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Debbie was trying to calm Luke down. The events from the funeral were still spinning around his mind, and he kept insisting that someone was there, someone who knew Jessica as well as he did. Luke even questioned whether this mysterious stranger had been responsible for Jessica's death.
'It was an accident,' said Debbie, sympathetically. 'You've been through so much, Luke.'
Luke had just experienced a traumatic event, of course he would be troubled, and thinking someone had tried to help him, was his way of facing the truth. Luke wanted someone to blame and imagining a strange conversation with a man who could help was Luke's way of coping. Debbie tried to reason with him, but Luke kept insisting it had happened.
'He was there,' he said, trying not to get angry.
'Come on, Luke,' said Debbie, kindly. 'I'm sure it happened. Give it some time. It will come to you.'
'By the way, did you speak to Alan yet?' asked Russell. Debbie quickly shot him a glance, trying to silence him.
'Alan?' asked Luke.
'Yeah. Jessica's boss. The headmaster. You know?'
'I know who Alan is. Why would I talk to him?'
'No reason,' said Debbie.
Russell ignored her. 'He has some things of Jessica's he probably wants to return. You know? School stuff.'
'Oh! Ok. Not sure I can face it yet, but I'll get round to it.'
'No rush. No rush. Get yourself sorted first.'

After lunch, Luke went back home to sort some of Jessica's things out. He did not want to do it, but the longer he put it off the harder it would be. Something was bothering Luke. He could not figure it out, but he had an uneasy feeling. Was it the way Russell and Debbie were acting? Did he fear another confrontation with the mystery man, Sam? Whatever it was, it left Luke feeling troubled. He hoped for a better night's sleep.

Slowly going through Jessica's things, Luke sorted out old pictures that she liked to keep. She used them for bookmarks in her diary or in the latest book she read. It was her way of being reminded of the people she loved. A picture poked out of a book Jessica had been reading. Luke slid the glossy image out from the book. Most of the pictures had been of holiday's they had taken. Trips to Paris, holidays to Tenerife. This was different. It was a picture of her school colleagues. Last year's Christmas party. Luke was not sure. The whole school lined up like children having a year photo, except older. Jessica's beaming smile lit up the picture and he stared at it, mesmerised by her smile. He missed that. He missed her.
Trying hard to fight back the tears, Luke looked at the picture, hoping to recognise some of the staff. He hardly knew any of them. Karen, the big lady was always very friendly when Luke had met her. She was Jessica's assistant. She stood on the right of Jessica, smiling like a lunatic. On her left was Alan, the headmaster. Luke stared more closely at the picture. Did Alan have his arm around Jessica's shoulder? He moved the image closer to his face and examined it. Yes, he did. The headmaster's arm was round his wife's shoulder. Why would he do that? Luke then laughed at his own stupidity. He was always genuinely nice when they had met, and Jessica always had good things to say about the man. But he looked extra friendly in this picture. It was weird. Luke shrugged it off and placed the picture in the pile with the others. Jessica would never betray him, would she?

The day dragged on. Luke had sorted through some of her clothes. He had cried. He had smiled, remembering some of the outfits she used to wear, but he mostly cried. He could not throw away her things, instead he would put it in a box, and occasionally have a look, to remind himself of his beautiful Jessica.

He cleared up and sat at the table. Luke was troubled by the note he held. Sorting through her coats, it had slipped out of a jacket Jessica wore. He read it and re-read it, trying to understand its meaning. It made no sense.
See you tonight. A x

That was it! See you tonight. When was this, thought Luke? And why the kiss? A, who is A? The questions were milling around his head. Was Jessica having an affair? She would never cheat on him; it was not possible. A. He thought through his friends who's initial started with A. Was the mystery A, Alan? That is the only A he knew. Or was it from one of her girlfriends? She was always meeting up with one of them. What were their names? Naomi. Jenny. There had to be more. Come on Luke, think. Mandy. Lilly. He could not think of anymore. It had to be a girlfriend.
Luke was now more troubled than before. He could not get the thought out of his head that Jessica may have been seeing someone behind his back. It was not true. Jessica was loyal. They loved each other. She was having his baby. His baby. That thought lingered in his head. He imagined the little child in his arms, Jessica laughing by his side as she tickled the tiny feet. The happy family, perfect in every way. Now, he had lost everything. Worst of all, he had doubts about Jessica. Stop it! He told himself. Luke knew he was being paranoid. All he wanted was his old life back. The grief was too great, and Luke had given up. Work was pointless. Life was pointless. Without his family, he had nothing left. All he had left was this bottle. He held on tightly to the bottle of whisky. Gulping back another swig, he felt the liquid burn his throat as it went down. Before the night was over, Luke planned to drink the entire bottle and fall into a deep, drunken sleep. Then he would forget all his troubles, and tomorrow it would start all over again.

Tomorrow would bring its own troubles, because when Luke woke up, he would learn that his friend, Debbie was dead.

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