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Luke sat on the sofa checking his watch. His expression was of concern. Two hours had gone since Jessica left to collect her prescription. He looked at the time again. Pulling out his phone, Luke dialled Jessica's number. He waited while the phone rang and rang until it forwarded to her voicemail.
'Hey, this is Jessica. You know what to do, leave a message. Beep!'
Luke hung up and tried again. Where was she? Had she decided to stop off somewhere? He knew she would have called if she was going to be late. He told himself not to worry, there had to be a good explanation, and Jessica would burst through the door, carrying shopping bags, and apologising for being late. He needed a distraction.

Starting up his laptop, Luke decided he would scroll through some colour schemes for the nursery. Jessica had mentioned she loved yellow, but Luke wanted purple. 'What if it's a boy?' Jessica had asked, 'he would hate purple.' Luke could tell they would have more conversations like this.
Luke stared at the website and thought back to how Jessica had commented on the hundreds of colours, the different shades, and tones that no respectable person would ever consider. He had quickly shut the screen and decided they should take a trip to the local hardware store, pick up some samples and test them out. They could go this afternoon. Luke had noticed how Jessica had sighed at his choice of colours. He wanted bold, outrageous styles. She wanted delicate, discreet colours, and would have preferred to pick the samples by herself.

He looked at his watch again. This was unlike her. If Jessica had taken a detour or was going to be late, she always called or dropped him a quick text. His screen was blank. No missed call, no text messages. Nothing. He was starting to worry and felt the tension rise in his chest. Then he flicked on the T.V telling himself to calm down. Jessica would be fine. Why did he suddenly feel like this? Luke normally did not panic when Jessica was out. Was it because she was pregnant? If that was the case, he had nine months of stress and nervousness.
The T.V came to life and Luke randomly flicked through the channels, not paying any attention to the shows. His mind was elsewhere and no matter how hard he tried, he could not focus on anything else except Jessica.

Three hours. Where was Jessica? Luke had tried her phone numerous times; it just rang and rang. He thought about the surgery. Call the doctor's and ask them what time Jessica had picked up the prescription. Did she have to see the Doctor about a matter and not feel comfortable telling him yet?
'Hello, Middle Health Practice. Trish speaking. Do you need an appointment?' The receptionist who answered the phone sounded bored and uninterested. Her words rolled off without feeling or expression. She had said those words hundreds of times.
'Hello,' said Luke, trying to sound upbeat and positive. Deep down he felt sick with worry. 'I'm trying to find out if my wife collected her prescription today?'
'What's her name?' said the bored receptionist.
'Jessica. Jessica Hill.'
The line went silent, except for the background noise of fingers slamming hard on to a keyboard. The receptionist was looking up the name.
'The prescription is still here. Do you want someone to drop it off? We have an excellent service for those unable to get out of the house.'
Luke had stopped listening. The receptionist was droning on about collection services, but all he could think about was why she had not collected the prescription. Had she lied to him? Then he thought the worst. Was she meeting another man?

He hung up the phone without saying goodbye, stunned by the news the receptionist had told him. Where was she? It was driving him crazy, and he had to do something. How could Luke find her? Russell. He would go over to Russell and Debbie's and tell them what was going on. Russell is a whizz with technology, he could help Luke find Jessica. Together, they could track her phone, and see if they can find her last position; something like that.

I feel it's important to tell you this part of the sad story. He is beside himself with worry. I want you to understand why I felt for Luke. Should he have called the police? It's only been three hours. They would tell him to wait longer. Wouldn't they?

'Three hours. Is that right?' asked Russell, pouring himself another cup of coffee.
'I don't know what to do. She normally tells me if she is going to be late. The surgery said the prescription is still there.'
Debbie walked into the room. Even in sweatpants and a baggy top she still looked glamourous. Luke had often joke with Russell how a slob like him had ended up with a beauty like Debbie. This was not the time for jokes.
'I'm sure she is fine, Luke. Probably met up with some friends and lost track of time.'
Luke shook his head and started pacing around the room. 'No. No. She would have called.'
'Mate,' said Russell, reassuringly placing a hand on Luke's shoulder. 'I could try and find her phone. Do you use Find my Friends? Or Find my phone?'
Luke shrugged. 'No idea. I just pick it up and it works.'
'Give it here, I'll take a look.'

Minutes later Russell had opened the app and was staring at a map. He smiled when a dot started to flash on the screen.
'Good thing you know nothing about technology. Jessica's phone is on the same account has yours.'
Luke sighed, and leant over to look at the phone. 'Just tell me you've found her?'
'Look,' said Russell. 'This is the last location of Jessica's phone or where she was last.'
'What do you mean last?'
'If the phone dies, the app stores the phones last location.'
'So this is where she is?' asked Luke, pointing to the dot. He studied it closer and then answered before Russell could reply.
'Why is she on the A12. Is that stationary?'
'The dot is not moving. I guess its stationary or that's the last known location,' said Russell.
'Is there anything there?' asked Luke, looking more and more confused.
'Don't think so,' offered Debbie. 'It is on the way to the surgery.'
'She's in trouble, I know it,' stammered Luke, sounding flustered.
'You don't know that. She's fine. Her phone died and that's the last known location.'
'Don't worry,' comforted Debbie. She turned to her husband, trying to signal to him telepathically. He shrugged.
'Russell, why don't you drive Luke over there. Worth checking. In case she has broken down and is walking home.'
Russell now understood the signals. 'Great idea,' he said, grabbing the keys from the hook. 'Come on mate. I'll drive you over to the A12. Then to the doctors. I'm sure she will be back before us.'
'I'll keep an eye out for her. OK?' suggested Debbie.
'Thank you,' said Luke. 'I'm sure you're right. I know I'm being paranoid. Now she's pregnant, I'm freaking out. Stupid. Really stupid.'
'No, it's not stupid. Perfectly normal to worry. Come on, let's check it out.'
Luke was right to worry. Jessica was dead and his life was about to change.

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