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The hospital was busy. Doctors in white coats rushed down the corridors, walking with purpose. Patients staggered, shuffling unsteadily, resigned to the fact they were doomed to spend time in this miserable place. What caught Luke's eyes were those waiting; waiting to hear news. Family members sat on chairs or the paced the corridors, looking stunned and anxious, hoping a doctor would burst out of a door and tell them good news. You could see the look on their faces. Waiting for someone to put them out of their misery.

It took some time to find the ward Russell had been taking to. After talking to nurses, along with a few doctors they managed to stop, Luke and Louise figured out Russell was on the Albert Burkley ward. Luke assumed he was either someone famous, who they had named the ward after, or a very generous patron, and his money paid for part of the hospital. Either way, that was where Russell was staying, and they followed the sign toward the ward.

It was unexplainable, but Luke felt sick. He had a weird sensation building up in his stomach and it left him with a horrible cramp. The nearer they got toward the ward, the worse the feeling got.
'You all right?' asked Louise, helping Luke stay upright after he doubled over.
'Not really. Got this terrible cramp. Think I'm going to throw up.'
'Don't do it here. What till we get to the ward. A nurse can help you, after you've puked everywhere.'
'Thanks for understanding,' said Luke sarcastically.
Louise ignored his comments, and gently helped him up the stairs. Luke complained and staggered up the stairs. He felt nervous and his stomach was responding, sending waves of nausea to his mouth and throat.
'Think it's nerves,' said Luke, puzzled by his own words.
'Nerves?' asked Louise. 'Why would you be nervous? Are you concerned about what happened with Russell and feel awkward when you meet him?'
'Could be. It's weird. I was really cross with Russell, still am. But he is hurt, and I should put my feelings aside. He needs my help.'
'Think about helping him. That should help you calm down.'
'Thanks. Glad you are here,' said Luke.

Together they pushed through the double doors and stepped toward the reception.
'Can i's helps you,' said an older woman in a thick Spanish accent. She was dressed in a nurse's uniform, holding a clipboard, and tapping away with her free hand, on a computer keyboard.
'We are looking for Russell Knight. Which room is he in?' asked Luke, trying to hide the nausea.
'Ares you familia?' asked the nurse. Her name tagged said Maria Lopez, and she had a beautiful olive complexion, from spending most of her life in the sun.
'No,' replied Luke. 'We are his friends.'
'Ok. Signs in here, and then he's staying in room five. Its overs there.' She pointed down the corridor and then continued tapping away on the keyboard.

The ward was busy. Patients lingered in the corridor, some moaning, others barely able to stay upright. It was a miserable place, and the worst thing about the ward was the smell. Despite the attempts to mask it, the strong aroma on urine hung in the air, mixed with blench. It did not help Luke's nausea.

They found room five. Six beds filled the room, tightly squeezed into the small space, divided by a dull curtain and a solitary chair. Russell was in the far corner, and he was awake. His portly face was covered in stubble and he glanced at the opening to see the two figures walk in. Luke's eyes met Russell and even though Luke smiled warmly, Russell started to shake his head.
'Hey buddy,' said Luke, as they approached the bed.
'Hi Russell,' added Louise.
'What. What. Are you. You doing here?' Russell's voice was quiet and raspy.
'How you feeling? You gave us a fright,' asked Luke.
'Please. I'm sorry.'
Russell looked worried. His face had twisted up into a panic and he was repeatedly shaking his head. Louise glanced at Luke with a concerned expression.
'Please. Don't. Hurt. Me,' continued Russell.
'What's he talking about?' asked Louise.
'Russell. It's ok. Calm down. No one is going to hurt you.'

Russell was gripping to call button and he was tapping the red button vigorously. Next to the bed was a heart monitor, attached with wires to his chest, and it had started beeping more rapidly. Russell was distressed. Something had upset the poor man.
'What's happening?' asked Luke, gently reaching out to touch Russell's hand.
'No! No!!' yelled Russell. The heart monitor was beeping, getting faster and faster.
'Russell. It's ok.' Louise tried to reach out, but Russell pulled away.
'I'm sorry Luke,' said Russell. 'Don't. Please. I'm sorry.'
Russell was pressing the call button and tears were rolling down his cheek. He was terribly upset. Luke did not know what to do. He looked behind to check if a nurse was coming, all he saw were the other patients looking on with suspicion.

