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I told you that I was dying to share this story, and I'm glad you were able to join me. I'm sure you have your opinions about me, and you probably feel that I deserved everything I got. You might be right, or not. Remember, this started out by helping Luke. His friends deserved to die, because they had lied and betrayed him, and I couldn't allow that. I admit that in the end, I got a bit out of control, and started hunting Russell and Louise for the fun. That was a mistake, and now I'm paying the consequences.

It did not take long for a medical professional to see I was suffering from a mental illness, and during the trial, I was able to plead I was insane. It's the truth. I'm nuts, a lunatic, a mad man, whatever they call it. In court, nicer words were used to describe my condition. Psychological trauma; mental condition; personality disorder. Because of those kind words, a judge and jury decided I wasn't fit to be locked up in a regular prison and would be incarcerated in a secure mental hospital. It's been a lot of fun. I've got my own room, and I get to see various doctors and nurses, although I have to admit I've tried to hurt a few of them. I don't know what it is, but the way they speak to me drives me wild. I nearly killed a young doctor several days ago. He spoke to me like I was a child, so I lashed out breaking his nose, and dislocating his shoulder. It took three orderlies to pull me away from the screaming doctor. I never saw him again, and because of my actions, I was sedated, and enjoyed two days strapped to my bed. As I said, it's been a lot of fun.

My only regret is I've not seen or spoken to Luke. Since the trial, he has been quiet, but I know he is still there, tucked away deep inside my mind. He is probably sulking or scared. The days in court must have been traumatic and as the evidence and details were read out, I knew what Luke was thinking. He was stunned to hear my confusion, and worst of all, hearing what I had done to his friends. There had been no point lying to the judge, so I told him everything. Do you know why? Because I'm proud of what I did. Yes, that makes me sound crazy, but you forget, I'm totally mad, and I love it.
Luke is such a wimp. Although, that's not technically true. He did manage to fight me for a while, but in the end, I was stronger, and since then, I've managed to stay in control. I guess Luke has lost the will to fight, not seeing the point of spending his time in this miserable place. I can't blame him. I'm not a fan, and thankfully, I'm good at keeping myself amused. Doctors and nurses are so easy to break.

It's been fun, and I'm happy you heard my tale. Will I ever get out of here? It's doubtful. After all, I did kill two people, and attempted to kill a third. The judge said that I was a danger to other people and to myself and would likely spend the rest of my days locked away in this place. Luke screamed in frustration when he heard the verdict, and I could only laugh.
The good news is Russell is also serving time in prison. A doctor who I threatened to hurt told me Russell was charged with manslaughter and is facing several years in an open prison. I envy him. Being able to roam freely, while I'm stuck in this awful room. If I'm good, and stop threatening the staff, I might get a television. Maybe I'll play nice for a few months. But what fun would that be. I'll just have to make my own entertainment, won't I?

Louise never made it. Again, I was able to pry that information out from a shaking nurse. She came to give me my meds, and before she could blink, I had her by the throat and asked her to tell me if Louise had survived. She shook her head, and tears welled up in her eyes. I had to let her go, because two massive thugs dived into the room, and struck my legs with huge batons. I made a complaint that this was prison brutality, and to my disappointment, no one responded. I imagined some senior warden laughing when he read my letter. Of course, I had to dictate the note, as I'm not allowed any pens or pencil. Something about using them as a weapon. As if I need such a crude weapon when I have my hands and fists.

So I will spend the rest of my days locked away in this dreadful place, and the worst thing about it, is that I'm stuck in Luke's puny body. My mind is strong, and I wish for a strong body, but you can't have everything.

Without going on and boring you with more details, I guess this is goodbye. I did consider us friends, because we've shared a lot together, although I doubt you ever felt the same way. What you see is a crazed killer, and you are right. I'm a maniac and because I trusted you, I'll leave you with one final message.

If I ever get out of here, I'm coming for you, because you never believed in me, and you betrayed me, and you know how I feel about that.

The End.

a/n. Thanks to everyone for their support. I've loved writing this story, and I hope you enjoyed reading it. This is the first thriller i've written, and I hope to write more. Please visit your local amazon store and you can download a copy of my books. 

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