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Five minutes later, Russell pulled the blue Ford out of the street and joined the busy dual carriageway. Luke sat in the passenger seat, looking anxious and lost in thought while staring out of the window. The weather had changed, and the sky was dark and grey. Wind rushed through the trees, as brown and yellow leaves flew into the air. The autumn colours were lost on Luke. All he could think about was Jessica. Where was she?
'Hey mate. You alright?' asked Russell, noticing Luke staring vaguely into the distance.
'Yeah. Yeah. I'm good.'
'Be there in a few minutes. It will be fine.'
The traffic was increasing as they neared the A12, and a white truck aggressively pulled out in front of them, barely missing the blue Ford. Russell slammed his fist on the horn angrily.
'Damn van drivers. Think they own the road.'
Luke said nothing and continued to look through window.
'Busy for a Saturday afternoon. Where is everyone going?'

Up ahead, the traffic stopped, and drivers pulled into the other lane, avoiding the slip road on to the A12. Luke studied the road, tilting his head up and peering over the misty windscreen. Something was wrong. The A12 was shut. Red cones blocked the road, and a police car was parked across the tarmac. In the darkening sky, its blue lights lit up the road as they flashed on and off.
'Somethings wrong,' said Luke suddenly.
Russell sighed. 'Sure its fine. We can find another way round.' His voice was not very reassuring.

Russell skilfully pulled out into the single line of traffic, and slowly edged the car forward through the bank of cars. They passed the cones and Luke glanced down the slip road toward the road in the distance. More police cars, and more cones blocked the road. What was going on? It looked like an accident. His heart skipped a beat, and he held the phone up, studying the flashing dot. The map showed his location and Jessica's last location. Luke zoomed in, pinching his fingers across the screen. He froze. Jessica's phone was last seen on the A12, and they were right next to it. He looked down the slip road, and Russell slowly moved the car forward. Luke was now in a panic. He pointed toward the multiple police cars, barely able to speak.
'She's down there,' he said, stuttering his words.
'What?' replied Russell.
'Down there. The dot is saying she's down there.'
Russell quickly looked at the police cars and tried to see what was happening. It was too far to make out any details, except for the flashing lights.
'Her phone recorded a location before the battery died. She is having a coffee with someone she bumped into. Don't worry, we will find her.'
Luke peered through the windscreen, trying to get a better look. Russell was wrong. Something had happened. He could feel it and a sickening sensation rose in Luke's stomach. He had to get closer.
'Can we get nearer?'
'Down there?' asked Russell.
'I need to know,' said Luke.
'Ok. Hold on.'
Russell pulled hard on the wheel and took a tight right turn, avoiding a car and leaving behind the sound of angry drivers. He swung past, barely missing a pedestrian crossing the road. Luke looked sick. The sight of the police cars, the flashing lights, told him something was not right. With each second his heart rate increased, and it was only when Russell drove over the bridge crossing the A12 that Luke's heart stopped. Time slowed down. The lights blinked gently. Luke was paralysed with fear. His eyes were fixed on the car sitting on the carriageway. Below them, was Jessica's car. Surrounded by police cars and officers walking around the vehicle, it looked unrecognisable, yet Luke was convinced. The black Nissan was upside down against the side barrier, and still smoking. Russell slammed on the brake when Luke opened the passenger door.
'What the hell!' he called out.
The car screeched to a halt and Luke was out of the vehicle. He peered over the railings and stared in horror at the crash below. A red car sat across the road, its lights smashed, and the front was all crumpled. Facing the wrong way was a Volvo. It was severely damaged, smashed and broken by a forceful impact.
Luke started calling out, yelling, and screaming, 'Jessica! Jessica!' A few officers looked up and then ignored his cries.
'Mate. It could be anyone's car,' said Russell, trying desperately to comfort his friend. Luke ignored him and ran across the bridge.
'Hey! Luke. Wait up.'
Luke was scrambling down the embankment, grabbing the muddy grass as he slid down the mound to the A12 below.
'Luke! Stop,' shouted Russell. 'Damn it.' Russell followed Luke, losing his footing, and slipping all the way down the embankment. 'Damn it!' Russell brushed all the mud that covered his shirt.
Luke was now running toward the scene of the crash. 'Jessica!' he screamed. 'Jessica!' An officer, wearing a bright yellow jacket, noticed Luke, and stepped forward to greet him. His face was red, and his jacket fitted snuggly around his large belly.
'Sir. You can't be here. It's not safe.' He raised his hand to signal for Luke to stop.
'Jessica! Is she there? Jessica.'
'Sir. You need to leave.'
Russell caught up, panting, and breathing heavily. Luke pushed past the officer, just as the man grabbed his arm.
'Sir. I'm not going to ask again. You need to leave.'
Luke struggled to break free from the officer's grip. A few of his colleagues had noticed the commotion.
'Sorry officer,' interrupted Russell. 'What happened?'
Luke twisted and tugged, screaming at the damaged vehicles. 'Jessica! Where is she?'
'There was a bad accident about three hours ago. Does this man know the driver?' asked the red-faced police officer.
'Tom. What's going on?' Another police officer had approached and was cautiously assessing the scene.
'Jessica!' Luke's voice was becoming hoarse from the screaming. 'Jessica!'
Russell shrugged at the officer, apologetically. He looked at Luke who was still struggling to break free.
'The black car, he thinks it's his wife's,' said Russell, pointing toward the vehicle.
There was a moment's hesitation. The only sound was from the traffic overhead, and Luke's croaky voice. 'Jessica! Jessica!'
'You'd better come with me, Sir,' said the second officer. Luke was visibly distraught. He slumped into the back seat of a police cruiser.
'I'm sorry sir. We identified the woman in the black Nissan as Jessica Hill. It was on her driving license. Are you her husband?'
Luke was shaking. He felt sick and he was not sure he could speak. He barely managed to nod. Deep down he knew what the officer was about to say.
'Again. I'm sorry. Mrs Hill was reported dead at the scene. Paramedics did all they could, but her injuries were too severe. I'm sorry for your loss.'

All Luke heard was that his beloved Jessica was dead. The officer was still talking, but his world had collapsed. Luke's heart was broken, and he felt his chest crush into him. This had to be a dream. The burden of hearing this news was too much to bear. His Jessica. Gone. His child. Gone. Luke screamed and then sobbed uncontrollably.

What do you say after hearing news like this? As you can imagine, Luke was uncontrollable. A community support officer stayed with him, and Russell spent the night. I can't imagine what it's like to lose someone, but I can feel Luke's pain. I'm sure you do. So I'll tell you how I helped him.

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