The heart monitor was loud. It beeped and beeped getting quicker. Luke looked at it, willing the machine to shut down.
'Buddy. It's fine. We are not here to hurt you. No one is,' said Luke.
'Please. Don't. Kill. Me.'
Luke stood back in shock. Kill him. What was he talking about? Louise looked concerned. Russell was delusional. He had tried to kill himself and his mind was not working properly. Yet, something about his words troubled Luke. He heard the nurse approaching.
'Excuse me, said the small woman. 'What's going on?'
She pushed through and looked at Russell who was crying and still pressing the button. His heart rate was rapid.
'Please. I'm going to have to ask you to leave,' said the nurse. 'You are upsetting Russell.'
'Not sure what happened,' said Luke. 'We came to say hello, and he started panicking.'
She turned to face Luke and Louise and whispered her words, hoping Russell could not hear.
'He is not well. Get's upset very easily. Can I ask who you are?'
'I'm Luke. Russell's best friend. And this is Louise. My sister-in...' Luke stopped, frozen mid-sentence.
'His sister-in-law,' finished Louise.
The nurse frowned. She looked surprised. 'You are Luke?'
'Yes. Why?
'Because you are all Russell talked about. We've had to sedate him, because he keeps crying out your name, and then yelling no. Over and Over. Why is that?'
Luke was visible taken back. His face twisted in shock and he frowned with worry. There was an awkward moment of silence. The only thing you could hear was the rapid heart monitor, pulsating over and over.
'Really?' asked Luke, looking at Russell.
The poor man was still shaking. He was distressed, looking at Luke with utter fear. It tugged at Luke's heart. His best friend had gone mad, and thought people were here to kill him.
'Yes really. Did you do something to him?' responded the nurse.
'What! No! Well. We did get into a fight. Nothing serious. A few bumps and bruises.'
'Whatever happened. You frightened the poor man.'
'Can I stay. I need to talk to him.'
'He needs to calm down,' said the nurse. 'Come back later when he is better.'

Russell was still looking at Luke. His heart rate was quickening, and the nurse adjusted a machine feeding liquid into Russell's blood stream. Morphine. The magic liquid started working quickly and his heart rate noticeably slowed down.
'What's happening?' Luke asked the nurse. 'Why is he speaking like that?'
Russell was now staring vacantly into space, mumbling to himself. He was still shaking his head, glancing over toward Luke, and looking wide-eyed. The man was still visible frightened.
'Please follow me,' said the nurse, gently ushering the pair out into the corridor.
'Russell is suffering from delusional paranoia. He drove his car off the bridge and believes someone tried to kill him.' She stopped, then slowly jabbed her slender finger into Luke's chest. 'You tried to kill him?'
Was she blaming Luke for Russell's condition? It was absurd. Luke had nothing to do with Russell attempting to drive off a bridge. He shook his head.
'That's ridiculous,' protested Luke.
'Yes. It is. But when you are suffering like he is, you believe anything. Maybe because of the fight you had, he now associates you as someone who could hurt him.'
'But I would never hurt him.' Luke could feel his voice breaking. He felt upset that Russell would think Luke could hurt him.
'What if someone did try and kill him?' asked Louise.
'A doctor can tell you more. The police were here today, and I overheard them saying they found no evidence on his car that someone tried to kill him. It looks like a suicide attempt.'
'What can I do?' asked Luke.
'Go get a coffee and come back when Russell is more settled. You are his enemy and we don't want to upset him.'

The nausea in Luke's stomach was escalating. He could feel the bile rising and he was about to vomit. Louise noticed his face turning pale, and the sudden urge to gag.
'Hey,' she said. 'I'll meet you at the coffee shop, you get yourself sorted.'

They thanked the nurse, and Luke rushed off toward the toilets, watching Louise disappear. He barely pushed into a cubicle before the contents of his stomach emptied into the toilet bowl. Russell thought Luke was his enemy. It seemed like a bad dream. He vomited again, trying to find something to bring up. Why would Russell be convinced someone tried to kill him?

Wiping his mouth and staring into the mirror, Luke pondered that question. Russell looked genuinely scared when he saw Luke, not someone suffering from delusions. What if someone had tried to kill Russell, the same way someone had killed Debbie? What if that someone had been him? It was not possible, Luke told himself.

Looking at himself, Luke studied his pale face. His complexion was white like snow, he looked ill. He splashed some water over his face to regain some of his colour, and thoughts about his past lingered in his head. Thoughts that he had forgotten about. The suppressed memories were coming to the surface, haunting him like a bad dream.

No matter how muchwater he splashed over his face, Luke knew the truth. His head was pounding,and his stomach was in knots. He stood up from the sink and looked at himself.It was happening again. He did not want to believe it, but the more he thoughtabout it, the more he realised it must be true.
Had Luke killed Debbie and tried to do the same to Russell? Worst of all, didhe kill Jessica? Luke was about to be sick again when he locked eyes with hisreflection and noticed the visible change. His pupils expanded, and slowly, hestarted to smile. A wide grin lifted upwards and spread from ear to ear.

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