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After Luke had left, Russell was concerned. He hated keeping secrets from his best friend. Yet, this secret would crush him, and he swore to himself never to reveal it. They had both agreed to take it to their grave.
Russell cleared away the dishes, spilling some ketchup on his shirt. His overweight belly protruded over his trousers and extended his white t-shirt. He had often wondered why Debbie was still with him. She was glamourous, attractive and could have any man she wanted, and yet she had stayed with him. That is why he could not understand what Jessica had done, and so soon after her wedding to Luke. He only knew this secret because Debbie had shared it with him, telling him it was too much of a burden for her to bare.

One month after her marriage to Luke, Jessica had confided in her friend, telling her she had done a horrible thing. Jessica was beside herself, sobbing, saying she did not deserve to live. How could she have done this to Luke? He was a good man. Yet, despite these feelings, Jessica also loved Alan. At first Debbie had been shocked by the revelation. Alan was her boss, the headmaster. Jessica confessed it all.
Before she met Luke, she had been seeing Alan, casually, occasionally meeting up, having dinner. Over the months, it turned more serious, until she met Luke. Luke swept her off her feet, and she found herself drawn to him. Her love for Alan was still there and no matter how hard she tried; Jessica could not bear to lose him as well. She continued to see Alan at the same time as Luke and even continued to meet him after they were married. Alan at first had been furious that she had chosen Luke but later came to terms with it. Jessica assured Debbie it was now over. This was a week ago. It was over with Alan. I love Luke, she said, and I'm pregnant.

Russell remembered the news that Debbie had shared with him. Jessica was pregnant and worst of all, she was not sure if the baby was Luke's or Alan's. If Luke found out it would crush him. How many times he wanted to tell Luke, and if he ever saw Alan, Russell swore he would punch the slimy man. Yet, he promised Debbie he would keep quiet and let Luke and Jessica sort it out. Since hearing the news it had eaten Russell up and, on many occasions, he had nearly told Luke everything. He had made a promise and swore to never say a word to anyone.
'Well, you messed that up,' said Debbie walking into the kitchen.
'Huh?' grunted Russell.
'Don't play dumb. You nearly spilled the beans. Told Luke about Jessica.'
'Oh! That. Did I?' Russell was good at playing dumb.
'Don't give me that, you know what you did.'
'I didn't say anything.' Russell shrugged, looking innocent.
'Have you seen Alan yet?' said Debbie mockingly. 'Why would he have seen Alan?'
'I was just making small talk.'
'Be more careful.'
'He has a right to know. The baby might not even have been his.'
'It doesn't matter now,' said Debbie. 'What's the point in telling him, it will break his heart even more.'
'I don't know Debs, he is bound to find out at some point.'
'Not from us. Got it!'
'Yes boss,' said Russell, saluting mockingly.

Debbie sighed and walked away, grumbling under her breath. Russell rolled his eyes and tackled the ketchup stain on his shirt. He would have to change before starting the nightshift. It was now 5pm and he started his shift at 9pm. He had worked at the shopping centre for many years and loved it. It was quiet, peaceful, and away from the crowd. He normally worked with Tommy and between them they kept the centre safe and secure.
He had time to catch a few hours' sleep and then head off to work. Although Debbie complained about his hours, he knew she secretly loved the quiet evenings without him. She would catch up with all those girly shows she loved to watch. Reality trash, Russell called it. He preferred his shows with action, cars and explosions, and Debbie hated those. At the weekend they would compromise and watch each other shows. In a few hours, Debbie would have the house to herself, and she could watch what she wanted.
'Hey hon!' she called out from the living room. 'When you come back in the morning, could you pick up some washing powder? Please.'
'Anything else?' shouted Russell. No reply.

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