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I'm so glad you are here. Sitting alone in Louise's apartment, without Luke was distressing. This is the first time I had been on my own, and Luke is silent. I know he is still here. I can feel it, but I can't find him. Thanks to you, I'm not alone, and you understand, don't you? Luke no longer understands why I'm doing this. This was all for him, he should be grateful. Yet, I feel free, able to do what I want, instead of being second place within Luke's mind. I like it. I like this new freedom, and I will finish what I started, but not for Luke. For me. You get it? You have never left my side, and now you are part of this.

I had spent the day alone in Louise's apartment. It was a lovely place, expensive and tastefully decorated. She must have spent a fortune on the décor, including having the apartment re-modelled, to include a stylish kitchen. The silence had been unnerving. I had become used to sharing Luke's thoughts, his feelings, and seeing life through his eyes. It had served its purpose, allowing me to tuck away anything that I did not want Luke to worry about. When Luke found out about Jessica, it left him feeling empty and betrayed. I had felt that inner turmoil, experienced Luke's pain and I could not let him go through it. Jessica's deceit tore Luke up, and finding those flowers and readings Alan's expressions of love toward her was unbearable. When Luke had gone to sleep that evening, I had tucked away the experience, burying it deep within his mind, so that I was the only one aware of her acts of disloyalty. Luke woke up as if nothing had happened, barely aware that he and Jessica had argued. I remember Jessica's face. Luke had asked her to leave, and in the morning, Luke found her packing a bag ready to depart. He was confused, worried that she was leaving him, and when he asked her, poor Jessica was as perplexed as Luke; it was almost comical. These two soulmates bewildered by each other's actions. I had wanted to laugh, but I knew the truth. Over the months, Luke had caught Jessica out. The late nights working, the weekends away at conferences, the trips aboard. All lies, and I tucked them away out of reach from Luke. When the time was right, I would deal with it, and Luke would be happy again.

Maybe it had been the silence. Without any distractions I was able to think about Jessica, and those events came to mind readily. I hated her, and nearly acted rashly on many occasions. I had learnt my lesson. After the incident at Luke's school, I now knew how to control these feelings, and when I acted it would be with perfect precision. The quiet had also given me time to think about Louise.

I had wandered around her lovely apartment, examining her cupboards, opening drawers, and flicking through books. She had excellent taste, and everything about her told me she was an orderly person. I liked that about her. In fact, there was a lot I liked about Louise. She would have been my choice, not Jessica. Despite my feelings for Louise, she had lied. She could have helped Luke, she could have told him the truth, yet like her sister, she had betrayed him, and I could not tolerate that. I wanted her to like me, but I also wanted her dead. It was strange to feel these conflicting thoughts, and I tried to think clearly, but I was confused, and shrugged it off, trying to focus on what I needed to do. Louise had to die, and Russell would also pay. Then I could be free, and live the life I always wish Luke had, without worry or consequence.

I wondered if Louise would come back to her apartment. If she had any sense, she would get as far away as possible, never to return. As the day progressed, I started to doubt whether she would, and then I felt that familiar excitement when I heard a car pull up on the driveway. It was a black Mini, and Louise was driving. A caught sight of her through the window and ducked out of sight. This was perfect. I could not believe she would be this foolish. Did she think I had left? Surely not. If she had any sense, Louise should have known that I would be waiting for her. Was she here to confront me? I would soon find out and made sure to stay out of sight, hiding in the shadows.

From my hiding place, I watched her. Her dark hair swayed in the breeze as she stepped through the front door. She was hunched over, tentatively looking around her apartment in case I leapt out and attacked her. There was something about her, something Jessica lacked, and I liked that in Louise. A confidence and a quiet presence. Even with her dazzling smile, and eyes that drew you in, Louise was brave and fearless. She had to be, returning to the place she almost died. Best of all, she was scared. That courage was still there, but the more I watched her, the more I could see fear was taking its place, and I loved it. I could sense it. I could see it, and watching her, she was frightened.

Louise vanished into her bedroom and I smiled to myself. I could get used to looking at her, and it seemed a shame to kill her. Did I have to kill her? I wanted her to like me, I wanted what Luke had with Jessica. I knew it was impossible. In her eyes I was a monster, and you can never love a monster. I could try, and that would be worse than death. Trapped with me, living a pretend life. Yes. It was perfect. I didn't need to kill Louise to make her suffer, and I could get what I wanted.

She screamed when she saw my reflection. I stepped into the doorway of her bedroom and Louise let out an ear-piecing scream when she saw me. I couldn't blame her. I had snuck up on her without warning, and I was smiling, admiring the view.

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