9. The One Who Still Could

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Ben fell asleep shortly after, but Rey sat up against the bed frame wide awake. She was happy he fell asleep so easily though because as far as she knew, he hadn't slept well since Exegol.

Rey was reading through her Jedi text that she held in front of her when suddenly she heard a voice call her name.

"Rey," it said in a whisper.

The voice was coming from out of the bedroom. She turned over to look at Ben to make sure he was still asleep and then as silently as she could, snuck out of the bed and into the grand hallways of the palace.

It called out to her again in a soft singsong way this time as if it were luring it's prey. Rey, still being cautious, walked slowly around a corner to another hallway and there he was.

Leaning against the wall, Kylo smirked down at Rey. Her face went from shock, to confusion, then to annoyance.

"Why does this keep happening?" Rey said with that annoyed voice.

"What do you mean, flower?" Kylo responded, still smirking.

"Why do you keep appearing? My dark half appears every now and then too. I don't understand." Rey said, completely looking over the fact that he called her flower.

"Well isn't that something you have to figure out?"

"I guess so, but what is there to figure out? I killed Kylo Ren when I stabbed Be-" Rey paused as realization sank in.

"Ah yes, there it is. You figured it out." Kylo said with a sly voice.

"I split you guys in half," Rey said breathlessly, more to herself than anyone.

"You saved Ben Solo. You redeemed him. But all that darkness that he built up over the many years, escaped from him and manifested itself into a being." He said gesturing to himself, still keeping their volume low.

"So I can easily kill you?" Rey asked but it came out more as a statement.

"It doesn't quite work like that. See, I'm not human, I can disappear into the Force at will. It'll take a lot more to get rid of me."

"Oh I'll get rid of you if it's the last thing I do. I'll find a way. This galaxy doesn't need anymore of your influence. You killed hundreds of thousands of innocent lives-"

"Done by the hands of the person who sleeps beside you at night," Kylo said, cutting her off, "And how does it feel to actually sleep with the person who killed all those 'innocent lives'?" He pushed on, mentioning their intimate moment that happened not even a few hours ago, making Rey blush at the thought.

"Have you really forgiven him? 'Cause here you are, standing before me, accusing me of all the horrible things he committed."

"No, Ben was a victim to your influence,"

"He made me."

Rey stopped, looking into Kylo's eyes in defeat. They were no different from Ben's. Her dark half possessed sith eyes but Ben's dark half still had his eyes.

Reading her thoughts, Kylo said, "that might aid you in figuring out why I'm still here. We share the same eyes, not different like you and your half. So there must be some Kylo left in him."

"H-how, I-I," she didn't know how to respond anymore. He won this time. But she'll find a way to get rid of him. Rey watched angrily as he slowly faded into nothing. His smirk now burned into the back of her eyelids.

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