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Outside Louise's apartment the wind continued to howl, whipping up the leaves which littered the ground. It was cold, and dark, except for the moon, which cast its white glow across the house. The wind blew through the doorway and into the apartment, like an unwanted guest, disturbing everything in its path. Louise recoiled, troubled by the sudden appearance of her attacker. She held out the knife, trembling, and crying. Luke stepped through the threshold and held out his hand.
'Get back!' screamed Louise, her voice breaking. 'I mean it.'
She could barely hold the weapon upright, and it shock in her hand uncontrollably.
'Louise. It's me. It's ok. It's Luke.'
Luke tried to sound calm, but he could hear the fear in his voice.
'Please Louise. You have to get out of here!'

She swiped the kitchen knife left and right, hoping to scare her attacker, then made stabbing gestures. Despite her fear, Louise was strong, and she would fight till the end. Luke studied her and admired her determination. She was visible scared but would not give up. Her hair was a mess, her makeup was smeared all over her face, and she looked pale. Like a frightened animal, she defended herself.
'I'm warning you. Don't come any closer!' She swiped again, hoping to keep Luke at bay.
'Please. It's me. Luke. Get out of here. I haven't got long. Go!'
Louise wiped her face and rubbed more makeup across her cheek. She looked at Luke, trying to assess the situation. Was he lying? As soon as she stood, would he lunge toward her and kill her?
'I mean it!' she screamed, waving the knife. 'I mean it.'

She was not listening. It had taken all of Luke's strength and willpower to break free. Sam was confusing his mind, filling it with unnecessary thoughts and images. Sam was also strong, and shut Luke out, taking over his memories and conscience. It was horrible. The worst things you could do were lock away, hidden in your subconscious. A normal person would never entertain hurting people, it was wrong. Sam had no remorse. He possessed no guilt, or sadness. He was everything Luke was not, and he was pushing his way through Luke's mind, fighting to get out, and hurt Louise. Sam had nearly succeeded. The gas would have exploded if Louise had not caught the scent. Luke had felt helpless, watching events unfolding before him. The silent entry through the small bathroom window. The quiet footsteps into the kitchen. Watching Sam piece the gas feed to the shove. All Luke could do was scream, and yell for Sam to stop. He had tried to stop Sam. Willing his legs, his arm, anything that could slow Sam down from hurting Louise. Sam had shut Luke out, and there was nothing Luke could do.

When they had climbed out of the window, Luke focused his subconscious on helping Louise. He somehow found an inner strength, turning his attention to Jessica, and the love they shared. The good battled with the bad. Luke's memories of happy times allowed him to gather the strength he needed and push Sam away from mind and take control. It had been a struggle. Sam was unwilling to let go. He had the power, and nothing would stop him. The good finally won and took control of his own body. Luke rushed toward the main door, holding a set of keys, and unlocked the front door. He had to get Louise to safety before Sam fought back.

'No! No!' yelled Luke, under his breath. Sam was messing with his head, confusing Luke.
Louise looked puzzled. She was trying to understand if Luke was telling the truth. She understood this could have been a trap. An attempt to trust Luke, and then Sam would kill her.
'You're not going to kill her,' ordered Luke, trying to hide his one-way conversation.

Louise rose slowly, still holding the knife for safety, and approached Luke. He stopped talking to himself and smiled. It was a warm smile, mixed with a hint of sadness and worry. He quickly grabbed her hand and ushered her toward the front door.
'You have to go. I don't know how long I can hold him back for.'
'I can't leave you,' said Louise. 'You need help.'
'Sam will kill you. You must go.'
Louise hesitated, torn between helping Luke or disappearing into the windy night. A sharp breeze leapt into the apartment and caught the door. The heavy wooden door snapped back and slammed shut. Louise jumped in shock and missed the change in Luke.
'Hello, Louise.'
Louise froze, sensing the change in tone from Luke's voice. She tried to edge closer to the shut door. Turning to look at Luke, she fixed her attention of his face. Immediately, Louise noticed that Luke's pupils were dilated, and his gazed was fixed on her, as if she were staring through her.
'Sam?' she asked, sounding nervous.
'I missed you.' His words were slow and deliberate.
Adrenaline mixed with fear kicked in and Louise felt her heart rate increase with the tension. She took a deep breath.
'Where's Luke? Send him back!'
'Oh Louise! You sound so brave. We both know you're not. Luke is tied up now. He won't be bothering us.'
Sam smiled. It was not warm. It was sinister and made Louise shiver. She slowly edged nearer to the door, hoping she could reach out. The knife wobbled in her hand, and she thrust it forward.
Sam laughed. 'Look at you. So tough. So brave.'
'I will use it. I will.'
'And hurt Luke. No. I don't think so.'

Louise felt her hand touch the doorknob, gripping the cool metal handle. She was close to freedom. Sam took a step forward. Louise unsteadily waved the knife at him. Before she could react, Sam thrust his hand forward and grabbed her wrist, twisting it sidewards, hoping the knife would slip away. Louise yelped in surprise.
'I warned you and you didn't listen. Drop the knife so I can plunge it into your flesh.'
'Luke! Luke! Are you in there?' called Louise, trying desperately to hold on to the knife. Sam twisted her wrist until it became uncomfortable, and she buckled under the strain.
'He can't help you! You are on your own.'

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