19. The Battle That Ends It All | Part 3

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Rey followed behind Kylo's ship straight towards the palace. As she tried to catch up (since his ship was going much faster), Rey asked herself why Kylo even used a ship. He can literally apparate anywhere he wanted to in the galaxy...so why is he flying?

Though she wished she could dwell on it more, Rey realized she was falling behind and needed to focus on tailing him. Shifting into higher gear, she pushed the controls forward, blasting the ship with speed. Kylo was reaching the palace a lot quicker than she was, despite her efforts to catch up.

Seeing the ship land on the balcony, Rey quickly circled the palace to land there too. When she got out of her fighter, she noticed Kylo was already out of his ship and gone. Panic was in full blast now as she started to sprint towards the open hallways.

Rey turned a corner and finally laid eyes on Kylo almost at the end of the long hallway. She went back into a full sprint, trying yet again to catch up to him. But as she finally started to decrease distance between them, Ben turned the corner into the hallway they were in and her heart dropped. Kylo threw himself at Ben and the second his hands landed on him, they both disappeared.

"NOOOOOO!!" Rey screamed, dropping to the ground. Her hands slammed on the marble floor with a thunder clap, shaking the palace grounds from the enormous shockwave of force she emitted.

She heaved as the tears overflowed, continuously pouring out of her eyes along with her cries piercing through the air.

I was too late. She thought to herself.

I failed.


Finn and Poe finally reached the hallway Hux described to them and unlocked the living complex entrance.

"This door is different." Finn said as they entered the next hallway.

"Wait until you see this one." Poe said as he stood in front of Hux's door.

They stood in front of the stone door and both nodded, opening it with the key.

Rose jumped up from her spot on the edge of the bed and turned to face the door. But what she didn't expect was to see the faces of her two best friends.

"Finn! Poe!" Rose cheered with excitement. Relief came over her briefly but quickly went away as her thoughts began to scramble.

"H-how did you guys get in here? Hux is the only person with the ke-" Then it clicked.

"He gave it to you guys. You guys saw him! Is he okay? Is he safe? Does he need our help?" Rose panicked asking her friends for answers.

"Rose, don't worry. He's fine." Finn assured her, but furrowed his brows as if to ask why she seemed to care so much for him.

"In fact, it was actually Hux who got us here safely and discreetly." Poe added.

Rose felt her heart about to burst, knowing she's already missing him. But knowing there's most likely a time crunch, Rose focused her mind on the task at hand which was getting out of there safely and undetected.

"We gotta go, now. Follow me, I know the best way out."


Sweat and tears merged as Rey broke down to what felt like a dark, empty abyss. Her heart burned with pain and grief as she tried to take in what just happened.

But in a moment of clarity, Rey straightened herself up and slowed her breaths. Closing her eyes, she began to focus on the force, tapping into it as much as she could.

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