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Luke stepped into office and was instantly greeted by the aroma of coffee. Whatever coffee Alan preferred it left a pleasant and inviting smell around the room. They say the smell of coffee triggers a homely feel and this helps create an inviting space for teachers and students. It did the trick. Luke instantly felt comfortable and relaxed by the sudden aroma, although his heart was still pounding, and his palms were sweaty. He really did not want a quarrel but he had to speak to this man and find out the truth.

Alan was a few years older. He sat at the desk, his deep brown eyes looking warmly at Luke and his hair was a mess. Combed backed and curling around the edges. Despite the anger Luke felt toward this man, Alan appeared friendly. His features were relaxed, the edges of his lips were curled in a semi smile, and he sat back in the plush leather chair, waving Luke into the room.
'Mr Hill. I'm so glad to see you,' said Alan, gesturing for Luke to sit down. Luke shut the solid door and edged slowly toward a chair by the desk.
'I'm so sorry. How are you coping?' said Alan, in a friendly tone.

Luke was trying to keep his rage down. He wanted to have a civil conversation with this man, but he found it difficult to contain his anger. His words poured out like a rush of water.
'Spare me the sympathy. We both know what's been going on.'
Alan was briefly taken back. He leant forward, placed his hands on the table and looked at Luke the way he would look at a student.
'I'm sorry, what do you mean?' He sounded genuinely confused.
Luke's blood was boiling; this man could lie like a professional.
'You know what I mean. Jessica. You were sleeping with her. I found your text messages.'
Alan sighed. His face dropped and that facade of confidence and innocence vanished.
'Luke. You have to understand. I didn't mean...'
'Spare me the sob story. I don't care. The truth is you stole my wife and now she's dead.'
'No! It's not like that. She loved us both. She chose you over me. I wanted to marry her before she met you.'
Luke rose from the chair. Alan flinched. 'I told you. I don't care. The truth is you should have ended it when she met me, but you didn't, did you?'
Alan shook his head. Luke continued, his words getting more forceful with each sentence.
'Tell me. Why didn't you break up with her?'
'Because. Because I loved her.' Alan was getting flustered. 'She knew me before she met you. You stole her from me!' Alan was now getting cross. His face was red. He was not going to allow Luke to intimidate him.
'She didn't love you,' said Luke, spitting out a few specks of saliva.
'Yes she did!' yelled Alan. 'She even talked about leaving you.'
Luke lost it and grabbed Alan's hands, pulling his arms and chest into the desk.
'I saw the message. You were begging for her to come back. It was over. But you wouldn't give up. You wouldn't leave her alone. It was over.'
Alan ripped his hands away from Luke's and stood up, looking Luke in the eyes. He was slightly shorter, but not by much.
'Did she tell you she was pregnant with my child?'
Luke roared in rage and scrambled over the desk, grabbing Alan's shirt, and attempted to push him away. Alan stepped back and Luke lost his grip.
'Look at you,' said Alan with contempt. 'You are pathetic. Coming in here and lecturing me. You let Jessica down. She came to me to get away from you.'
Luke leapt off the desk and rushed round, his fists raised, and he slammed his hand into Alan's chest. Alan was quicker and dodged the blow. Luke tried again, and Alan moved rapidly around the desk away from Luke's reach.
'Just stop!' said Alan. 'I don't want to hurt you.'
Luke laughed and kicked the chair away and moved toward the headmaster. Alan stood his ground and tensed waiting for Luke to strike. Luke remained motionless, looking the man who had stolen his wife in the eyes. Luke was fuming. He wanted to push Alan out of the window and laughed while he watched him plummet to his death. Luke stepped closer, until the two were almost touching. Alan remained fixed to the spot, refusing to be intimated by Luke.
'I think you'd better leave,' said Alan, breaking the tension.
'Don't think this is over,' said Luke with a stern expression. He moved toward the door, his heart pounding, sweat dripping down his back. He took a breath and opened the solid door.
'I don't ever want to see you here,' said Alan. 'You didn't deserve Jessica.' The words came out and Alan realised he should have stayed quiet. Luke roared and leapt at the man, slamming his body into the desk. Alan groaned and composed himself. Luke was acting like a madman and pulled Alan away from the desk before he could react and pushed him toward the open doorway. Alan steadied himself. Luke came at him fast and drove his fists into the headmaster's chest and sent Alan flying out into the hallway.
'Don't mention her name again. Do you hear me?' said Luke as he rushed into the hallway. Alan was lying on the floor, looking up at the deranged man bounding toward him. Angry, red faced, and hatred in his eyes.

Luke froze. He was about to kick Alan in the side when he heard a woman scream.
'Mr Hamlet,' said a voice down the corridor. 'Are you all right?'
It was a stupid question. Of course he was not ok. He was about to be pummelled by a lunatic.
'Call the police,' shouted Alan. 'Call the police.'
This threat stopped Luke and brought him to his senses. He looked at Alan, lying on the floor, his hands in the air, looking like a terrified animal. The woman down the hall rushed away, looking back to check that the situation had not escalated. What had he done. He had allowed his rage to get the better of him and nearly beat up this man. He reached out his hand offering to help Alan up. The headmaster rolled away, ignoring Luke's hand, and pushed himself off the ground.
'Get help. You need help!' he yelled.
Luke felt sick. What had he done? With a glance at Alan, then down the corridor, he tore off down the hallway.
'I'm sorry!' he shouted, before disappearing out of view.

Minutes later, Luke was back in the car, breathing heavily, waiting for the sound of sirens. The road was silent, and the school yard was deserted. Time to leave. However, his adrenaline was high, and he could not get the conversation out of his mind. Even though he had been a fool by confronting Alan, he had learnt some facts that bothered him.
The baby. Was it even his?

Luke had made a big mistake, confronting Alan like that. I'm so proud of him. Aren't you? Luke is normally timid, hates disagreement. Standing up to that slim ball made him a man. He should have finished it. Anyway, you know the deal. I'll take care of it.

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