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The autumn day is cold and bright. The sun hangs in the sky, desperately trying to bring some warmth to the ground. Despite its efforts, the cold lingers, and continues to plunge the temperature. Before long, winter would be here, and the sun will have lost the battle.

The small Mini pulled up in front of Louise's luxury apartment. Sudden fear overtook her as she remembered what happened when she was last here. Did Louise have the strength to step back inside? What if Sam is still here? Louise dismisses those lingering questions and turns off the engine. The sudden quiet is unnerving, and she listens to her heartbeat as it increases in intensity. What if Sam is still here? She cannot stop asking herself that question, wondering if he is waiting for her. The moment she steps through her front door, she would feel the cold steel of a knife plunge deep into her chest. Louise realises that she must move and ignore these feelings of apprehension. Sam would have gone. It would be foolish to stay here. The police were looking for Luke, and she had told them he was last seen at her apartment. Sam was gone.

Confidently, she stepped out of her car and felt the sudden chill consume her. It hit her hard and Louise shivered. The warmth of the car beckoned her back, and she glanced into the interior of the vehicle, wanting to enjoy the heat it offered. She knew her shivering was more than just from the cold, she was scared, frightened to step back into her apartment. She had too. Louise needed some things before setting off to the Anchor Inn. Once there, Sam would not be able to find her, and would have no idea where she was.

Louise unlocked the door, and carefully pushed the heavy wooden door inward, holding her breath and waiting for the moment she feared. Her heart pounded furiously, and her stomach tightened. Thankfully, Louise was relieved by the silence, and she laughed quietly to herself. But her heart was still hammering, beating rapidly against her chest. She shut the door and tried to ignore the persistent memories that consumed her. She had nearly died here, and searched around, remembering how she cowered in the corner, frightened and waiting for death to overtake her. Then she glanced toward the kitchen and shut her eyes. Despite her bravery, Louise could not step back into the room. The kitchen was the source of her nightmares, and she looked away before rushing into the safety of her bedroom. Grab some clothes, get the things you need, and get out. She repeated those words over in her head, trying to focus on her task. Yet, she could not hide the fear that devoured her.

Staring into the full-length mirror, Louise studied her face. She was beautiful, but not today. Her face was worn, heavy bags sat under her eyes, and her face was red and clammy. This is what fear does to you. She smiled to herself, hoping to settle her nerves. Her reflection smiled back, piecing her eyes, and making the fear worse. Grab some clothes, get the things you need, and get out. She had to get moving. Louise pulled her hair away from her face and with one final glance at her reflection, she let out a ear-piecing scream.

Behind her in the mirror, she saw Sam, standing in the doorway, smiling. She tried to catch her breath as the air was sucked out of her lungs. The way he smirked left her gasping in fear, and he just looked at her, until Louise spun round and let out another startled yelp.
'Please,' she said. 'Please don't hurt me!'
Louise was panting. Her heart was thumping rapidly. She looked at Sam, and all she saw was Luke. Underneath the sinister stare, she saw his deep blue eyes, his athletic build, and wanted to pull Luke out from his prison. Louise knew she was no longer looking at Luke. Sam was in control, and Luke was lost someone inside his own mind, trapped, without any means of escape.

Sam stepped closer without speaking, and Louise stepped back, crashing into the mirror. She wanted to help Luke, yet fear was overtaking her, and despite any attempt to stay calm, she was failing.
'Please. Don't. Hurt. Me.'
She was struggling to breathe. Sam was getting closer, and there was nothing she could do.
'I'm sorry. Please!' Her voice wobbled and she could feel her eyes welling up with tears.

Sam was now inchesfrom her face, and his eyes pieced through her, sending a shiver up her spine.Her head told her to fight. Kick him. Knee him. Do something. Her heart respondedby betting faster, and all Louise could do was stand still and wait for the endto come.
'Hello Louise,' said Sam. 'I'm notgoing to hurt you.'

How far would you go? (Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now