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A/N - I've shorten the chapters, making it easier to read.

I'm currently updating the chapters with corrections. Please feel free to comment and vote.  Enjoy.  Daniel

First, let me start by saying hello. I'm glad you could join me. I've been dying to tell this story. Before we start, let me introduce myself. I'm Sam. You can think of me as a sort of narrator, and I'm going to be telling you this story. I only ask two things. Do not ask who I am. All you need to know is that I'm Sam. Second, do not ask me where I'm from. I'll leave that up to your imagination.

It's difficult to know where to begin, but I'll try to skip out some of the unnecessary detail and get to the point. Now you know my name, let's begin.

This story revolves around a lovely couple, Luke, and Jessica. Happily married. Great jobs, nice house, and lots of friends. They had everything. That's why this story is so sad. A few years ago, Luke's life unravelled and it turned into a nightmare. I could not stand by and watch, I had to get involved. But first, I'll tell you what happened and why Luke's life went downhill. When I saw him, he was completely deflated. He had lost that spark he once had, and nothing mattered anymore. I had to help him, but more about that later. Are you ready? Make some tea, or coffee, whatever you prefer, and tuck into a few biscuits, then I will begin.

Luke is a good-looking guy. Works as a graphic designer in London. He is good at his job. Manages some big clients, overseeing rebranding, websites, logos, and advertising. At forty years old, he has a good athletic body, keeps in shape and cares about the things he eats. His short blond hair is neatly cut. Not a buzz cut, but short enough. It suits him. Gives him a boyish appearance. His eyes. Deep blue eyes. When you gaze into them it's like looking in a pool of crystal-clear water, that reminds you of sparkling blue oceans. That is what Jessica finds irresistible about Luke. The first time they met, she stared into his eyes and was immediately sucked in. That's what she tells all her friends. She said that when he gazed at her, she felt him looking into her soul and her heart stopped. Love at first site. Very romantic. That was two years ago. They met, they danced, he met her parents, she met his, and after six months, they got married. Too quick? They are in love, soul mates, so why wait? That's my view anyway. Call me old fashioned. When you meet your true love, time is meaningless, and you want to be with that person every waking minute of the day. Some people are meant to be together, and when you look at Luke and Jessica, they look like they belong together.

Let me tell you about Jessica. She is three years younger than Luke, 37, or is it 36? I can never remember. Anyway, she is younger than him. Long blond hair down to her shoulders, pale green eyes, and always has the perfect tan. She never uses a tanning salon or goes on holiday every five seconds; she is naturally blessed. People are always asking her if she's just come back from holiday. She works at a school. Counselling. When it gets too much for the kids, they talk to her, and she sorts out their problems. The kids love her, and she is always busy, managing problems and making things right.

Like Luke, she is athletic. Runs every day. Through the woods, up the hill, down the road and always grabs a single shot, low fat, extra hot, latte for the walk home. It's her reward for another successful run.
When Luke proposed, he took Jessica to Venice. He arranged for a Gondola and during the trip, the boatman starts singing, 'will you marry me, Jessica Hutchings?' You can imagine, it freaked Jessica out, wondering why a strange man was asking her to marry him. But when she looked back at Luke, he was holding out a box with a huge diamond ring, which gleamed under the sunlight. Jessica laughed and of course she said yes.

Jessica became Mrs. Hill, and it was perfect. Until the day I met Luke.

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