What do I say?

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It has been about 2 days after the attack. There was a teacher conference discussing the future of this school. If it is going to stand or crumble? 

I haven't spoken to or seen Aizawa since the attack. That ends today. I knocked on his door to his office. "Shota, can you open the door?" I called. I waited for a response, but it never came.

I opened the door to see him fast asleep in his chair.  I sighed to see him look so defeated. "Aizawa, wake up. Your conference is in a few hours." 

"What time is it?" He yawned. "It's 2:34 pm. It starts at 5:30 pm." He rubbed his eyes and tidied up the papers sprawled out across his desk. "How's your arm doing?" 

"It's fine. Just sore sometimes." I replied. "They should be discharged today." He looked at his phone. "Principal Nezu wanted me to inform you that they're on the way home, and All Might and some officers are going to rescue Bakugo. " 

"I'm sure he will." He sighed. He got up and walked to his room. "I hate to ask you this because I know it's stressful, but how have you been holding up?" I said, stopping in his tracks.

"I'm fine, Y/N." He continued to walk off. "I'm not done speaking to you," I said, sharply causing him to stop. "What is it then?" 

"I said. How are you holding up? I'll wait." He turned around and took my hand to led me to his room. "You're loud." He groaned, opening the door. 

"Are you going to answer my question?" He ran his fingers through his hair and said, "I'm stressed, I'm tired, I couldn't protect my students. I wasn't there in time to stop that damn villain from bursting through those doors. If I was there, I could've prevented you from getting hurt." 

I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled into a deep embrace. His arms wavered on his side, but they finally wrapped around my waist. He rested his head on my shoulder. 

I'm planning on staying like this until he's ready to let go. He began to hold tighter as he sunk deeper. "Thank you, Y/N. I'm sorry you had to go through something like that. You don't deserve it." He sighed. 

"No one deserves it. Stop holding yourself accountable. You don't have to thank me. I'm here for you whether you like it or not." I replied, rubbing his back. 

"I need to start getting ready. I hate the press." he let out a low groan. "Do you need any help?" 

"Yes, please." He let go and went to go shower. I looked through his closet to find him a suit and the iron. I began to think to myself until my ringtone went off. 

A video call from Midnight. 

"Hello?" I asked. "Where are you?" she asked. "I'm helping Shota with something," I replied. She had a slick look on her face. "Helping?" 

"Shut up. I'm helping him get ready for the press conference." I rolled my eyes and set the iron aside. "Anyway, wassup?" I asked. "I'm coming over to your dorm later. We will watch a rom-com and eat some snacks," she demanded.  

"What's wrong with your dorm?" I questioned, looking directly into the camera. "It's a bit untidy, plus your room is nicer." 

"Alright, that's fine. I'll order a pizza and some desserts. Can you pick it up since your off-campus?" I picked my phone up and unplugged the iron. 

"Yeah, just send me the location. As a matter of fact, I'll pick up matching pajamas." She grinned. "Who are you on the phone with?" Aizawa asked, walking out with his towel around his neck and sweatpants on. 

His wet hair dripped down his muscular body. He periodically used his towel to dry his freshly shaved face off. Words can't explain how structured, chiseled, built this man is. 

"I'm on the phone with Midnight," I answered, turning away from him.  He reached over my shoulder and grabbed my phone. "Hello Nemuri, did your mission go well?" He asked. 

"Can you angle the phone better? I would like to see." She asked, with a set desire in mind. "Ok, bye Nemuri." He hung the phone up. 

"I think this is the first time I've seen you with a freshly shaved face. You look nice." I said, passing his iron suit to him. He had a look of uncertainty on his face. 

"What's wrong? You don't like the suit?" I asked, looking for a different suit. "The suit is fine, thank you. I know someone is going to say something that'll make me upset at the conference." 

"I know you'll be able to deal with it. They may question your teaching skills, but they aren't there with you 24/7." I sighed. "You're right." He said, passing my phone back. 

"I'll step out so you can get dressed." I put the iron board and the iron back. I closed the door behind me and sat on his couch. There was a cat camera on his table, and I began to speak through it. 

"Hi, Sushi," I said as a spotted cat came to the camera. Then she began to nudge her head against the monitor. "You're so cute." Does Aizawa do this in his free time? 

She laid next to the camera and fell asleep. Just like Aizawa, they like to sleep. From the coffee table, I heard a soft ring tone.  

"Shota, your phone is ringing." Across the screen was the name Pro Hero Joke. "If it's anyone other than the school or the hospital, don't answer."

I left it be, but the longer I left it alone, the more it rang. "Shota, this is the 6th time this person has called. Should I just answer it?" I called. "I don't care."

"Aizawa! You finally answered! I was calling to check on you and your students."  A familiar bubbly voice exclaimed. "Hi, Shota is getting ready for his press conference right now, but I can take a message for you." 

"Oh. I just wanted to see how he's doing. Can you tell him Joke called?" She asked, and before I got a chance to respond, the phone disconnected. 

That was weird, for someone who called 6 times, I would have thought she'd have more to say. I went back to the cat camera, but Sushi was gone. 

"Who was it on the phone?" Aizawa asked as he stepped out, fixing his cuffs. "Got damn," I gasped as he walked out.  "I meant Joke called to see how your students and you were doing." 

"That was nice of her to call." He replied, struggling with his tie. "Relax," I motioned his hands to move away from the tie.  "Why are you so good at tying ties?" 

"I used to tie my grandpa's ties in the morning before he would leave for work. It was our little routine." He held out an elastic band and a brush in his hand and sat down. 

I brushed his hair back and left the back out. "Once again, Y/N, thank you. I do appreciate it."

"You don't have to thank me. I told you this." He stayed silent and got up. "It's 4:48. Best if you leave now." I gave him a last hug goodbye as we walked out the door. "Shota wait," I called. 

"What is it?" 

There was a strong urge I just couldn't ignore as I saw him walk off.  I left him with a kiss on his cheek and the words 

"Please be safe."

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