6. A Touch

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He held her so carefully, making sure she felt safe in the situation. Which was the best and most romantic way to get to her heart and mind, it was his evil way to get her to give in to him. Rey eased in and kissed Ren back, slowly but desperately wrapping her arms around his neck. Their lips moved in sync as she pulled him closer to her body, wanting more. This made Ren smirk because it meant Rey's heart didn't fully lie with Ben's, that the dark can potentially consume her.

They slowly separated, panting heavily with their heads pressed together. Rey's heart was racing and her mind was spinning. Did that just happen? As she tried to think clearly, Kylo fell unconscious in her arms, his dead weight almost pulling Rey down. She grabbed ahold of him before he fell to the ground and frantically looked around to find a way out.

Soon enough, Rey was able to get them back to the falcon and off the planet. As they floated above the atmosphere of Mustafar, Rey sat next to the bed and watched him sleep soundly. She thought about everything that had just happened. It was clear to her that the force was sending a message through these 'obstacles', but it was a matter of figuring out what they meant. And on top of everything, feelings had gotten involved and she didn't know what to do. For once in her life, she felt helpless, defeated, unsure of what she could do to help anything. There was a galaxy that needed to be restored with peace, and she felt like she was doing nothing about it. All she'd done so far was run around with Ben and let her feelings get to her head.

What am I doing? She thought to herself. She needed to focus on what needed to be done instead of floating around, not contributing to anything. Rey was finally devoted to figuring out what the force was telling them. With all these illusions and hallucinations of their dark halves, there had to be something it was trying to tell them.

Rey brushed her fingers through Ben's hair as he continued to sleep, then got up to head for the cockpit. After settling in the pilots seat, she put in the coordinates for a planet she was curious to visit, and jumped into hyperspace.


Rey landed gently on the beautiful planet, and gathered everything to unboard the ship. She entered the summer palace and walked down its gigantic halls to find a room to sleep for the night. The sun had just set as she placed her belongings down on a couch in the quarters she had found. Rey admired the beautiful scenery and wondered what it would've been like if she ended up growing up here instead of Jakku. She frowned slightly and headed back to the ship to retrieve Ben.

After getting him to the room without waking him, Rey placed him on the soft, silk bed. She started to wonder what he would be like when he wakes up. Would he return to being Ben, or continue to be possessed by his dark persona?

She didn't want to worry about it, so she left the room to explore the empty palace. Because night had fallen, everything was dark, but the bright moon shone through, making everything mostly visible. The hallways lined with columns, as they were open to the outside, so soft breeze from the water passed by her as she strolled through the massive open hallway. She came to a balcony that sat on a cliff, overlooking the massive sea before her. Rey finally felt at ease after everything that happened that day. The sound of small waves crashing against the rocks, the breeze blowing passed her ear, and the silence of all the slumbering creatures, soothed her mind.

Despite trying to clear her mind though, she couldn't stop thinking about Kylo Ren kissing her. It reminded her of when she kissed Ben back on Exegol, but thinking back on it, it seemed very much just in the moment. Rey couldn't sense Ben's feelings, meaning they were being blocked, something he was really good at. So now, it was confusing her even more. Does she love who he is now, or what he was then? All this thinking only made her head ache so she decided to go back to the room and try to catch some sleep before the beginning of her new journey.

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