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I must tell you something before we start. By the time I met Luke, he was in a bad way. I waited as long as possible before making myself known to him. If the timing wasn't right, I would not have been able to help him, let alone convince him. What Luke needed was help, and I could help him. When we met, the poor man was beside himself.
After learning about Jessica's death, Luke shut himself away. He stopped eating, stayed in bed, he stopped living. Russell and Debbie kept an eye on him, popping round, giving him food, and trying to get him out of bed. They had to arrange the funeral. Luke just stopped functioning and shut everyone and everything out; he could not do anything.

Somehow, Russell and Debbie managed to drag Luke to the funeral. I don't know how they managed it. Luke had ceased to exist, becoming a shell, and he was a mess. Whatever they did, it had worked because Luke was present. During funerals it always seems to rain. Today was no exception. The sky was dark grey, and rain poured gently from the blackened clouds. If was as if the heavens were mourning the loss of Jessica and reflected Luke's mood. Everything was drenched in cold damp moisture, and black umbrellas sheltered the crowd from the rain. Luke was slumped in a chair, and tears gently poured down his face. I felt his pain, sensing his anguish, wishing there were some way I could take it all away. No time was the right time. Not with the question I had. I knew what his reaction would be, and I needed to be sure he could cope with it.
'Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.' The Vicar continued his service, talking about Jessica and how she was in a better place. Luke was still sobbing. His dark blond hair was stuck to his forehead, damp from the rain. I knew his blue eyes would be red from the constant crying.
A young girl who was the spitting image of Jessica, sat next to Luke, squeezing his hand tightly. She was also crying, mourning the loss of her sister. She had the same green eyes, and blond hair, just a little younger. Luke was visibly shaking when the coffin was lowered into the ground.
I hated funerals and this one was particularly painful, knowing that two lives had been lost on the day of the accident. I could see Luke knew it too.

The funeral was quickly over, and the crowd gathered round Luke and Jessica's sister to offer their sympathies. It was still raining, and there was a rush to get back into the warmth.
'I'm so sorry,' said a tall man, patting Luke's shoulder, before walking off down the path.
'If I can do anything.' Another man offered his condolences, before walking away.
The crowd was dispersing, leaving Luke and Jessica's sister alone by the grave. I noticed Russell and Debbie waiting patiently by the car. Luke had no intention of moving. I thought about my timing. Was this the right time? I needed Luke alone, and once Jessica's sister left, I would talk to Luke and offer my condolences.

I kept a watchful eye on the grave site, fearful to reveal myself. I keep asking if this is the right time? Is Luke ready to face me? The crowd had gone. Cars disappeared down the road, leaving behind a spray of water. Russell and Debbie had stepped into their vehicle, deciding it was better to be dry. Luke sat motionless, staring at the mound of dirt now over the coffin. Jessica's sister squeezed his hand tighter and started speaking. Luke was frozen, fighting to hold back the tears, barely nodding to the sound around him. She eventually hugged him and then walked away, glancing behind her, clearly worried about Luke.

