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Louise was truly frightened and It was exactly what i had been hoping for. Her scream had confirmed how scared she was, and I was enjoying myself, soaking up her fear like a sponge.
'Hello Louise,' I said. 'I'm not going to hurt you.'
'Please!' she pleaded. 'I'm sorry.'
I noticed her hands were shaking, and she was upset, worried that I would suddenly jump into the room and strangle her. That's what I wanted to do. I wanted her to die. I had been thinking, and thought of a better plan, one that would be more fun.
'Relax. I'm not going to hurt you.' I lowered my voice and tried to sound as calm as possible.
'I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me,' said Louise, her voice desperate and pleading. 'I didn't want to hurt Luke. I loved him.'
It took me a moment to register what she had said. She loved Luke. Like a lover? As a sister? This was getting interesting and would be more fun that I thought. I hope Luke can hear this, and I can only imagine what he must be thinking. Where is Luke, and why can't I hear him?
'That's sweet Louise, but Luke is not here, and we are going to have so much fun.'

Unexpectantly, Louise rushed toward me before I could react. Despite her fear, she still had some courage left, and slammed her body into mine, hoping to get through the doorway. I was caught off balance and stumbled away, enough to allow her to move. She was quick. I had to give her credit. Even though she was terrified, nothing would stop her. I growled, and with one arm I steadied myself, and with the other, I reached out and grabbed the back of her top. It was like pulling back a spring. She was just within reach, and the abrupt stop caused Louise to bounce backed and instantly stop. She had been so close to escaping, but I couldn't allow her to flee. I pulled her around, and watched her chest rise and fall with each heavy breath. My hand gripped her shoulder and to her surprise I reached out and slapped her across the cheek. I heard air escape from her mouth, and her face jolted sideways.
'Don't ever do that again,' I said, my voice sharp and forceful. 'Do you understand?'
I wasn't sure if she had heard me. The slap had been harder than I'd anticipated and had left a visible mark. Louise was now crying. Tears slid down her cheek, her makeup smudge around the eyes, and she rubbed her face.
'Do you understand?' I asked again.
In between sobs, she looked at me and nodded. Black streaks ran down her face and gave Louise the appearance of a sad clown. Her eyes were puffy, and I could see the hatred in them. She was angry, trying to stay in control, clenching her teeth. Best of all, she was scared.
'What. What are you going to do?' asked Louise. I was enjoying this, and like how her voice was breaking when she spoke.

I had pushed her into the spare bedroom. A neatly made bed, with matching floral covers and pillows decorated the bed. The room was painted in a soft cream and had two pictures on the wall. One of a boat, gently drifting across a lake, and the other of a lighthouse. Relaxing.
Her eyes widened when I pushed her onto the bed.
'What are you going to do?' she asked again. Her eyes gave her away, despite Louise's attempts to be brave. 'This is where you are going to live,' I said, smiling. 'I like having you around and thought we could get to know each other better.'
'You're going to keep me locked in this room like a prisoner?'
'I suppose so. What would you prefer. To be dead?'
'People will miss me. Someone will come looking for me.'
'Who? Who will come?'
'The people I work with, my friends. Someone will notice I'm missing.'
She was right. I took a moment to think about her statement, pondering how I would get round that problem.
'No they won't,' I finally said, smiling. I had the upper hand. 'It's all in taken care of. You emailed your resignation. Told your boss it was too much stress and you've taken a long-needed holiday to Hawaii. No one will come looking for you.'
'What! You emailed my work?'
'Not yet, but I will. Clever. From your computer.'

She was defeated. I could see it. Louise had to accept there was nothing she could do. She was my prisoner, and I could enjoy her company for now.
'Would you like a nice cup of tea? I'm not a monster.'
She jumped to her feet, which surprised me, pointing her finger and raising her voice.
'You are a monster! You are!'
Despite her bravery, I could see she was frightened. The wobble in her voice gave her away, and to her credit she would keep trying to the very end. Louise was a special person, and it would be exhilarating getting to know her.
'Now Louise. That's not very professional. Is that what you say to all you patients?'
I laughed before she could respond, and calmly shut the door. I heard her fists slam hard against the door.
'Let me out!' she screamed. 'Let me out!'
I turned the key and stepped toward the kitchen, ignoring her cries to be released. I planned to keep her looked away, enjoying the angry conversations we would have. Of course I would feed her and bring her drinks, and when the time was right, I would kill her.

The kettle finished boiling and her cries to be release had ceased. I hoped she had come to terms with her fate. It would be better for her if she accepted what would happen. Lost in thought I was startled by the sudden knock on the door. Was Louise expecting someone? The knock increased in intensity followed by a loud voice from behind the door.
'Ms. Hutchings. Mr Hill. It's DSI Cortado.'
The police. Why were they here? Why were they looking for Luke.
'Are you there? Please come to the door. Ms. Hutchings.'
I stood still in the kitchen, hoping the police would go away. For the first time I felt a twinge of panic. I couldn't let them ruin my plan. Then Louise started banging on her door, pounding and yelling.
'Hey! In here. Let me out!'
I had to shut her up. If the police heard her, they would break though and come to her rescue.
'Help! Help. Let me out! Help!'

I rushed toward the spare bedroom and unlocked the door. Even before the door had fully opened, I was in the room and pushed Louise back onto the.
'Shut up. Now!' I growled. 'Unless you want another one of these.' I raised my hand to show I was serious.
I was sure the room shook, because Louise let out an ear-piecing scream, before I jumped on top of her and placed my hand over her mouth.
'I hope they didn't hear you. For your sake.'
Louise twisted and struggled, trying to break free from my grip, her voice supressed by my hand.
'I said shut up!'
'Ms. Hutchings. Is that you?'

No! No! The police had heard Louise scream. I pushed down harder on her face and watched her eyes bulge. It would be so easy to keep pushing down until she stopped breathing. Louise stared back, looking terrified. She was struggling less, and the air was leaving her.
'Hello,' said the officer. 'Anyone there?'

Go away. I wanted them to go away. Everything would be ruined. I released my grip when I suddenly heard the voice in my head. Luke was back and he was yelling. I couldn't concentrate. I lost focus.
'Stop it! Stop it' I screamed aloud. Louise gasped for breath, sucking in precious air, panting, and puffing. Luke screams got louder, and he yelled in frustration.
'No! You're ruining everything.'
Louise understood what was happening, and regaining her composure, screamed louder than before, that I was momentarily stunned. Ignoring Luke's calls and Louise's shouts, I leapt forward and place my hand back over her mouth.
'I'm warning you,' I said. 'Shut up!'

I waited patiently, watching Louise struggle, air vanishing from her lungs, and hoped the police would go away. I didn't want to kill Louise, not yet anyway. But if she did not stop screaming, I had no choice. Her eyes widen in fear, and I felt that sudden rush of excitement. The police. Had they gone? Had her cries for help been unheard? I hoped they had, because Louise was struggling less, and in less than a minute, it would be over. What to do? Kill her now or enjoy keeping her as my prisoner.

I decided to let go, and watched Louise gasp for air, breathing rapidly. Outside there was no sound, and I tilted my head listened for any noise that might indicate the police were forcing their way into the house. Nothing.
'Good try,' I said, climbing off the bed. 'Nobody heard you.'
Louise looked defeated. Tears streamed down her cheek, and she stared back at me with hatred in her eyes. Luke was back, screaming, and frustrated. It was good to have him back. His thoughts, his ability to act were buried deep, and I was confident he wouldn't be able to break free.
'How about that cup of tea?'

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