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One year into their marriage and the signs of betrayal had started to appear. They say that the first year of marriage can be the hardest as you both adjust to each other. Learning about behaviours and traits can often be surprising and if you survive that first year, then you can enjoy years of happiness together.

Luke and Jessica had made it. One year on and they were blissfully happy, as much in love as their wedding day. Expect things changed on the week after their first anniversary.

Luke was attending a conference, something about the latest techniques for graphic designing. It would be a three-day event and he would stay away at a hotel. He hated being away from Jessica and after she insisted, Luke reluctantly went to the conference.

The moment Luke left, Jessica called Alan and made plans of her own. She never intended to treat Luke this way, but she was in love with Alan as much as she was with Luke.
'Hey,' she said, her voice soft and sultry. 'Luke's gone. Fancy booking a table for tonight?'
Alan's voice was chirpy and excited. 'Definitely. I've been waiting so long to see you.'
'Me too! I thought he wouldn't go. I've got three days we can spend together.'
'Why don't you leave him?' asked Alan.
Jessica sighed. 'I told you. I love him. Why can't I have two men in my life?'
'I know. I know. It just seems I'm second place. I want to be with you every day. Not just when you can hide away from Luke for five minutes.'
'Do you want to enjoy these three days or argue about which one of you I should have married?'
'You're right. Sorry. I'll pick you up at 7?'
'Great. I can't wait,' said Jessica.
'Me neither. See you tonight. Love you,' finished Alan.
'Love you too.'

Three days to spend with the other love her life and continue betraying Luke by pretending he was the only love of her life. It was cruel, yet if he never found out, Jessica was sure she could continue her double life.
The first night went wonderfully. The two secret lovers having dinner together, laughing, sharing drinks. It was perfect. They made sure to keep their rendezvous out of town, away from prying eyes, in case someone they knew spotted them and reported back to Luke. Despite the hour drive to their favourite restaurant, it was a magical evening, and sometimes Jessica wished she had never married Luke. But Alan was a distraction, and excitement she needed. Luke was the stability, the man she would grow old with. Jessica knew that her time with Alan could not last. She must end it or tell Luke the truth, and Jessica would, but not tonight. Alan was good company and she intended to enjoy these three days together.
'Night,' said Alan, giving her a good-night kiss on the doorstep to her house. 'You sure I can't come in?'
'No. Go home. I've had a wonderful time. Tomorrow. Dinner and a movie. You pick,' said Jessica, playfully.
Alan looked disappointed, but he understood, and beamed at Jessica, giving her one final kiss.
'See you tomorrow. Same time?'
'Sure. See you tomorrow.'
Jessica waved him goodbye and disappeared into the house, grinning with pleasure. She did feel guilty betraying Luke like this, but he would never know, and by the time they grew old together, Alan would be a distant memory.
She had talked to Debbie about this secret affair. Holding onto such thing had become too much and Jessica needed advice. What to do and how to end it. Debbie had always been a good friend and she would hold on to this secret. Except for Russell. Jessica wondered if Debbie would tell Russell. If she did, would Russell be able to hold on to this secret without telling Luke? Jessica could only hope he would, because if Luke found out it would kill him.

The following morning some flowers turned up with a card attached to the base. It was from Alan, and Jessica smiled when she took in the sweet smell of the roses. The aroma filled her nostrils and her senses leapt into overdrive. She loved roses, and these red and white flowers were perfect. Jessica knew she could not keep them. If Luke saw them, he would become suspicious. Tonight she would throw them away. But for now, Jessica enjoyed them and went to find a vase. She pulled out the card and read Alan's words of undying love:

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