17. The Battle That Ends It All | Part 1

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He was back for a health check up after he had stopped all interrogations on her. Rose was left very confused from that first interaction where Hux confessed to having somewhat of a heart. But he sure left quite an impression. So much so that she couldn't take her mind off of him.

Hux went through the usual routine, running through the checklist of health diagnostics. Rose still stood there bored as always, but this time, Hux unchained her cuffs.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Rose asked frantically and even more confused as ever.

"Oh so now you're questioning why you're not held against your will?" Hux asked in a somewhat of a charming way.

"Well it's not everyday that your captor releases your bondages."

"Fair enough." Hux chuckled.

"Seriously though, why are you doing this?"

Hux looked at her softly with a little twinkle in his eye, "I'm taking you somewhere safer."

"Ohhh ok, safer than being held captive by The Debris."

"Th-the Debris?" Hux asked confused.

"Right, I forgot that you were unaware. We, the resistance, named you guys that. The Debris. Left overs from the last battle. Hmm, should've named you guys the leftovers-"

"Oookay let's get you out of here. Maybe solitary confinement messed with your head a little too much."

"Uh, ya think?" Rose said, making them both smile as they walked out of the dungeons.


The Resistance had all of their fighters ready for battle. Every jet was fueled, all weapons loaded, and all minds set for the end. But not for one person.

Rey sat in her room, her saber clenched in her hands. She knew that there was one person she had to focus on and that was Kylo. No doubt they would come face to face wherever the battle ended up. But she thought maybe it was the anticipation of the unknown that was getting to her. Rey didn't know what was going to happen. Almost like she was walking to her fate, facing Palpatine once more. But this was not the same. She actually loves this one.

Then finally, she sensed it.


"No, no, no, no, no! This can't be happening! Finn! Poe!"

The two generals sprinted towards Rey as she scrambled out of her room.

"Rey what is it?" Finn asked.

"They're going to attack Naboo."


The resistance arrived as fast as they could to Naboo, just outside of the planet's atmosphere. And just as they formed a defensive barrier above the planet, the enemy arrived.

Both sides begin to fire, laser beams flying back and forth between the two. But to no one's notice, except Rey of course, one tiny ship flew below the battle and straight into Naboo's atmosphere.

Rey knew exactly who it was and flew right after him.


IM SORRY!! I know, hella short.

But it's because it's divided into 4 parts sooooo.

Deal with it.

Also, I needed that cliffhanger, can't wait for you guys to read what's next. Tehehhehehe😈

Don't forget to SHARE and VOTE!!!!

May the force be with you, always...🦋

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