded the most embarrassing, awkward, stress-inducing things I have ever done in my entire life. My main worry is if I farted while I was asleep. Pleaseeeee. I looked around and midnight was slumped over the countertop.

Don't ask me what happened to her shoes and why her whip is hanging out mic's pants. I can't leave a sister down here looking distressed. Shit, we are about to be distressed together. I dragged midnight to my dorm and put her on the bed. I went to go take a hot steaming shower. I did a quick hair deep conditioner wash, using curling cream, and twisting my hair.

"Where the hell is my bonnet" I searched my slightly messy bathroom pushing the limitless amount of products to the side. "There you are damn." I got dressed and laid on the couch falling fast asleep now in the comfort of my dorm.

I woke up to tapping on my shoulder. "Y/N you wanna get lunch with me?" Midnight yawned. "How are you not hungover?" I rubbed my eyes aggressively.

"Oh, I am. I am very much hungover, but I'm hungry and I don't want to go alone" she pouted. "Alright alright let me throw a sweater on. I have so much to tell you about last night." I laughed.

"Oh really? I wasn't all that drunk was I?"

I stayed silent for a minute rethinking last night. Let's make a list shall we? Dirty dancing on a table, falling off the table, playing with snipes dreads, had an intense conversation with a painting. I mean there's more but it slowly gets more humiliating.

"Man, that's quite a question, quite a question indeed um let's get lunch," I said awkwardly. "I'm going to take that as a yes" she sighed.

"By the way where's my whip? I haven't seen it since yesterday. A dominatrix can't be a dominatrix without her whip." She informed closing the door behind her.

"Here's your whip M'lady" mic bowed. "Oh thank you mic! Where was it?"

"You don't want to know. I assure you that" Aizawa yawned rubbing his eyes. I'm not surprised he looks tired, it's something you're going to get used to. I got flashbacks from this morning waking upon his chest.

No no no come on. For the rest of the upcoming week, I tried my best to avoid him. It's just every time I see him I think about the most embarrassing scenarios. It's very similar to the feeling of randomly thinking about something you did in the past, and having a deep regret that just makes you want to shrivel up in a corner.

Then I feel bad because I'm beginning to think that he's noticing the fact. He turns down hallways he doesn't have to go down when he sees me and we try our best not to cross paths.

"Hi Ms. L/N! I brought more friends again if you don't mind" Midoriya smiled brightly. "You know I won't mind so wassup how has your week been?" I asked.

"It's been interesting. Still learning how to adjust" he motioned his other friends to come in. A few familiar faces came in and a couple of new ones.

"Heyyy this place is pretty cool! Pretty manly ya know?" A redhead with a shark's grin looked around completely in awe. A yellow-haired kid soon followed in after him. "The energy in here is immaculate I have a question Ms...." he looked at the nameplate on my desk. "Ms.L/N is it ok if I study in here?".

"I wouldn't mind in fact this room here if for the comfort of the students here like you...even teachers if they are ever interested. It's nice to see some familiar faces and even some new ones. How 'bout you guys introduce yourselves if that's okay with you?" I asked taking my notepad out to write down their names. Iida and Deku already made themselves comfortable, taking out their homework.

"Well me? This handsome young fella right here is Denki Kaminari. I have an electric quirk uh lightning" He placed his thumb to his chest with a huge grin. I placed the nicely decorated sticky note on the board next to the other sticky notes I previously made. "And you are?" I turned my gaze to the redhead.

"I'm Eijirou Kirishima!" He fist-bumped himself with a hardening quirk. "Is your quirk like a hardening quirk? I think that is so manly and you Denki I think your quirk is pretty cool. Electricity imagine all the amazing things you two can do.  Same thing for you two in the back!" I laughed softly. I placed Kirishima's sticky note next to Denki's.

"I don't mean to be rude when I ask this, but what are the sticky notes for? And what is this place?" Kirishima asked. "Well, Kiri...can I call you that?" I asked, he responded with a grin and a nod "The sticky notes are students I met so far and personality traits I noticed about them, also this room is met to be a relaxing room for students like you because believe me when I say this becoming a hero can be stressing" I remarked with a weighted sigh.

"This place is pretty awesome and there's a napping corner! Reminds me of kindergarten when things were easier" Kirishima gleamed placing his bookbag down next to a chair. "I don't remember kindergarten at all" Denki smiled.  "Yea I really like Ms. L/N she helped me on the first day" Deku commented. Iida had his own input. They all warmed my heart.

"Thank you guys I really appreciate it, and for stopping by as well believe it or not I don't get many visitors so it's nice to have your company you guys can stop by anytime as long as it's okay with your teachers." Especially Aizawa.

Just like the last time, we broke into a conversation about things that help each student here relax, but just like the last time, we were interrupted by the same person. "What's going on in here?" Aizawa yawned, he rubbed his eyes signaling that his eyes are really dry, or that he recently woke up from a nap.

"We were just talking about relaxing methods if anything ever stresses us out. For example, Deku likes to take notes or watch All might rescue videos." I replied trying my best to avoid eye contact but he's making it so hard. "Mr.Aizawa what about you? You must be stressed 24/7" Denki twirled his pencil in his hand.

"I sleep." He expressed plainly. "Get home before you guys miss your train or your bus she'll be here tomorrow."

They groaned annoyed and packed their stuff waving bye as they left. I turned my back to Aizawa because I thought he was going to do the same as they did. He didn't.

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