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'What happened?' asked Alan. 'I've been worried about you.'
Jessica and Alan sat in the school staff room, sipping from a mug of hot coffee, like two work colleagues sharing a break. The brown décor was depressing. A tatty sofa filled the corner of the room, and several bookcases sat opposite, with a mixture of assorted chairs. Under normal circumstances, this was a horrible room, yet for the teachers and staff, this room was a sanctuary, a place to hide away from the pupils who made their lives miserable.
'I'm sorry Alan, I couldn't call. But I'm fine. It was weird what happened.'
Alan kept his voice low, as other teacher, Mr Fitzgerald, glanced in their direction.
'Weird! What do you mean weird?'
'As we thought, Luke found the flowers, and the card. It didn't take a genius to work out who A was, and he was mad.'
'Did he hit you?' interrupted Alan, hanging on to Jessica's words like a love-struck puppy.
'No! Let me finish.'
'Anyway. I tried to explain. I tried to apologise, I even told him it was over.' Jessica paused and Alan's face dropped at her words. He was madly in love with Jessica, and wanted nothing to separate them, not even her husband.
'Luke wouldn't listen. And afterwards he told me to pack my bags and get out.'
'Why didn't you?' asked Alan, looking confused. 'Don't tell me you stayed at that horrible Inn?'
'No, I didn't, but listen. This is the weird part. Luke stormed off to bed, and I hoped that by the morning he would have calmed down and we could talk about this. But I knew he meant it, and decided to say goodbye in the morning, and call you.'
'Ok. So what happened?'
'I cleared up the flowers, threw them in the outside bin along with card, cleared up all the mess, and went to sleep on the sofa. All my clothes were in our bedroom, and I wasn't leaving without taking a few things with me. After a horrible night's sleep, I woke up when I heard the coffee machine. Luke was making coffee, glancing at me with a big smile on his face. Do you know what he said?'
Alan shook his head, as if Jessica expected him to know the answer.
'He said: rough night with the girls? Thanks for not walking me.'
Alan was speechless, unsure what Jessica was saying.
'Yep. That's how I reacted. Speechless. He then handed me a coffee, gave me a kiss on the forehead, and asked how my evening was.'
'Really! Did he bash his head, or something?' asked Alan.
'I don't know. But when I said weird, I meant it. Luke talked as if nothing had happened. I even mentioned the flowers, and he said: What flowers? Is that a hint that you want me to send you flowers. Very subtle.'
'You're telling me Luke didn't remember a thing about the flowers, about the card, about knowing you were out with me. Nothing.'
'Nothing,' said Jessica. 'We talked all morning, and Luke was happy, listening to my lies, as I told him about the evening with the girls, the drunken state I was in when I got home. He had forgotten everything.'
'How this that possible? He went to sleep and forgot everything overnight. Does he have amnesia?'
'I don't know. I can't explain it, but Luke does not remember us.'
For the first time Alan smiled, trying to hide his emotions in front of Mr Fitzgerald. Alan and Jessica were work colleagues, nothing more.
'Does that mean we are not breaking up?'
Jessica paused, making sure not to be overheard. Then she smiled, her eyes lighting up the room, and melting Alan's heart. He wanted to kiss her right now in the staff room and tell the world that he was in love with Jessica Hill. All he did was smile back sweetly.
'I guess not,' said Jessica. 'Maybe Luke will forget everything. I want you to call me tonight at home and see if Luke suspects us.'
'That's dangerous. What if he suddenly remembers and throws you out?'
'Then I will come and live with you, silly.'
'I'll do it and I hope he remembers. Just be careful. You know how he gets sometimes.'
'It's ok. I haven't seen Luke get angry for a long time. I think it was stress from work, but he has it under control. I'm sorry Alan, I love you, but I also love Luke and I could never leave him.'
'I wish you would. I don't think I can share you.'
'You have to. For me.'

The school bell rang, and Mr Fitzgerald shuffled in his chair, looking uneasy. Alan and Jessica both checked their watches and hurried out in the busy corridor. Children noisily pushed by, joshing, and shoving each other. Alan sighed. It was worse that a zoo, and the noise from the children penetrated his ears like a thousand trumpet blasts. He had a lesson to teach. Geography. Filling in for a sick teacher. Jessica had five pupils to see, all suffering with some teenage anxiety that they needed her expert help with. They smiled at each other and went their separate ways.

That evening, Jessica and Luke had dinner, and talked about holidays, Jessica's day at school. She even mentioned Alan's name a few times, to see how Luke reacted. Nothing. Not even a flinch. Jessica spent the evening wondering how this was possible. Luke had wiped the experience from his mind and had no knowledge of her affair. She hated lying to him, but what else could she do? Jessica needed both men in her life, and despite her attempts to break up with Alan, she couldn't. What Jessica needed was someone to share this burden with, and Debbie would listen and understand.
'I was thinking of a weekend away,' said Luke, interrupting her thoughts. 'How about this weekend?'
'Oh. That sounds lovely. But I can't do this weekend. I've got a training session at the school Saturday morning.'
Jessica was pushing her luck. This was the third training session at the school, when in fact she was meeting Alan for breakfast.
'Again?' asked Luke. 'How much training does one person need?'
'You know how it is. There's always some new mental illness that kids have to deal with, and I need to know how to treat it. I'm sorry. How about the following weekend?'
That relaxed Luke because he smiled, and tenderly embraced Jessica.
'What was that for?' she asked.
'Because I love you,' replied Luke, going in for another kiss.

The phone then rang, interrupting their tender moment. Jessica looked at the phone, knowing this was the moment.
'Who is that?' asked Luke. 'Only your mother rings the landline.'
'No idea. Hold on.'
Jessica grabbed the phone from the cradle, keeping an eye on Luke as she answered the call.
'Hello,' she said wearily.
'Alan. What a surprise.'
Jessica looked at Luke's expression, which had changed to confusion. Jessica raised her free arm and shrugged. Luke shook his head, wondering why Alan would be calling the home phone.
'Sure. Yes, I'll be there on Saturday for the training session.'
Nothing from Luke. He smiled and then finished his dessert. How could he not remember? Jessica decided to see how far she could go.
'I'd love to,' she continued. 'Coffee before a dull day. What time do you want to meet?'
Luke barely glanced up and continued to devore his toffee pudding.
'8am. Yes. I'll meet you at Benny's. Look forward to it.'
She hung up and waited for Luke to say something. She was having coffee with another man.
'Good luck, having coffee with the most boring man on this planet,' joked Luke.
How was he not jealous? Did he not remember a thing about Alan? It was weird and strange that Luke had miraculously erased everything from his mind.
'He's not that bad. Quite nice when you get to know him.'
'I don't believe that. I've met him, and he makes paint drying look cool. You're just saying that because you are the nicest, kindest person I know. Not a bad bone in your body.' 

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