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'Luke. What are you doing?' asked Louise.
Luke was frozen, staring at the IV drip, looking at the screen that displayed the current dosage.
'Yes. What were you doing?' This time the nurse asked the question.
Luke could barely answer. He glanced back and forth between Louise, the nurse, and the machine.
'I,' he stammered. 'I'm not sure.' He did know. He was just afraid to answer. The nurse frowned, knowing exactly what he was doing.
'Were you trying to adjust the dosage?'
Luke pulled himself together and shook his head.
'No! No! I was just checking if Russell was ok, when I found it like this,' he lied.
'I'm calling security,' said the nurse, and she stormed off.
'What's going on?' asked Louise, looking confused.
'I'm sorry, we need to get out of here.'
Luke grabbed her hand, and started to pull her away from Russell's bed.
'Luke. Please. Tell me what is happening?'
'I'll explain when we get out of here. Just follow me and get out of the hospital. Come on.'

Luke started to run. He poked his head out of the ward and stared down the corridor. The nurse was on the phone and another colleague stood by her side.
'Come on,' ordered Luke. 'Don't look back.'
Louise was about to protest, when Luke shot off down the corridor, heading toward to the entrance to the wards. The nurse turned to see Luke run by, and trailing behind was Louise, looking puzzled by the whole situation.
'Hey!' yelled the nurse. 'Stop!'
'I'm sorry,' shouted Louise, running and shrugging her shoulders.
'Someone stop them!' continued the nurse.

Luke was already at the large double doors. He pressed the release button and the doors swung open. Louise stood by his side, looking back at the nurse who was now heading toward them. She was still ordering them to stop.
Luke grabbed Louise's hand again and dived out of the door into the main corridor of the hospital. An orderly was pushing a frail woman strapped to a gurney, and they nearly smashed into the bed.
'Hey!' complained the orderly. 'Watch it.'
They ignored him and sprinted down the large white and beige passageway. It was busy. Doctors, nurses, and patients filled the corridor, moving out of the way as two crazed people ran by, almost knocking into a few of them. Behind them was the distant shout from the nurse, who was relentless and still hoped they would stop on her command. Come on, thought Luke. We must get out of the hospital, into the car and drive away.

A doctor stumbled when Luke knocked into him, sending the papers he was holding into the air. He mumbled under his breath, but before he could say anything further, they had moved further down the corridor. The call from the nurse had stop and Luke breathed a temporary sigh of relief. It was short lived. Up ahead was the main entrance to the hospital and standing next to entry were two large security guards. What would happen if they stopped us? Would they call the police? These thoughts were whirling around Luke's mind and he suddenly stopped. Louise knocked into Luke and winced. She was panting.
'Are you going to tell me what is happening?'
'Not yet,' replied Luke. 'First we need to get out of here. Come on. Look natural.'
'Sure. Look natural. Nothing about this is natural. I'm not going anywhere till you tell me what is going on.'
'Louise.' Luke turned to look at her. His deep blue eyes bore into her like a drill. She stared, mesmerised.
'I promise. I promise I will tell you everything. First, we need to leave. Please come on, and this time walk.'
He took her hand and squeezed it tightly. His grip felt nice, and Louise tightened her fingers around Luke's. Together, they slowly walked toward the main entrance, holding hands, strolling casually. Inside, Luke was a bundle of nerves. His heart was pounding, he felt sick, and he knew his palms were sweaty. He tried to hide his nerves and sauntered toward the exit, smiling. This was a terrible plan. The nurse would have called security, and everyone would have received a message. Look out for a man with short dark blond hair, deep blue eyes, wearing a black coat, and dark blue jeans. He is with a woman. Green eyes. Light brown hair, wearing light blue jeans, brown leather boots, and a red and green coat. They were unmistakable. If the security men recognised them, they would simply run, and hope to make it to the Mini before someone stopped them. It would not work; Luke could sense it.

