13. Unexpected Visits

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In the outskirts of the city, there's a building.

Behind its doors lies the path to the one you seek.

There, you will find what you are looking for.

Ben made his way through the massive city, with Rey's grandmother's words repeating itself in his head. Further and further away from the secret courtyard, Nami's shop, ...the palace.

It was late in the night, not one soul lurked the streets, except his. But that might not've been entirely true.

Ben's attention on his trail was pulled away when he sensed a movement in the force surrounding him. He stopped in his tracks but didn't turn around. He knew exactly who it was, and eagerness to see them was far from how Ben felt.

"I should've been there."

Ben didn't move after his grandfather spoke.

"When you needed me, I should've been there. You called to me, countless times and yet, I never revealed myself." Anakin said softly.

Ben closed his eyes as the sad feeling of betrayal, he had felt for so long, familiarized itself through his veins.

"I'm sorry." The words Ben didn't know he longed for spilled out of his grandfather mouth.

He needed guidance at his lowest point, whether it was darkness or light, he needed someone. And the only person he knew could help him at that time, didn't show up. Granted, the man was dead, but Ben knew he had the ability to come around if he so wished.

"You asked for my guidance. I didn't give it to you then, but if you'll take it, I'll give mine now."

Ben continued to stay silent, his back facing the blue aura as he waiting for his answer.

"Follow your heart, kid. Don't let the minds of others blind you or lead you astray. What you're doing now is selfless. You didn't need to do this for them, yet here you are. On your way to retrieve just that. A good man you've become, truly. You'll find that following your heart will always get you where you want to be, and I see you've already started to see that." Anakin smiled to himself as he thought of Ben's selfless act of saving the one he loved, Rey. His enemy, became the person he loved the most in the whole galaxy. Someone he would die for—would live for.

"Someday, I wish to share all my wisdom and lessons learned with you. But for now, I wish you well on your journey. Give this galaxy what it truly needs."

Anakin looked at the back of his grandson one last time.

"Call for me. I'll be here this time, always." He finished.

Ben slowly let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. Turning around, he came face to face with the emptiness of the alleyway. He questioned if any of that really happened, but he knew, feeling it in the Force, it was all true.

"I forgive you...grandfather." Ben managed to whisper aloud. Letting himself take in the relief, he continued forward and came about an entrance.


Of course, he thought.

With a wave of his hand, the doors slid open. Ben entered the darkness before him fearlessly. He had faced many tremendously devastating and traumatic things in his life, including losing Rey. Nothing feared him the most than losing her again. This was nothing.

Ben made his way down a set of stairs and was met with another set of doors. But this time, he wasn't going to open it on his own.


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