Jessica's sister walked down the winding path, umbrella covering her head, while the rain splashed around her. Luke was glued to the chair, unable to move. This had to be my time. He was alone and I longed to help him. It was going to be a tricky question, yet I was confident I could convince him. I made up my mind, and braced myself as I spoke to Luke, wondering how he would react.
'Luke,' I said. 'I'm sorry for your loss.'
The poor man barely nodded, his eyes fixed ahead, staring vaguely into the distance.
'I'm so sorry for what happened.'
Luke remained silent. This was going to be more difficult than I thought. I would just come right out with it.
'Jessica was a lovely woman; she will be missed.' I gulped a little, feeling apprehensive.
'Who are you?' said Luke, looking around the cemetery.
'Just a friend and I want to help you.'
Luke turned back to his vacant stare. His umbrella was by his side. I watched the rain drip down his face, mixing with the tears that fell from his eyes. Then he spoke, softly and quietly.
'Help, how?' was all Luke said.
This was my cue.
'You can make this all go away.' I knew those words would hit Luke like a bullet to the chest. I waited for his reaction.
Luke's eyes came into focus, and for the first time I saw life behind his dark pupils. He gazed up and frowned.
'What! Who the hell are you?' He was getting defensive.
'I told you Luke. I'm a friend, and I can help you with this pain.'
Luke swiftly stood up. Rain ran off his coat and splashed into a pool of water around his feet. He was dripping wet.
'Do you think this is funny? Leave, or I'm calling the police.'
'Please, just listen to what I have to say.'
Luke was already walking away. I couldn't let him leave. I had to make him listen.
'Wait. You're hurting. I get it. Please, just listen.'
Luke stopped, turned and unexpectantly threw his arm through the air, clenching his fist as he swung. It was clumsy, and poorly executed. Even if he'd been aiming for a giant tree, he would have missed, and the blow went wide.
'Go away! You are crazy. I don't need this.' Luke was now sobbing.
'I'm sorry. I just want to help. Listen to what I have to say.'
'Go away!' Luke was yelling and I was worried it would draw the attention of others, especially Russell and Debbie. I was going to have to show him.
Before Luke could walk off, I took control of the situation, and he stumbled to the ground, catching his knees on the stony path.
'Hey, what the hell?'
Luke tried to get up, but I was quick, pinning him to the ground, forcing him to listen. If he let me, he could make all this pain and anguish go away.
'Listen, Jessica doesn't want you to suffer. Can you hear her voice?' I then whispered in his ear. 'Don't be sad, she's saying.' Luke squirmed. I squeezed tighter.
'Can you hear her?'
Luke gasped, his eyes bulging and wet with tears.
'Don't fight it, Luke. Let me take you back to her. Just say it and you can make all this go away.'
'Jessica!' he called, sounding croaky and anxious. I smiled and pushed a little harder.
'Say it. Do you want this to go away? Do you want all this pain to be gone? Jessica wants you to be free. Say it, Luke. Say it.'
'Yes. Jessica.'
His skin was wet from the rain, and I knew I was getting through to him. It felt good. He twisted a little, trying to break free.
'Why? Why?' He could barely say the words. Luke's voice broke, and he started to sob.
'Jessica. I want to die. I can't do this without you. I need you,' he said through a whisper.
'No, Luke. You don't need to die. I can help you.'
'Yes,' he said. He was now breathing rapidly. I pushed harder.
'Let me help, Luke.'
'I don't understand.' Luke was now crying, tears running down his face.
'Don't fight it,' I said. 'It's nearly over.'
'Who. Who are you?' stammered Luke. 'Tell me. Who. Are. You?'
Luke was squirming, I could feel his resistance.
'I'm Sam, and I can help you. I can help you get your life back.'
Luke was confused, wondering how I could help get his life back. He then twisted, and pulled himself off the ground, shaking his head violently. Rainwater flew off his hair.
'Jessica's dead,' he snarled, speaking more confidently than before. 'No one can help me.'
'I can help. You just have to ask. I know more than you think.'
Pausing, I allowed my words to sink in.
'Jessica's favourite colour is yellow. Fish makes her sick and her middle name is Vera. She hates it and tells everyone she has no middle name.'
Luke blinked rapidly, trying to focus on my words. He was trying to understand what was happening.
'I knew Jessica and I can help you,' I continued, hoping to get through to him.
Luke struggled and clenched his fists, and he was ready to punch me. In one last attempt, he tried to push away.
'Stop!' His words were croaky.
'I know it sounds weird, but Jessica shouldn't have died. I can fix this.'
'No!' groaned Luke. 'No!'
Luke shuddered and gazed at the dark skies. He was fighting back and was no longer listening. There was fear in his eyes as he allowed the rain to strike his face.
'How can you help? I told you no one can help.'
'Yes. I can help you. I can help you, Luke. I can sort it all out. I can make the pain go away. I can stop anyone else from hurting you.' Luke was shaking his head. He wasn't listening.
'I will help you, even if you don't want me to. I will help you,' I said softly.

There was a noise in the distance. I barely heard it because I was so focused on Luke. But I quickly pulled away when I heard it again.
'Hey, Luke! Are you ok?' It was Russell, calling from the path.
In an instant, I was gone, as Luke spun round, turning his attention to Russell.
'Luke. You ok buddy?' Russell was getting closer. Luke would be unaware what had happened. I tried to help him, but he is too stubborn to listen. It doesn't matter. I made a promise, and I will help Luke, even if he doesn't want it.
Russell ran up to him and sheltered his already wet body with his umbrella. I had missed my chance, unable to make Luke understand, but I will get another when the time is right.

Do you think I did the right thing? I can hear you saying it sounds crazy. All I wanted was to help Luke. Yes, I should have been more patient, but Luke needs my help, and I will help him. 

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