1. The Emperor's Defeat

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Everything began to fall apart around her. The ground, the walls, everything crumbled. Then it all came to a stop. As she began to embrace the silence around her, she dropped Leia and Luke's lightsabers along with herself, falling to the ground. Her mind stopped spinning as she embraced her dying state, accepting the end of her journey.

As he used whatever strength he had left to climb up through the open ground, Ben reached the top. He limped over to Rey's dying body and held her in his arms. All he kept thinking about was that this couldn't be the end of her legacy, that she had come so far from absolutely nothing. Her life would've been, in many ways, a waste if she was gone. As he looked into her eyes, he saw that most of the life that was in her was gone. Ben lifted Rey's dead body to his chest and held her tight. He couldn't believe that through the years of constant opposition, it would have lead to him holding the dying body of the one he'd come to fall in love with. He really loved her, even when he wouldn't admit it. It was clear to him now that because they were always in a situation where they were "close but not close enough", Ben had always wanted her. Like Snoke had said, he had compassion for her. And he was right.

Ben laid Rey back down on his lap and placed his hand gently on her abdomen. Closing his eyes, he focused on transferring what he had left of his life into her to bring her back. He had never done this before, but that didn't stop him from trying. Then, he felt a soft, now warm, hand place itself onto his. Ben opened his eyes to calm, gleaming ones. Rey sat up in his arms, threatening a smile on his face as relief swept over him.

"Ben." Rey said with a smile. Ben searched in her eyes, wondering if she felt the same about him in the way that he did. His heart burned as Rey placed her hand on his cheek and kissed him. Sparks lit within both souls as they held each other tighter. They slowly separated and looked up into each other's eyes. Ben laughed a little and Rey smiled back. As this happened, however, she noticed the color drain from his face and grabbed him before he fell back onto the ground.

"No," Rey said desperately, "Don't leave me now, Ben. Please." One hand held his hand and the other caressed his cheek. She closed her eyes and began to transfer energy like Ben had just did to bring her back.

"I'll be okay, Rey." Ben said softly.

"No, you can't leave me Ben." Rey said to him as she tried to transfer more of her life into him. She couldn't hold back her tears that began to stream down her face, but Ben smiled softly and reached to wipe away her tears. Then slowly, closed his eyes.

Rey looked up at the large opening that displayed the defeated fleet of the Final Order and the ships of the victorious resistance. Palpatine had held all of the power of the Sith before him, and after his death, all of that force energy returned to the world around them. Rey reached her hand up while the rest of her channeled the newly released energy around them. Lightning bolted through her fingers and pierced through the sky above them.


Everyone on the Falcon cheered, no doubt doing the same as everyone else in the resistance, except for Finn. He had this feeling that he had lost Rey and couldn't think about the resistance's newly found victory. A bright white and blue light caught his glancing eye and he immediately stood up. Running to the window, Finn knew that it had to be Rey.

"Chewie! Take the ship to that opening, now!" Finn shouted towards the cockpit. Chewie called back and flew the ship into the large opening, landing it close to Rey and Ben. Finn and Jannah ran out to aid the two into the ship.

Rey laid Ben in the bed so he could rest and kissed him on the forehead. As she looked at his worn down and exhausted face, Rey couldn't help but briefly think back to the small yet meaningful moment they just had. It was hard for her to take it in, because in some ways, she didn't feel it was real. Sharing a kiss with the one person that drove you mad. Throughout the years, Rey kept convincing herself that she hated Ren. But in the long run, that wasn't quite the case. After making sure he was still breathing and assured that he was asleep, Rey got up and walked over to Finn.

"So Ben's back, I'm assuming?" Finn said with a smile.

"Yeah, he's back," Rey smiled trying to resist the threatening blush, looking back at the sleeping jedi. It was hard to fathom that Ben really did redeem himself in the end. She couldn't wait to tease him about being the one to turn once he wakes up. Rey turned back around and gave Finn a hug.

"You're in love with him, I can see it." Finn said quietly to Rey after they separated from their embrace.

"I guess I am. I never knew, but no doubt the feeling's there." Rey thought back to what would've been her and Ben's most intimate moments. They might not have been physically present in the other person's setting during force connections but that didn't change the fact that feelings began to develop. Both had taken their position in the force spectrum to heart and didn't want to go against what they stood for. So there was always conflict between the two, despite the fact that they were two sides of the same coin. Rey thought through all the possible times that could've sparked their intimate bond, even without the manipulation of Snoke, who turned out to just be Palpatine all along. When Kylo had interrogated her, Kylo was still on the dark side. However, he was conflicted, constantly feeling the pull to the light. And his encounter with the girl didn't go the way he had expected...

"Where am I?"

"You're my guest."

"Where are the others?"

"You mean the murderers, traitors, and thieves you call friends? You'll be relieved to hear I've no idea."

Rey began to feel the anger grow in her slowly.

"You still want to kill me."

"That happens when you're being hunted by a creature in a mask."

Kylo brought his hands up to his mask and took it off. And stood up, towering the scavenger...

Oooooo first chapter done!! Thoughts? Ideas? Tell me in the comments! Will begin chapter two as soon as I post this👍🏼
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