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The days moved on and Luke refused to leave his make-shift bed. He lay on the soft sofa and allowed the days to merge into one. He had shut himself off from the world outside and had no idea what time it was. His beard had grown round his face, curling and unkept, giving him the appearance of someone living on the streets. He had stopped caring. All Luke wanted to do was curl up an die.

Luke was now thinking about eating. He had to eat solid food. A liquid diet was slowly killing him. Although he did not care, he felt he had to try and live. Even though Jessica had betrayed him, she would not want him to live like this. He willed himself up and try to focus.

There was a knock at the door. Luke stood frozen, listen to the gentle knock coming from the front door. Was it the police again? Had they come to arrest him? He did not want to answer anymore their questions, and he did not want to see anybody.
The knocking continued, getting harder each time. Luke sighed and ignored it.
'Hey! Luke. You in there?' called a muffled voice from behind the door.
Luke gazed at the door. It was Russell. 'It's Russ. You there?'
Staggering toward the door, Luke unlocked the catch and pulled it open. His best friend, dressed in worn jeans, and a tattered shirt, looked back at Luke. He was a mess. Even though Russell was heavier and portlier than Luke, he was barely recognisable. Russell's eyes had sunk into his face, his rosy face was now pale, and he had lost weight.
'Wow!' said Luke. 'What happened to you?'
'Hey!' replied Russell. 'I could say the same to you. Can I come in.'
'Sure. But it's a dump in here.'

The two sat on the sofa, avoiding bedding and old clothes that Luke had left lying around. The rest of the house looked no better and the normally immaculate rooms, appeared like a bomb site.
'How you mate?' asked Luke, breaking the silence.
Russell looked vaguely at Luke, and said nothing.
'That bad. You look like I feel,' said Luke, trying to break a smile.
'It's worse,' said Russell finally. 'The good news is the police let me go.'
'That's good, you can stay here.'
'I have nowhere else to go, have you seen my house?'
'I did. What happened?'
'I don't know.' Russell stopped mid-sentence and started to cry. 'I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You've got your own problems.'
'Yeah! But we can help each other. Can't we,' said Luke, trying to be reassuring. 'Let me get you a drink.'

They sipped the last remaining whiskey from the bottle and sat silently enjoying the warm liquid. Russell was visible shaking. Luke felt genuine sympathy for his friend. He understood the pain he felt, he understood the emptiness inside, and how desperate he felt.
'I would say it gets better but look around.'
Russell nearly smiled. 'I can see you've been coping. Did something explode in here? And what is that smell?'
'It's good to see you. I could do with a friend,' said Luke.
'Yeah. Me too. Thanks for letting me stay here. I haven't got anywhere else to go. The police won't let me go to the house, because it's still am active crime scene.'
'Who would do this?' asked Luke. 'Everyone loved Debbie.'
Saying her name aloud caused Russell's face to drop. Luke understood. He could barely bring himself to say Jessica's name aloud.
'It's ok. Thanks again.'
'What are friends for.'
'Luke. I must tell you something. I'm not much of a friend.'
Luke looked puzzled. 'Hold that thought. Let me grab some cold pizza from the fridge and then you can tell me why you're not much of a friend.'

Tucking into the pizza, Russell rocked while chewing through the cheesy bread.
'This is disgusting,' he said. 'How long has this been in the fridge?'
'About a week. Can't believe it's still good. What did you want to tell me?'
'I'm really sorry Luke. I wanted to tell you.'
'Ok!' said Luke. 'This is getting weird.'
'I'm just going to say it. Deb's made me promise never to say anything. Now she's not...'He voice was breaking up. 'Sorry! Anyway. She made me promise.'
'What are you talking about?' asked Luke, finishing the last slice of pizza.
'I knew about Jessica. About her and Alan. I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you. It's been eating me up for months. Lying to my best friend. You had a right to know. Jessica was seeing Alan behind your back. She told Debbie and then she told me and made me promise. I couldn't break that promise. I'm really really sorry.'
Luke just stared at Russell, holding the pizza slice in mid-air, listening to his friend's confession. Russell knew about Jessica cheating on him, and never said a word. Luke was lost for words.
'Luke. I wanted to tell you'
Without saying a word, Luke placed the pizza slice back on the plate. He then got up and walked to the window and stared outside. He was lost for words. His friend had lied to him. He felt betrayed. How could he?
Russell got up and stood by Luke's side. 'Mate. I wanted to tell you.'
Luke could feel the rage building up inside, and without warning, he turned and weakly slammed his fist into the wall. The plaster cracked and a several pieced crumbled to the floor.
'You knew?' said Luke, his voice deep and aggressive. 'You knew?'
'I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you. Debbie said it would kill you and best for Jessica to talk to you. If was none of our business.'
'I. I trusted you,' said Luke, and this time he pushed lightly at Russell's chest. His friend stepped back, trying to keep his balance.
'Come on,' said Russell. 'I didn't do it on purpose.'
'What!' screamed Luke. 'You are supposed to be my best friend. You knew Jessica was cheating on me, and you said nothing.' Luke pushed again at Russell's chest. He staggered backwards.
'I am. Please Luke.' Russell was looking concerned. He could see how angry Luke was. He imagined he would feel the same way if his best friend had lied to him.
'I am really sorry. Please forgive me?'
Luke was truly angry. He tried to control his rage, but lashed out at Russell, pushing the burly man onto the sofa. Russell steadied himself. Before he could react, Luke attempted to punch him in the face. The hit was more like a slap and barely gazed Russell's face. Russell had to defend himself. Luke looked crazy. The big man jumped and rushed at Luke.

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