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Russell's heart was pounding, adrenaline coursed through his body, and he could hardly breathe. What had he done? Russell had killed Louise. No. Luke had killed her, and he tried to convince himself that was the case. Rage, anger, fury, motivated him now and stuffing Luke into the back of the Mini had been satisfying. He hated his former friend and looked forward to wiping that smug grin off from his face. The Mini Clubman had a surprisingly large boot space, and Russell had doubted that a tall man could fit into the rear space. With an awkward squeeze, Luke had tucked himself away, and the hatch had shut easily.

Russell pulled the Mini off the driveway and looked back at the apartment. He felt bad for leaving Louise behind, but what other choice did he have. The police would arrive, and they would never believe his side of story. He had the illegal gun, he had shot Louise, and his hands were covered in her blood. Russell would not go to prison.
'I'm sorry, Louise,' muttered Russell, backing onto the road.

The sirens blared louder, and the night sky filled with red and blue, as police cars rushed into the street. They were heading toward Louise's apartment just as Russell straightened up the car. He panicked, seeing the swarm of vehicles moving toward him. Russell had to get out of here, but it was too late. A police car quickly sped up behind him, and Russell pushed the accelerator down, and shot down the road, leaving a trail of rubber on the tarmac. His escape made him look guilty, and he had to get away. All logic and sensible thought had disappeared, and all Russell could think about was escaping. The police car wavered before turning and giving chase. This was it, thought Russell, time to drive like a maniac. What was he thinking? Worst of all, he did not know who he was anymore. For a split second, Russell wondered if he should give himself up, try to explain what had happened. Then he heard the banging coming from the back and remembered why he was doing this. He had to kill Luke. It was the only way. Russell pushed the Mini harder, listening as the engine roared louder, and he disappeared down the road.

The police car was in pursuit, its lights flashing, and the driver issuing commands into his radio. Russell kept his eyes on the flashing lights that were gaining. The Mini was fast, and he was able to turn tight corners without crashing the car. Russell had seen enough movies to know how to deal with a high-speed chase. Drive like you owned the road and try not to die. He had to go faster. He had to lose the police car. Russell changed gear, and watched the speedometer increase as he rushed down the street. He spun the wheel in a tight 90-degree turn, lightly touching the brake, and felt the car effortlessly slip down a narrow street. He put his foot down and sped forward. The evening traffic was light, and Russell was able to move down the road without meeting any slow drivers. He caught sight of the police car giving chase, and the driver was relentless, matching Russell's movements, and staying close to the black Mini. How was Russell going to lose him? This was a professional, and Russell was trying to drive like he was on a racetrack. Yet, fear and adrenaline can make you accomplish amazing things, and Russell felt exhilarated, pushing the car faster and faster, trying to out-maneuverer. He could do it.

The narrow road ended, and Russell could see the busy crossroad up ahead. There was no time to stop, and his only hope was to keep his speed up, and hope for the best. Russell wanted to close his eyes, and gripping the wheel tightly, he took a deep breath and shot across the lanes, hoping no other traffic would cross his path. He had been lucky, and launched across the road, missing a white van that would have driven into his side if he had been seconds later. The blue and red lights were still reflecting off his mirrors, and Russell glanced briefly behind him to see the police car dived out into the busy crossroad. The police officer was not as fortunate. Attempting to keep up with the Mini, the driver launched into the crossroad, hoping to miss any traffic, but was met by the white van. The police car swerved to avoid a collision, and the driver of the white van locked his brakes and fought to control his vehicle as he slid across the road. The police car skidded across the junction, losing precious speed, and frantically trying to keep the car steady. The white van slammed into the safety barrier, ripping apart the grey metal barricade, and came to a stop, smoke rushing out from the engine. The police officer had regained control of his car, and without waiting to investigate the crash, rushed after Russell.

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