11. On My Way

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She walked up behind him as he sat on the cold bench, looking out to sea, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders and to his chest. She pressed a soft kiss in his jet black hair and rested her cheek against it as she hugged him.

Ben smiled warmly and closed his eyes, bringing his own arms up to hold her arms closer to him. The warmth of her against his back brought him comfort. A soothing to his uneasiness of everything. His past. His life. His history.

She was his light.

"How were the kids after I left?" Rey asked as she sat beside Ben, her back facing the night sky and dark sea.

"They were good, the older ones are catching on quick. The little ones are still tryna get the hang of it."

The two smiled. Not out of instinct, but because of how natural it had become for them to speak of children the way that they do. Like parents, who were proud of their children's progress. Something they had lacked, but felt honored to be the ones who were there for those who wouldn't have otherwise.

Their minds had synced up in that moment, thinking about the same thing. A dyad thing they supposed. They thought about their purpose. Their purpose to the galaxy, what they wanted for it.

They wanted to bring togetherness to the part of the universe they call home.

Sure, build a new government, a fair one of course. But no one would be left behind. They wanted to give the children what they never had and what they wished they did. The feeling of home, love, someone that cared for them and would be there for them. Because to them, it seemed that no one had cared or thought about them. They were nobody.

"Then thats what we'll do." Rey responded to their thoughts softly.

Their hopeful notions were disrupted when they sensed a signal from the Falcon. Ben and Rey were up on their feet as they sprinted to the ship and activated the communication system.

"Rey? Ben? Anyone copy?" Poe's voice came through.

"We're here. Is there something wrong?" Rey responded.

"I'm afraid so. Someone we weren't expecting has returned."

"Not again."Rey dropped her head as she muffled out. Ben had to bite his lip just to stop from smirking.

"Who is it?" Ben said, pressing the commune button down.


The two froze, staring blankly at nothing.

"Uhhh, hello?" Poe asked after a good amount of seconds had passed. Rey was the first to shake out of it and pressed the button.

"Um didn't you say something about him helping you guys escape?"

"Yeah, I also said that he doesn't care who wins, as long as Kylo Ren loses." Poe said quite frankly.

Rey thought she heard Ben say something along the lines of 'what did I do to deserve this' under his breath, and turned to him with furrowed brows and flatlined lip. She wanted so bad to smack him up side the head, but Finn's voice came through the comm.

"We don't know how he survived the battle but we know he definitely had some help."

"From who?" The two questioned in unison.

"We aaaalso don't know that bit of information," Poe chuckled off nervously, "but we're gonna need help."

Rey looked to Ben with concern and saw him deep in thoughts. He already knew what Rey was going to think and was already a step ahead of it.

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