The two men eyed them suspiciously as they approached the entrance. People were coming and going, dodging one another, smiling politely as they avoided one another. Sirens blared outside, and an ambulance pulled up outside the emergency entrance. The security guards' attentions were suddenly diverted by the commotion, and they focused on the paramedics. Inside the ambulance was a man, strapped to a bed and he was screaming and thrashing. The paramedics were struggling to restrain him, and together they pinned him down and pulled the bed out of the vehicle. This was perfect, thought Luke. He squeezed Louise hand, and casually walked by the two guards, who ignored them. They were too busy watching one of the paramedics get knocked to the ground. They sprang into action and rushed toward the ambulance to assist.

The cold autumn air had turned into a wet, raining day and thick droplets of rain hit the ground. Puddles had formed across the tarmac, reflecting light from the hospital along the shiny water. Neither of them had an umbrella. Pulling their coats up, hoping to avoid the worst of the rain, Luke and Louise dashed out of the hospital. Safely out of the building, Louise yanked her hand away from Luke. She had stopped smiling and pulled Luke toward her, brushing away the water that lingered to her coat.
'What the hell was that?' she asked, her voice aggressive.
'Let's go. I told you. I'll explain everything.'
'You better. Otherwise I'm calling the police.'

Luke ignored her and got into the car. He knew what had happened but was struggling to except it. He had tried to kill Russell, and worst of all, he had killed the others. No. It was not real. He fought the crazy thoughts that whizzed around his mind. Thoughts of Debbie screaming, hearing the crunch of bones as Alan fell down the stairs. Forcing Russell off the road. Those images were clear, filling his mind like bad dream. They had once been safely lodged in his subconscious, hiding the truth from the rest of his brain. Now they were active thoughts and consumed every available space. No matter how hard Luke tried, he could not remove the truth. The truth told him what he had done. He was a killer and had killed the people he loved. He had tried to kill Russell and then he froze, scared by the sudden realisation. Everything his alter-ego knew, he knew, and it frightened him. He was going to kill Louise.
'Hey!' shouted Louise, over the noise of the rain. They were both soaked, and the dash to the car had left them both dripping.
'Luke. Get in the car.'
Luke was frozen, standing inches away from the small Mini, staring at Louise, unable to comprehend what he knew. Louise was next on the list, and he was the only one who could stop it.
'Get in!' yelled Louise for a second time. She jumped in and slammed the door shut. That sudden jolt pulled Luke out of his daze and he dived into the small interior of the vehicle, feeling the wetness envelop the seat. Outside rain podded the car, hitting the windscreen with the force of a thousand tiny insects. Behind the clouds, hid the sun, block by thick black clouds, obscuring any trace of the brilliant rays from the sunlight.

'Now. Are you going to tell what is happening?' Louise sounded assertive. 'I'm not leaving until you tell me what is going on? Don't tell me I need to wait. I want to know now!'
'I can't,' stammered Luke. 'Please just drive and let's go somewhere safe. Please.'
Luke could hear his own voice. Shaky, scared, and frightened.
'Are you ok?' asked Louise, sensing the change in his voice. 'Please Luke. I'm worried. Tell me something.'
'It's not safe.'
'Why? Is someone after us?'
Luke shook his head and paused, listening to the rain batter the car. How could he tell her? Louise would think he was crazy. She would be right, he was crazy, and all these years he had managed to supress his craziness. Now, the beast was out. The monster was back, and there was nothing Luke could do to stop it.
'Luke. You look pale. What's happening? Is someone coming?'
He looked at her, unable to speak. He had to say something, he had to tell Louise she was in danger. She was in danger from him. Those thoughts triggered an internal struggle, and his supressed subconscious broke free, unleashing the monster. Luke's mind was ripped apart and he buried his hands over his face, shaking his head frantically, trying to fight the beast.
'Luke! Luke!' yelled Louise, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Then Luke stopped shaking and looked directly at Louise.
'Someone is coming,' he said, menacingly. 'Me. I'm going to kill you.'  

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