18. The Battle That Ends It All | Part 2

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Hux and Rose turned a corner and came to a stop two doors down. The hallway seemed dimmer than most of the hallways.

The General took a key out and unlocked it, leading to another hallway. But this was much more beautiful. Stone walls and marble flooring, soft luminescent lights brightening the room. Quite the scenery change from the rest of the ship.

As the door closed and locked itself behind them, Hux led Rose down the elegant hallway and to another door. This door was also made of stone, but with floral carvings elevating its appearance.

"Hux, where are we exactly?" Rose asked, not so much concerned, more so just confused.

"My...quarters." He responded just as he opened the door.

The inside was nothing Rose had ever seen before. It was the most regal and captivating room she'd laid eyes on. The room was lit with soft, illuminating lights. And the bed was fitted with silk sheets and what seemed like a mountain of pillows.

"This is where you s-sleep?" Rose was amazed at the reality that was Hux's identity unfolding layer by layer.

"Live I would say. The only time I leave this room is because I'm called on duty. Otherwise I'd much rather stay safe and cozied up in my 'humble' quarters." Hux shrugged off.

"Humble might be an understatement." Rose said still dazed.

"Yes, I agree." He quickly replied.

As Rose continued to look around, she started to question why she was even brought here in the first place.

"Armie...why am I here?" She asked just above a whisper.

"It's so hard to lie when you call me that." He said in the same fashion.

The two stood, only two feet apart, with hearts that could possibly shatter any second. They were scared, not for their lives frankly, but for the idea that this may be their last encounter.

"Tell me."

Hux sighed softly.

"The battle is about to begin. I'm required to stand on duty and command. To be quite honest, it's hard when you're high up in ranking, you probably know that. But the name is really the most you get out of it around here. Everything else is hell."

Rose's throat began to feel sore and tighten, and Hux could see the slight quiver of her lips. She had a feeling where this was leading.

"This may seem like another prison but if this is the last time I see you, I'd at least know that I had you somewhere safe. Safer than anywhere else in this ship. These quarters are not to be entered by anyone except the residents that live in the complex. And I'm the only one with a key to my room."

"...did you say last time?" Rose asked, clenching her teeth unwillingly to suppress her cry afterwards.

"Maybe." Armitage whispered. He walked up to her slowly and placed his manicured hand on her cheek. Rose closed her eyes as a tear slipped down, and the General took his chance and kissed the girl. The girl that loathed him beyond anyone else. The girl that spat on him. The girl that listened to her heart and didn't give up on him.

That girl kissed him right back as she brought her dainty hands to both his cheeks. It felt like a goodbye kiss that they didn't know they'd dreaded but knew that it was what they wanted deep down.

They slowly pulled apart, pressing their foreheads together.

"Thank you for believing in me, Rose." He smiled.

"Thank you for giving me hope in ways I would've never imagined." Rose said in returned. They laughed together, knowing the unexpected relationship they built was unimaginable. But maybe they could only leave it at that.

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